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Releases: Azure/azure-functions-durable-js

Durable Functions for NodeJS 2.0.1

03 Jun 22:11
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UPDATE: Some backwards compatibility issues were detected on release. Please fast-forward your upgrade to v2.0.2

Durable Functions for JavaScript 2.0.1 is a patch release that brings a missing dependency to the package.

npm package


  • Move moment.js back from devDependency to dependency (#367)

Durable Functions for NodeJS 2.0.0

03 Jun 17:23
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UPDATE: Some backwards compatibility issues were detected on release. Please fast-forward your upgrade to v2.0.2

Durable Functions for JavaScript 2.0.0 is a major version release that brings dramatic performance improvements to the platform, makes a few breaking changes to streamline the programming model, and brings some new features. See below!

npm package

Performance Improvements

  • Adopted a linear-time orchestrator replay algorithm (#305)

New Features

  • Support for long timers (#340)
  • Support for polling in CallHttp (#346)

Bug Fixes

  • Timers can be cancelled more reliably (#345)
  • Internal issue with TimeStamp parsing (#336)

Breaking Changes

The following breaking changes were introduced in #305

  1. Returning a un-yielded Task from an orchestrator is no longer valid. Previously, a statement such as return context.CallActivity(...) would be treated as return yield context.CallActivity(...). This is no longer the case. Make sure you’re yield’ing all your Tasks instead of returning them.
  2. The ContinueAsNew API can no longer be yielded. Previously ContinueAsNew could be yielded or simply called as a fire-and-forget operation. Our original intention was for ContinueAsNew to be fire-and-forget, so now we throw an exception if you try to yield it.
  3. All user-facing Task types now inherit from a single identifier: Task. Additionally, the user-facing Task` types have been simplified and, in TypeScript, they no longer expose various properties that were meant for framework-internal use only. We heard your feedback requesting a more streamlined experience with Task-types, so we hope this makes things easier.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the full extent of breaking changes. That said, as with any major version release, it’s always a good idea to test that your application continues working after upgrading to the new version. If you find an undocumented breaking change, please report it to our repo’s issue board here; thank you!

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.4

22 Jan 00:36
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.4

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.4 is a minor patch-release that simply updates various development time dependencies for npm audit compliance.

npm package

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.3

22 Nov 22:30
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.3

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.3 is a minor patch-release that simply updates various development time dependencies for npm audit compliance.

npm package

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.2

22 Jul 21:15
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.2

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.2 is a minor patch-release.

npm package


  • The currentUtcDatetime API now updates correctly after a -WithRetry Task failure (#278)

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.1

25 Jun 18:39
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.1

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.1 is a minor patch-release with exciting improvements for the TypeScript experience.

npm package


  • Added missing @types/node dependency to the project (#270) which was previously an undocumented requirement to building TS DF projects.

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.0

23 Jun 23:29
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.0

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.0 is a minor release with exciting improvements for the TypeScript experience.

npm package


  • Enabled a simpler unit-testing experience for JS/TS (#262)

  • Improved our TypeScript type system, especially around Entities (#195)

    • These new changes use generics to make the exposed type system more consumable to end users. When building entities, you can now specify the type of an entity's internal state and input. You can find an example here. Thank you @aaronpowell for your contributions here! ✨✨

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.6

19 Feb 23:44
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.6

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.6 is a minor hotfix release.

npm package

Bug fixes

  • Implement pagination for getStatus APIs: #244

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.5

14 Jan 19:56
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.5

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.5 is a critical release for security updates, please upgrade to this latest version.

npm package

Security Upgrades


  • Improved Contributor's Guide: #229
  • Minor dependency upgrades: #233, #227, #193

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.4

08 Oct 03:37
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.4

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.4 is a tiny release, which fixes a minor serialization problem that had been affecting some users

npm package


  • Fixing serialization problem on strings, which were being interpreted as other types when passed through the API (#217)