Releases: 10yard/dkafe
DKAFE v0.22
Convert dklava and dkwho hacks to MAME plugins and remove redundant scripting from DKAFE interface.
Update default romlist.csv - all roms are now recordable.
Add "dkcoach" plugin
Add "launch with coaching" to the launch menu options
DKAFE v0.21
SKILL_LEVEL setting between 1 and 10. 1 is default read from the settings file for Beginner.
Skill level acts as a multiplier for the target scores required to earn coins.
Increase the number of recordings which are displayed on the launch menu to 8.
Flag any recordings that are above 100kb in size (configurable in settings) with love heart so they are easier to find in the list.
Clean up the frontend sounds to remove noise -as reported by Hitesh
Adjust some defaults for better performance
Add Windows XP build script
Add Dkong Fireballs hack by Raulitokong. It appears in the quick access the game list
DKAFE v0.20
Add DK Japan version support
Add setting SHOW_SPLASHSCREEN on start of frontend
Improved performance launching emulator on Raspberry Pi using Window Management. It's much quicker to launch MAME in a window then switch the window to fullscreen.
Add settings EMU_ENTER and EMU_EXIT to specify optional commands to run before and after entering the emulator. Some defaults were provided for Raspberry Pi.
Set Jumpman's status to "Not ready to play" when game is paused
Fix some bugs with overwriting text because Pauline had too much to say.
Add DK Barrels Only hack
Add DK Springs Only hack
Update DK Pies and DK Rivets to use the relevant board in attract mode
(Allows push of coin during gameplay to trigger end of game, sacrificing all remaining lives. This allows a score to be registered after reaching your target points.
Minor fixes:
Register callback in LUA to more frequently refresh score awards
Adjust jumpman's ladder centering
Clear screen when launching game
Force -nonvram_save when launching DKWolf
Tweaks to DKWolfRPI
Remove DK Last Man Standing hack
Remove gohufont which was used for DKWolf UI
DKAFE v0.18
Add Window management to Raspberry Pi installer to force focus back to DKAFE after returning from emulator. This was causing issue after playback only. Set default frontend to use "wmctrl" in settings.txt.
Update "What's next" with more development ideas.
Add validation to romlist.csv
Add DK 40th Anniversary Edition Hack by Paul Goes. Created arcade machine icon and updated romlist.csv
Add DK Rivets hack and artwork
Add recording emulator column to romlist. A preferred emulator can now be set for recording, or recording can be disabled.
Update romlist to include DK Rivets and remove the recording specific version of Donkey Kong (from slot 1) since the launch menu can be used to "launch most games with .inp recording"
Raspberry Pi update to follow
- Added the awesome Barrelpalooza hack by Paul Goes
- Added DK Pies Only hack by me. Pies Only will now appear when DK Junior rom is not provided (instead of DK Trainer).
- Add launch menu when launching game with P1 button.
- Launch menu makes it possible to launch games and record to .inp and also to play back previous recordings.
- Use <RECORD_ID> in settings instead of combining and . The system will generate a unique ID for the .inp file when recording gameplay.
- Update LUA interface to prevent overwrite of author information in the Barrelpalooza hack.
- Remove the score target screen that appeared before launch of hacks that do not have the DK climb scene. It was unnecessary. We have the HUD to provide score target info.
- Increase coins awarded for achieving 2nd place to 1500.
- Pauline announces longer game description when available in romlist.csv
- Minor changes made to the default romlist.csv and readme file
- Fix DKWolf build issues on Raspberry Pi
Added BASIC_MODE setting to allow quickly switching off multiple features. Toggle option added to the in-game settings menu.
Allow LUA based rom hacks to run in BASIC mode (without additional DKAFE features).
DK Lifts trophy in the air after prize awarded.
Minor artwork updates.
DK grabs trophy when a prize is awarded to Jumpman
Reset bonus timer (to 8000) after prize awarded
Minor artwork updates
Minor bug fixes
Prevent flasing REC wording interfering with above girder (for recordings).
Also for recordings, the score targets should not be considered. Remove targets when reading from romlist.csv
Add input debounce after exit of MAME to prevent unwanted exit of frontend.
Update map to close the top ladders.
Reposition Jumpman to centre of ladder when climbing or descending a ladder.
Pauline annouces when prize is won encouraging Jumpman to collect coins
For "DK Last Man Standing", change the default penalty points to 10,000.