Releases: 10yard/dkafe
DKAFE v0.62g
Add Pico-8 Fantasy Console support (via zepto8) and 3 DK clones
Add TIC-80 Fantasy Console and 2 DK Clones
Add Tandy TRS80 support with 4 DK clones
Add Thomson MO5 support with 1 DK clone
Yet more DK clones added to add-on pack
Apple ][: Applekong and Budgie Kong
BBC: Builder, Krazy Ape and Krazy John
Amstrad CPC: Killer Gorilla and Kong's Revenge
DOS: David's Kong
PC: Donkey Kong Attacks Again
Spectrum: Killer Knight
Add in the Crazy Kong stage on Windows x64 only for PC and DOS shell
Bring XP build up to date.
Minor Updates
Swap out Fix-It Felix (Genesis and C64) on the arcade floor with VTech "Police Jump" and C64 "Monkey Kong".
Adjust map on Crazy Kong stage to prevent jumping up to the girder above from the oilcan
Minor key mapping adjustments
Restrict other inputs when prompted "Jump to Continue"
MSX DK icon improved
Debounce DKAFE exit
Fix exit bug after prize award
Swap in Wally Kong for Monkey Kong
Update gametexts
DKAFE v0.61
Build DKAFE without console for cleaner launch of external games and programs.
- Add-on pack can now be downloaded and installed directly from the DKAFE settings menu.
- Sharp MZ700 system added with a couple of unusual DK clones,
- VTECH Creativision added with it's Police Jump clone
- More Sinclair Spectrum/ZX81 clones added.
- The add-on game menu is now ordered into sub-headings. Games are unlocked in groups e.g. All C64 games become available when you unlock the first one on the arcade floor.
- Resolve bug with forced keyboard mapping for DOS and PC. Replace the multithreading procress approach with a simple background prograam - remap_pc.
DKAFE v0.60b
Windows code signing implemented with Open Source Developer Certificate. Launch and DKWolf executables are now digitally signed so the application should be trusted and not present warnings at install time.
Simplify shell interface using a data table, allowing multiple inputs during boot.
Boot optimisations.
General performance improvements.
Update to Python311 on x64 Windows.
Added Commodore C16/Plus4 support with several DK clones for the system.
Even more DK variants added.
MSX - Apeman Strikes Again (it's ace)
MSX - Congo
CPC - Climb-It
DOS - Willy the Worm
Apple ][ - Cannonball Blitz
Allow music to play new tracks when menu is open - using callback
Add PC and DOS to arcade floor when using 64bit Windows, otherwise revert to some Zelda DK hacks.
Add Amiga DK remake to the frontend/arcade floor
v0.60 b)
Add Atari ST and 3 DK clones including the excellent Kid Kong and Monkey Business.
Add C64: Fast Eddie (clone)
Add Vid20: Logrun (clone)
DKAFE v0.59
Clean up DKChorus sounds/muting
DKDuel interface support with extra coin config
Interface support for Crazy Kong Pt2 2023 version with various play options
Continue plugin updated
Decimal places are now used for sorting optional slot positions.
Addon updates:
Commodore VIC-20 support added
DK Ocean version now up and running (required c64p system)
DK+, Bonkey Kong, DK Junior (2014) and Jumpman Junior added to C64
Added Game & Watch and LCD icons
Elevator stage added to frontend and populated with console games.
Crazy Kong Barrels (stage 5) is hidden for now. This will be filled out with PC and DOS games later.
CK Girder stage complete - but not activated in the frontend. This will become the home for DOS and PC games (targeted at Windows only).
System specific start up text when launching console games e.g. PUSH P1 TO START or PUSH JUMP TO START
Add Madgregal DK simulators under PC
Complex LUA shell interface logic replaced by a simple data table
DKAFE v0.58
a) Add-on Improvements.
- Add-on support for LCD Games (such as Coleco Donkey Kong and Gakken Crazy Kong)
- Support external PC games via shell and include "Fix It Felix Jr. Classic", "DK Redux" and "Amiga A500 DK PD" in add-on
- Give focus to external called programs.
- Added staging environment of dosbox-x for DOS game support.
- Added support for Congo Bongo and Logger arcade games which appear as "Bonus" items in the add-on pack
- PC games check x64 compatibility when installing add-on pack to x64 target
- Temporary keyboard remappings for duration of game managed in config
- Force quit for games that are hard to exit.
- Add-on targets don't appear now until after quick start is done
- Display P1 or JUMP button to start for add-on games. These buttons are used to select options etc instead of the game default (space, enter, s, etc)
- Preparing message appears on launch when installing add-ons. It can take a few seconds to extract all the files.
b) Fix bug when checking for add-on installation
c) Remove rom validation warnings - which occur for some console add-on roms
Add-on specific config files are saved post launch - to allow for changes to be made in MAME
Resolve default config issues with C64 and ZXS
DKAFE v0.57
Add DKWolf support for SNES, ORIC1, Dragon32 and Coleco ADAM computer
SNES has classic kong homebrew remake added to pies stage
ORIC games are available via game selection menu - the controls for all of these are shocking
The Game list can now be quickly scrolled using left/right arrow keys (or page up/page down).
Also detect longer key press of up/down to scroll through items quicker
Force hide of cursor on game selection menu.
Add Game & Watch support. Include artwork in add-on-pack.
State files (for instant loading) are installed to Windows 64 only. Other platforms will automatically generate the state files on first load of a game (when necessary).
DKAFE v0.56b
Added "Crazy Kong Part II 2023 Revision" hack by Sock Master
Added "Pac-Man Crossover" hack by Paul Goes
Add DK NES Medley by Chiptunema to playlist
Added support to DKwolf for consoles and computers.
An optional add-on pack includes over 100 Donkey Kong ports and hacks for the following classic home consoles and computers. The pack will not be hosted on github.
- Atari 2600|5200|7800
- Atari 800XL Computer
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo Gameboy|Gameboy Color
- Famicom Disk System
- Colecovision
- Intellivision
- Tandy Color Computer 3 (CoCo3)
- Texas Instruments TI99/4
- Amstrad CPC
- Sinclair Spectrum
- Commodore 64
- Commodore Pet
- BBC Micro
- Apple ][
The console games will appear on the pies stage.
In unlock mode, you must play for a given amount of time to win coins instead of reaching a target score e.g. Play 2 minutes for 3rd prize, 4 minutes for 2nd prize and 8 minutes for first prize.
The default controls have been configured to work with arcade controls. Typically press "Jump" or "P1 Start" to start - ignoring specific keys displayed in the game menu.
LUA shell script to optimise loading of console roms and handling specific configurations.
b) After feedback from Justin De Lucia.
Fix bug with LUA interface
Correct colour of bottom exit ladder on Barrels stage
Remember the last selected (or launched) game from the quick launch menu. Saved on exit too.
DKAFE v0.55b
Additional "Pies" stage added to frontend
Fill out the pies stage with derivative roms. The 12 additional patches are based on Galakong, Lavapanic and DK Who. They allow you to play a specific stage.
Add hack for Killscreen Level 22 game (dkong and ckongpt2 versions).
Add new dkend hacks, they play up to level 1, level 3 and level 5.
Add display rotation functions and ROTATION setting to in-game menu and settings.txt - compatibility only with modern Windows versions.
Add Hammer Time Remix by Mitchel Gatzke to the playlist
Playlist converted to .WAV on Windows XP for improved performance
Fix bug with launching games when subfolder is "shell"
b) Minor tweaks
Correct the exit ladder colour on rivets
Minor adjustment to slots on rivets to account for ladder repositioning
Correct location of Pauline's speech bubble on rivets
Down arrow hint near oilcan is delayed until warp animation completes.
DKAFE v0.54
Add continue support to "dkongwho", "dkonglava", "dkong2600", "dkongchorus"
All Galakong variants now supports continue
Playlist remembers previously played tracks so they don't repeat as often
Music added to default playlist:
"Do the Donkey Kong (Instrumental)" by Buckner & Garcia.
DK remix by Nintega Dario
DK C64 remix by Sascha Zeidler
Update thank you screen
Interpret True & False as 1 & 0 when reading settings.txt
DKAFE v0.53
Remove slots from top of ladders (6 on rivets). Revised to 82 slots total.
Add continue support to Crazy Kong. Patches and gametext for "CK Continue" and "Crazy Kong 117". Icons added to rivets board.
Tweak to patching to allow unique subfolder names for non dkong roms (e.g. ckongpt2_117)
Fix system imports
Add continue support to more hacks
b) Fix ckongpt2_continue score reset
c) Fix bug with toggling settings outside of menu (SHOW_GAMELIST and ENABLE_PLAYLIST)