Pre-built commonly needed gameplay elements, with examples. Developed for Fish-Networking.
All features are server authoritative with client prediction.
* Efficient item, recipe, crafting serialization.
* ResourceManager API to aid with resources.
* CraftingManger API to aid with crafting.
* TooltipCanvas to easily show tooltips anywhere!
* Categories (eg: Equipped, Food, Scraps).
* Stack limits.
* Maximum limits.
* Add, remove items at runtime.
* Unlimited bags.
* Add, remove bags at runtime.
* Varying bag size.
* State change callbacks.
* Several API functions to find information on inventory.
Inventory UI:
* Stacks.
* Varying bag size.
* Searching.
* Item tooltips.
* Recipes.
* Craft times.
* Consecutive craft multiplier.
* State change callbacks.
* Several API functions to find information on inventory.
Crafting UI:
* Recipes list.
* Recipe preview.
* Craft, Craft All, Cancel buttons.
* Crafting progress bar.
Near Future:
* Swap item locations.
* Split and combine stacks.
* Maximum item limits.
Inventory UI:
* Swap item locations.
* Split and combine stacks.
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