Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.0
Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.0
Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.5.0
is a minor release with exciting improvements for the TypeScript experience.
npm package
Enabled a simpler unit-testing experience for JS/TS (#262)
- Check out the new sample here, especially this file which demonstrates how to mock DF APIs: https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-durable-js/tree/dev/samples/UnitTesting
Improved our TypeScript type system, especially around Entities (#195)
- These new changes use generics to make the exposed type system more consumable to end users. When building entities, you can now specify the type of an entity's internal state and input. You can find an example here. Thank you @aaronpowell for your contributions here! ✨✨