This project is demonstrating full stack technology by using a showroom
- Typescript
- Mobx
- React
- Jest Test Runner
- Express
- Webpack
- tslint
- Mongoose
- Promise & async/await
- pm2
- Fix error from tslint (currenlty there are 5 errors) => - SASS
- Integration testing of RESTFUL API
- enzyme, sinon in Frontend Testing
- CSS Presentation on DOM (at the moment is nothing!)
- HMR with webpack-dev-server in developement
- HTML5 history API / React Router
yarn install
npm install -g pm2
Note: If mongod already start, it will show error as it is trying to start mongod as well, however it can be ignore.
yarn start
pm2 start process.json
You can only run testing while yarn start
is listening changes in behind.
yarn test
- MONGODB, connection string for jest test env.
- MONGODB, connection string for dev env.
- PORT, port number for dev server. default 3000
Provided vscode launch.json to allow debugging breakpoint on tsx and ts files inside vscode.