A pipeline for identification of chromothripsis breakpoints and cancer rearrangements
$ git clone https://github.com/wtsi-hpag/stepStone.git
$ cd stepStone
$ bash install.sh
If everything compiled successfully you must see the final comment: "Congrats: installation successful!"
The genome aligner BWA-mem2 (https://github.com/bwa-mem2/bwa-mem2), minimap2 (https://github.com/lh3/minimap2) and samtools (http://www.htslib.org) are downloaded and compiled by stepStone.
Program: stepStone - a pipeline to identify chromothripsis breakpoints and rearrangements Version: 2.0
Usage: ./stepStone command [options] \
-- breakpoints Detect breakpoints
-- plot Plot depth of coverage
-- align Align reads to a reference \
===Detect breakpoints with aligned, and name sorted sam,bam or cram files: \
$ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone breakpoint -nodes 60 \
-data ccs/ont/ont-NLR/ngs-HiC/ngs-10X/ngs-SSR \
-bam /myspace/desk/test-sorted.bam <output_breakpoints.vcf> \
--- Note: the sam/bam/cram file has to be Name sorted! --- \
--- If not read name sorted, please do the following: --- \
--- samtools sort -@ 60 -n your.bam new.bam --- \
===Detect breakpoints with fasta/fastq long read files: \
$ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone breakpoint -nodes 60 -data ccs/ont \
-reads input_long.fasta/q <Input_Reference> <breakpoints.vcf> \
===Plot depth of coverage for all data types: \
$ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone plot -bam /myspace/test-sorted.bam -sample cancer \
===Align reads to a reference for all data types: \
$ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone align -data ccs/ont/ont-NLR \
-reads input_long.fasta/q <Input_Reference> <Output_sorted_bam> \
$ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone align -data ngs-HiC \
-fq1 read_1.fq.gz -fg2 read_2.fq.gz <Input_Reference> <Output_sorted_bam> \
$ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone align -data ngs-10X \
-fq1 read_1.fq.gz -fg2 read_2.fq.gz <Input_Reference> <Output_sorted_bam> \
$ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone align -data ngs-SSR \
-fq1 read_1.fq.gz -fg2 read_2.fq.gz <Input_Reference> <Output_sorted_bam> \
-nodes 60 - Number of CPUs requested \
-data ccs - PacBio Hifi \
-data ont - Oxford Nanopore Q20 or Q30 \
-data ont-NLR - Oxford Nanopore normal long reads (NLR) \
-data ngs-HiC - Hi-C reads \
-data ngs-10X - 10X reads \
-data ngs-SSR - Standard short reads such as Illumina data \
$ /full/path/to/stepStone/src/stepStone -nodes <nodes> \