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Releases: Azure/azure-functions-durable-js

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.3

02 Jul 23:20
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.3

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.3 is a tiny release, which provides the missing declaration files, for IntelliSense support, that were missing in the previous release: 1.4.2

npm package


  • Linting the samples (#196)
  • Providing the declaration files, for IntelliSense support, which were missing in 1.4.2

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.2

22 Jun 23:28
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.2

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.2 is a minor release focused on bug fixing and increased testing

npm package


  • Testing Matrix now includes Node.JS v12.x(#192)
  • Pretty-fied the TypeScript codebase with a style enforcer (#192)
  • New Contributor's Guide (#124)

Bug Fixes

  • Subtle ordering error in retry-logic fixed and a minor optimization for increased performance (#165)

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.1 Release

17 Apr 20:45
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.1

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.1 is a minor release aimed at improving the development experience.

npm package


  • Our build system now preserves JSDoc annotations in the generated declaration files, enabling IntelliSense suggestions and the automated generation of documentation

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.0 Release

14 Apr 22:20
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.0

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.4.0 fixes multiple bugs and updates our TypeScript
support to version 3.8.3. The latter is potentially a breaking change, so make sure to
update your type signatures.

npm package

Bug Fixes

  • Fix updating isReplaying flag between activity calls (#161)

  • Correctly update the isReplaying flag for a failed activity (#164)


  • Adds support for using asynchronous code in a call to an entity. (#168)

  • Upgrade TypeScript to version 3.8.3 (#173), this is potentially a breaking change.

  • Upgraded our mocha dependency, as recommended by npm audit. This too is potentially a breaking change

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.3.3 Release

11 Feb 19:20
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.3.3

This is a bug-fix release of the JavaScript SDK for Durable Functions.

npm package

Bug fixes / improvements

  • Fix bug in 1.3.2 where df.Task.any() will never select timers (#153)
  • Allow df.Task.any() and df.Task.all() to include tasks generated by df.Task.any() and df.Task.all() (#149)

This release also includes the below bug-fixes, that rely on changes in the durable extension (release v1.8.5 or greater if using Durable Functions 1.x, and the upcoming release v2.2.0 or greater if using Durable Functions 2.x):

  • Fix orchestration non-determinism failures when an orchestration throws an error (#125)
  • Support local HTTP endpoints (#62, #86, #90, #150)

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.3.2 Release

09 Jan 02:15
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.3.2

This is a bug-fix release of the JavaScript SDK for Durable Functions.

npm package

Bug fixes / improvements

  • Invalid TypeScript signature on callHttp API (#119)
  • Fix tokenSource format issue in callHttp API (#136)
  • Add strictBindCallApply flag, upgrade TypeScript to 3.2 (#137)
  • Unhelpful error message when orchestration not found (#53)
  • Yielding the same callActivity task twice results in activity being incorrectly triggered twice (#85)
  • WaitForAnyTask is not compatible with TimerTasks (#63)
  • Updated to TypeScript 3.2.4

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.3.1 Release

01 Nov 16:48
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The latest release can be found on NPM:

Issues fixed

  • Removed dependency on npm. (#106)
  • Fixed continueAsNew() on Durable Functions 1.8.0 and greater (#101, #81, #57)
  • Removed bug with callSubOrchestrator() when no instance id was provided. (#54)

General improvements

  • Turn on strict null checks (#110)
  • Rework generator result handling logic (#114)

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.2.4 Release

31 Aug 00:40
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.2.3 is a small bugfix release. Thanks to @cgillum and @cliffkoh for their contributions, and to everyone else who filed issues, submitted PRs, asked questions or reviewed code.

Bug Fixes

  • Exception thrown when passing large input to orchestrator function (#93) - note the default ASP.NET Core restriction (10 MB) is still in place at the Functions host-level.
  • CurrentUtcDateTime advancement logic gracefully handles history event exhaustion. Previously users had experienced their orchestrators intermittently crashing due to the orchestrator handling logic attempting to access the timestamp property of an undefined value. This should no longer happen.

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.2.3 Release

30 Aug 23:46
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This was a bad release that didn't include all of the required files.

Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.2.2 Release

06 Jun 23:09
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Durable Functions for JavaScript 1.2.2 fixes multiple bugs and introduces some new features and enhancements.

Thanks to @sdoucetOctopus, @runceel, @cliffkoh and everyone else who contributed by filing issues, submitting PRs, asking questions or reviewing code!

New features / enhancements

  • Support showInput parameter on DurableOrchestrationClient.getStatus (#29)
  • Support DurableOrchestrationClient.purgeInstanceHistory (#30)

Bug fixes

  • currentUtcDateTime in DurableOrchestrationContext has the wrong type (#45)
  • Orchestration function that returns false is converted to null (#50)
  • Orchestrator output exception when orchestrator returns undefined (#61)
  • context.df.Task.all doesn't throw error (#66)