This repository contains all necessary file to make ARDrone antonomously navigate in indoor environment.
The demo video:
Since this is one of my bachelor project and I have graduated 2 years ago, I can not guarantee that it is still fully functional. Plus, I don' have an ARDrone to verify it, so I am not planning to write any document about how to reproduce the same experiment.
If you are still interested in this project, please read the "baskets" first.
If you have any question, please use Issue, I will try to find time to answer it.
For any collaboration plan, please send me a email: [email protected]
For all modified/original codes in this repository are following License GPL ( GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 )
Author is HaoChih, LIN 2014年11月26日发布
國立成功大學航空太空工程研究所 DAA, NCKU (Code released) PTAM+LSD SLAM