Node.js SDK for baidu push service, which is a free, simple, easy scale push service. It support IOS & Android platform. It is a good choice for China app developers.
npm install baidu_push
var BaiduPush = require('baidu_push');
var sender = new BaiduPush({
apiKey: '',
secretKey: ''
// classic Node.js callback usage
channel_id: '3748092266370017686',
msg_type: 1,
msg: JSON.stringify({title: 'Hello baidu push notification'})
}, function (err, data) {
console.log(err, data);
// use in promise way
channel_id: '3748092266370017686',
msg_type: 1,
msg: JSON.stringify({title: 'Hello baidu push notification'})
}).then(function (data) {
}).catch(function (err) {
If you provide a callback function as the second parameter, it will be the classic node.js version. Otherwise it will return a promise.
This package provide all the methods correspond to Baidu's REST APIs, all method use POST method to invoke Baidu's API.
- pushSingle --- 推送消息到单台设备
- pushAll --- 推送广播消息
- pushTags --- 推送组播消息
- pushBatchDevice --- 推送消息到给定的一组设备(批量单播)
- reportQueryMsgStatus --- 查询消息的发送状态
- reportQueryTimerRecords --- 查询定时消息的发送记录
- reportQueryTopicRecords --- 查询指定分类主题的发送记录
- appQueryTags --- 查询标签组列表
- appCreateTag --- 创建标签组
- appDelTag --- 删除标签组
- tagAddDevices --- 添加设备到标签组
- tagDelDevices --- 将设备从标签组中移除
- tagDeviceNum --- 查询标签组设备数量
- timerQueryList --- 查询定时任务列表
- timerCancel --- 取消定时任务
- topicQueryList --- 查询分类主题列表
- reportStatisticDevice --- 当前应用的设备统计信息
- reportStatisticTopic --- 查询分类主题统计信息
For the detail api info and message structure you can find in Baidu's documentation
$ npm test
1. support url schema option