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Releases: Arzio/ArzioLib

1.5.3: Armor penetration is back!

28 Apr 03:03
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As CD 1.2.8 already fixes everything about armor penetration, we don't need to worry about the armor penetration damage bypassing WorldGuard anymore.

  • Fixed stackstrace log caused by deprecated entities during server startup
  • Armor penetration is back. It had removed due to a bug that allowed players to kill eachother on non-pvp areas,

1.5.2: Compatible with CD 1.2.8!

27 Apr 06:51
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This update:

  • Fixes some console spams caused by the CD 1.2.8 update
  • Has deprecated the support for Head entity at the API level

1.5.1: Armor Penetration Hotfix

21 Apr 23:10
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  • Armor penetration is now disabled by default until the next Crafting Dead update.
  • Added two new commands:
    /thirst (/sede) - arziolib.thirst
    /thirstall (/sedeall) - arziolib.thirstall

1.5.0: Quality of Life update!

14 Apr 00:40
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Added module which allows you to equip attachments and magazines directly from any inventory by placing down the item into any slot which contains a gun.
Improved API.

1.4.6: Simple update

30 Mar 22:17
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Added possibility to change how much time a corpse will take to despawn.
Fixed a simple cast exception caused by YML parsing.

1.4.5: Okay, more tiny fixes

29 Mar 18:43
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Fixed an untested module that was not working.
Fixed RealSound module playing gun sounds even with the gun fire event being cancelled.

1.4.4: Tiny fixes

27 Mar 14:10
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Fixed typo

1.4.3: Fixed performance issue with zombies

20 Mar 15:56
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Fixed zombies AI impacting performance when trying to follow projectiles and C4 bomb instead of grenades.

1.4.2: More modules!

12 Mar 15:48
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Added module for auto loot respawning on chunk load (Default OFF)
Added module to configure which blocks a zombie can spawn (Default OFF)
Fixed wrong gun names on RealSound module configuration

1.4.1: Changes for grenades

10 Mar 16:48
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Removed extra speed for grenades in FixGrenadeThrowPosition module
Fixed possibility of NPE in FixGrenadeThrowPosition module