A docker environment to use Kinect v2 with ROS
make build
docker-compose up catkin-build
docker-compose up kinect2-bridge
Follow the steps shown here
Make a directory for storing images
mkdir calib
Collect color images
docker-compose up kinect2-calibration-record-color
Calibrate the RGB camera
docker-compose up kinect2-calibration-calibrate-color
Collect IR images
docker-compose up kinect2-calibration-record-ir
Calibrate the IR camera
docker-compose up kinect2-calibration-calibrate-ir
Collect synchronized RGB and IR images
docker-compose up kinect2-calibration-record-sync
Calibrate the extrinsics of the RGB and IR cameras
docker-compose up kinect2-calibration-calibrate-sync
Calibrate depth
docker-compose up kinect2-calibration-calibrate-depth
Copy the generated parameter files to
catkin_ws/src/iai_kinect2/kinect2_bridge/data/<sensor serial>
NOTE: Change the parameters of the checkerboard in the commands depending on the one you use.