This is a Simulink Simulation for a Complex Network of linear Systems connected vía Chaotic Couplings. This Systems are connected as shown below:
In order to get the simulation going you have to modify the parameters in the param_Ross.m file.
The file is divided in two sets of parameters; the first one lets you vary the parameters in the generalized Rossler System present in the Simulink File inside the subsystem "RosslerR5".
The second set of parameters lets you set a Coupling Constant for the network (K), an offset for the Rössler System's states (ofs) and lets you change the amplitude of the states signal for this system (amp). The proposed parameters are K=1, ofs=1 and amp=0.2.
This generalized Rossler Sysyem is proposed by Meyer et al in the paper Hyperchaos in the generalized Rössler system, published in 1997.
Once the param_Ross.m file is modified and run, you can then run the Simulink Simulation.
Notable things you'll find:
- Connection Timer: A step block that lets you modify the connection time for the whole network.
- Subsystems named Linear#: This are simple harmonic oscillators with different initial conditions.
- RosslerR5: The Generalized Rossler System in R^5.
- function blocks: This have the connection information for the network. The network is connected as shown in this figure
Running the graph.m file lets you plot the information in a clear way. You'll get the States of all the systems in one Figure and the States on the Rossler System (which are also the coupling strenght) in another figure with 5 subplots.