A port of Matt Thompsons ChromaHash JS secure password field. ( https://github.com/mattt/Chroma-Hash/ )
Installation can be done using CocoaPods:
add pod 'ChromaHash'
to your Podfile
, then run pod install
Clone the repository, and add the following files to your project:
Use it like a regular textfield, can be used from Interface Builder or in code. Has a few additional settings:
CHTextField *textField = [[CHTextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
textField.barCount = 4 // number of bars, defaults to 3
textField.barWidth = 10 // width of each bar, defaults to 10
textField.salt = @"twitter: @thingsdoer" // salt for md5 hashing
textField.maskPath = nil; // allows you to provide a layer mask for the chroma
// if your textField.borderStyle is UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect,
// and this property is not set, the textField will mask appropriately
// for the default UITextField style
Original concept by Matt Thompson.