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Releases: Arzio/ArzioLib

1.8.0 released!

15 Oct 19:10
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The main goal of this update is to fix the support for CD 1.3.2.

  • Some deprecated module files were removed (they have been in the .jar file, but was not being used anywhere).
  • The "CombatLog duplication fix module" have been removed, since the mod no longer includes a combatlog system.
  • Some error logs now shows more information.

Since CD is a mod and people should not use old versions, I will keep supporting only current CD versions like as I always did.

1.7.15 released!

30 Aug 16:56
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This update:

  • Fix a NullPointerException thrown during the call of PlayerData.getBase() in a context where the player does not have a base.
  • Fix the possibility of getting the base of the wrong owner in PlayerData.getBase() due to bases of different owners being in the same XYZ locations in different worlds.

1.7.14 released!

28 Aug 13:48
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This update removed the TileEntityLoadEvent and TileEntityUnloadEvent classes.
They were created to be used as a low-level tool to work with Tile Entities, but Cauldron had some issues with it. It does not support so well as I thought.

As no one was using this API, it got removed, and the Bases API does not uses caching for bases anymore.
The getters from BaseProvider now creates new instances of the Base object for every method call, like as Bukkit's World.getBlockAt(x,y,z) does. In other words, the Bases API is still the same, but the backend got changed.

1.7.13 released!

28 Aug 02:10
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Somehow the World class is not the same in Bukkit and Forge.
This was making the game get confused about which List/Set field it should use.

This fixes again the same bug as the last release.

1.7.12 released!

27 Aug 18:25
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Fixed server crash due to CastException. This was being caused by Cauldron's wrong NMS class naming.

1.7.11 Released!

27 Aug 16:26
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Fixed GitHubUpdateChecker always using ArzioLib as the referred plugin.

1.7.10 released!

27 Aug 16:12
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  • Blindness will be removed when your leg gets healed
  • Improved Base API performance
  • Added module to autotically create timings when your server TPS is down (depends on Essentials)
  • Added getter for exact clientside bullet hit location on CDBulletHitEvent
  • CustomGunsAndAmmos and CustomLoots modules are now disabled by default
  • PlayerData object now supports isAiming() method
  • Added API for paiting and colors of guns in the ItemStackHelper interface

1.7.9 released!

31 Jul 18:41
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This update removes the config file for the kick-players-before-server-stop module. It will now use the server's shutdown-message from bukkit.yml and also translate the color codes of this message when kicking a player.

1.7.8 released!

31 Jul 00:57
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  • Added module to kick players before the server stops (enabled by default). The kick message is configurable. This is useful to avoid some glitches and item duplications.
  • Fixed exceptions caused by race conditions from third-party plugins
  • Improved PlayerData.getPlayer() method performance

1.7.7: Fixes and additions!

29 Jul 23:28
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  • Fixed region events and flags not being called sometimes
  • Added 4 new flags: player-enter-commands, player-leave-commands, server-enter-commands and server-leave-commands. These flags makes the server or the player run one or more commands when entering or leaving a region. For the server flags, you can use the %player% expression in a command.
  • Added optional disable-leg-break module (disabled by default)
  • Added a configuration at ProjectileProtectionEnchantmentCompatibility Module to consider or not the player boots