Releases: zilliztech/VectorDBBench
Releases · zilliztech/VectorDBBench
What's Changed
- Support GPU_BRUTE_FORCE index for Milvus by @Rachit-Chaudhary11 in #476
- Add table quantization option for pgvector by @lucagiac81 in #427
- Support MariaDB database by @HugoWenTD in #375
- Add TiDB backend by @breezewish in #484
- CLI fix for GPU index by @Rachit-Chaudhary11 in #485
New Contributors
- @Rachit-Chaudhary11 made their first contribution in #476
- @HugoWenTD made their first contribution in #375
- @breezewish made their first contribution in #484
Full Changelog: v0.0.22...v0.0.23
What's Changed
- add mongodb client by @zhuwenxing in #449
- add some risk warnings for custom dataset by @alwayslove2013 in #452
- Bump grpcio from 1.53.0 to 1.53.2 in /install by @dependabot in #453
- add mongodb config by @zhuwenxing in #451
- Opensearch interal configuration parameters by @Xavierantony1982 in #463
- ui control num of concurrencies by @Caroline-an777 in #470
- Update by @xiaofan-luan in #471
- environs version should <14.1.0 by @alwayslove2013 in #473
New Contributors
- @zhuwenxing made their first contribution in #449
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #453
- @Caroline-an777 made their first contribution in #470
- @xiaofan-luan made their first contribution in #471
Full Changelog: v0.0.21...v0.0.22
What's Changed
- fix bug by @alwayslove2013 in #442
- fix: Unable to run vebbench and cli by @XuanYang-cn in #447
- enhance: Unify optimize and remove ready_to_load by @XuanYang-cn in #448
Full Changelog: v0.0.20...v0.0.21
What's Changed
- add aliyun Opensearch requirements by @hust-xing in #425
- update readme by @alwayslove2013 in #432
- Removed the Filter Path from Opensearch Search, so we can get the full response from search by @Xavierantony1982 in #434
- add support to provide custom port in pgvector by @shaharuk-yb in #435
- OS change to use internal field _id instead of id field by @Xavierantony1982 in #436
- bugfix/redis by @Luka958Pixion in #441
- enhance: Refine the coding style and enable lint-action by @XuanYang-cn in #440
New Contributors
- @Xavierantony1982 made their first contribution in #434
- @shaharuk-yb made their first contribution in #435
- @Luka958Pixion made their first contribution in #441
Full Changelog: v0.0.19...v0.0.20
What's Changed
- fix: invalid value for --max-num-levels when using CLI (AlloyDB) by @Sheharyar570 in #415
- Add Milvus auth support through user_name and password fields by @teynar in #416
- support alibaba cloud elasticsearch by @xingshaomin in #418
- enhance: refine read write cases by @XuanYang-cn in #419
- add aliyun opensearch client by @hust-xing in #421
- bug fix: cost time should be removed from the results of the serial_search by @alwayslove2013 in #423
- fix: Opensearch requirements by @XuanYang-cn in #424
New Contributors
- @teynar made their first contribution in #416
- @xingshaomin made their first contribution in #418
- @hust-xing made their first contribution in #421
Full Changelog: v0.0.18...v0.0.19
What's Changed
- Added AlloyDB client by @Sheharyar570 in #412
- fix: Donot refresh load by @XuanYang-cn in #414
Full Changelog: v0.0.17...v0.0.18
What's Changed
- Add rate runner by @XuanYang-cn in #403
- fix conc_latency_p99 calculation; add conc_latency_avg metric; conc_test first by @alwayslove2013 in #410
Full Changelog: v0.0.16...v0.0.17
What's Changed
- Fix code for custom dataset usage by @acanadil in #395
- remove older zillizcloud test results from leaderboard by @alwayslove2013 in #399
- Fix pgvectorivfflat reranking key bug by @Sheharyar570 in #401
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.0.15...v0.0.16
What's Changed
- Support for pgdiskann client by @wahajali in #388
- increase timeout by @alwayslove2013 in #390
- Binary Quantization Support for pgvector HNSW Algorithm by @Sheharyar570 in #389
- fix weaviate client bug by @alwayslove2013 in #392
Full Changelog: v0.0.14...v0.0.15
What's Changed
- fix redis benchmark execution bug by @angus0wang in #358
- Add support for filtered search in pgvector by @wahajali in #362
- Add CLI Support for pgvectorscale by @Sheharyar570 in #365
- Add support for filtered search in pgvectorscale by @Sheharyar570 in #364
- Add quantization option for pgvector with support for halfvec by @lucagiac81 in #366
- Add cli support for running benchmark with custom dataset by @Sheharyar570 in #372
- upgrade sdk to v0.2.2 by @cutecutecat in #373
- Randomly pick start idx of test dataset in concurrency search. by @Sheharyar570 in #377
- Added optimization for Opensearch and also included the options to tweak the hyper parameters by @navneet1v in #378
- update leaderboard data by @alwayslove2013 in #379
- fix bug: date to datetime by @alwayslove2013 in #380
- update leaderboard data by @alwayslove2013 in #381
- fix leaderboard data: zillizcloud version by @alwayslove2013 in #383
- Custom case cli bug, refactoring and README updates. by @Sheharyar570 in #384
- fix warnings: add key for plotly_chart by @alwayslove2013 in #386
- fix pinecone client by @alwayslove2013 in #387
New Contributors
- @angus0wang made their first contribution in #358
- @lucagiac81 made their first contribution in #366
- @navneet1v made their first contribution in #378
Full Changelog: v0.0.13...v0.0.14