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Releases: 10yard/dkafe

DKAFE v0.52

03 Nov 19:27
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Add volume control for playlist and PLAYLIST_VOLUME option in settings.txt

Add more information and a thank you screen to the intermission and increase delay between screens
Add another track to the default playlist from MotionRide
Windows XP build of DKWolf brought all the way up to v0.241 (from 0.196) so it now supports Crazy Kong and Galaxian bootleg/hardware conversions.

Update build scripts

DKAFE v0.51c

27 Oct 16:04
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Rebuild DKWolf v241 for Windows and rpi4 with bigkonggx (Big Kong on Galaxian Hardware) support. Including a patch to MAME's Galaxian driver.

Add bigkonggx to interface
Add high score support for bigkonggx
Replace ckongmc in the frontend with bigkonggx (ckongmc is very similar to ckongg)
Mute audio when skipping the climb scene on Crazy Kong bootlegs.
Updated some game descriptions

b) and c)
Fix issue with coin drop

d) 2 additional tracks added to default playlist

DKAFE v0.50

24 Oct 16:21
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Add full interface support for the crazy kong galaxian conversions (ckongs, ckongmc and ckongg).

Add score targets to romlist for ckongs, ckongmc and ckongg
Add "Continues" option to selected DK roms from their launch menu
Simplify the LUA interface scripts

Added ability to warp between stages by jumping on to the oilcan and dropping down through it to warp - as suggested by Justin De Lucia

DKAFE v0.49d

17 Oct 21:44
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ENABLE_PLAYLIST" option added to settings.txt. Option is disabled by default. The option can also be controlled via the frontend (tab) menu.
When the music playlist is enabled, the frontend will randomly play music from the "playlist" folder instead of regular DK background music.
mp3 and ogg files are supported.
5 default .mp3 files are included in the playlist folder. Music courtesy of and MyNameIsBanks. See readme.txt for the creators video links.

Fix issue with score targets shown during the "Crazy Kong Alternate Levels" climb sequence.

Some Crazy Kong gametexts were updated.

Minor rearrangement to rivet slots in romlist.csv to move machines away from the top of a ladder.

b) Add level 5 start and stage practice support to the Crazy Kong bootlegs. DK Galaxian support is not yet provided.
c) Don't repeat tracks in the playlist if there's more than 1 track available.
d) Rework the START5_FRIENDLY and STAGE_FRIENDLY compatible roms and criteria. It is not feasible to maintain an "UNFRIENDLY" list as this would contain any custom roms outside scope of DKAFE patching.

DKAFE v0.48c

10 Oct 19:27
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Update dkwolf build on Windows to include Galaxian hardware for default build. This enables support of several Donkey Kong/Crazy Kong conversions.

Added these bootlegs:

  • Donkey Kong on Galaxian Hardware
  • Crazy Kong on Scramble hardware
  • Crazy Kong on Moon Cresta hardware
  • Crazy Kong on Galaxian Hardware
  • Crazy Kong Part II (Alternative Levels)

Rearrange the default romlist.csv
Check rom files exists when populating the frontend

DKAFE v0.47

28 Sep 21:19
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Add any unused games in the romlist to rivets - where default slots are occupied by the optional roms (DKONGJR, DKONG3, BIGKONG, CKONGPT2).
This includes DK Remix, DK2600, DK Pies and NoLuck Kong.

Add "DK continue" and "DK JR Continue" hacks with plugin, patches, artwork and gametext.

DKAFE v0.46

14 Sep 19:47
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Resolve issue with highscore.dat that was effecting Donkey Kong Junior. A memory offset was missing from the file.

Fix autostart feature, it was occasionally failing to start I now check the game has started before releasing the automatic P1 button press.
Improved game text for DK Japan and DK Hard Kit.
Added "DK Accelerate" rom hack by Paul Goes to the barrel stage. Added patch, artwork and gametext.
Moved HalfKong to the rivet stage.

DKAFE v0.45

07 Sep 12:28
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Added rivets stage to frontend - accessed via climbing up DK's ladder.
Added exit arrow to barrels stage (at top of DK ladder). Thanks to Justin De Lucia for this contribution.
Added START_STAGE option to settings (0=barrels, 1=rivets)
Added slot positions to rivets stage. There are now 88 slots in total (rivets starts from slot 48)
Added more hacks to romlist.csv and they appear by default on rivets stage.
Added patch file and icon for dkchorus so it could be added to frontend.

DKAFE v0.44

16 Aug 16:00
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Resolve issue (#10) with default Windows install when the install path includes spaces.

DKAFE v0.43b

03 Aug 22:18
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Mods to hiscore plugin to provide support for:
dkongx (D2K Jumpman Returns)
dkongx11 (Spooky and Christmas Remix)
dkongf (DK Remix Demo)

Hiscore plugin mod to assign unique save file names for DKAFE roms

Resolve Galakong highscore sync issue

Added launch option to start coaching from level 5. Useful for practicing the more difficult springs.

Fix miscolored text in Donkey Kong Heart Hunt's HUD. Also slightly reduce the required points it's a tough game.