Repository for links to "Green Tech Hackathon 2024" projects
- Initial article, announcing the hackathon + application form 2024-08-26
- Registration form for the borrel (closing swow & social event)
- Annoucement made by Vesna at RIPE89 (PDF slides, presentation) slides
- Sticker!
- Logo, white
- Logo, green
- "Update" article: "approaching the hackathon" 2024-11-14
- Logistics / Introduction to Hackathons slides (PDF slides, presentation)
- Information about participants: till 24th November
- Keynote template for the project presentation slides
- TIME AGENDA / Schédule for the day
- Useful information for Local Hubs organisers
- "How to Organise a Hackathon" ->
- RIPE Labs areticle about Local Hubs ->
- NEW (3rd December)
- ALL projects and intro hackathon 2-dec.pdf
- 2-dec-hackathon-sorted-per-location.pdf
HEANET: Local Hub in Dublin
Address is : 93/94 North Wall Quay, Dublin D01 V8Y6, Ireland
Telephone: +353-1-660 90 40
guides on how to find us :
local contact: [email protected]
On 3rd December 2024, 9AM CET - 10:30 CET, there will be a Zoom event for all registered participants, & guests: for Inspiration & Introduction:
- "Welcome to Our Hackathon! Gratitude & introduction to today's programme" Vesna Manojlovic
- “Making digital sustainability sustainable”, by Hannah Smith
- “>Juice Sucking Servers< , and how you can make them more efficient", by Axel Roest
- "Green Tech Digital Innovation Competition accompanying research", by Dr. Stefanie Kunkel
- "Logistics & Practical Information for the hackathon particpants", by Vesna Manojlovic
- Open Discussion, Q&A
Link to recording: (Passcode: dt&%4Rr6 )
Very short Notes from the webinar + links + screenshots webinar-summary-landscape-green-tech-hackathon-xs.pdf
- Chat ->
- Video -> Zoom (links in the calendar invite)
- File sharing -> this page :)
- Collective Notes Taking = This Etherpad: