All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support for using regex for files to skip in backup file.
- Custom command for MySQL databases.
- Custom command for MariaDB databases.
- Custom command for PostgreSQL databases
- Support for MSSQL databases.
- Validation for backupDir property.
- Validation for compression property.
- Validation for databases property.
- Validation for directories property.
- Validation for expireTime property.
- Validation for fileName property.
- Internal documentation.
- Readme file.
- Support for using regex for files to include in backup file.
- Support for using regex for restoring files from backup file.
- Support for PHP 5.1 and later versions.
- Internal documentation.
- Command for creating backup of MySQL databases.
- Plugins for checking source code with Phan.
- Database handler for SQLite databases.
- Extension details in composer.json.
- Template file for pull request.
- Code of conduct file.
- Contributing file.
- Template file for bug.
- Template file for feature request.
- Todo file.
- Funding file.
- Funding section.
- Compatibility check for PHP 8.
- Template file for bug.
- Template file for feature request.
- Internal documentation.
- Code of conduct file.
- Readme file.
- Contributing file.
- License file.
- Todo file.
- Validation for dumpCommand property.
- Validation for loadCommand property.
- Internal documentation.
- Contributing file.
- Repository for packagist assets.
- Code Of Conduct file.
- Supported PHP versions in composer.json.
- Internal documentation.
- Database handler for MySQL databases.
- Database handler for MariaDB databases.
- Database handler for SQLite databases.
- Database handler for PostgreSQL databases.
- Support for dumping and restoring data for PostgreSQL databases.
- Configuration of commands for MySQL databases.
- Commands for MySQL databases.
- Changelog file.
- Validation for backupDir property.
- Component for making backups.
- Support for dumping and restoring data for MySQL databases.
- Support for dumping and restoring data for MariaDB databases.
- Support for dumping and restoring data for SQLite databases.
- Functionality for creating backup file in tar format.
- Support for compressing backup file in Bzip2 format.
- Support for compressing backup file in Gzip format.
- Support for compressing backup file in Zip format.