Project Gardener implements the automated management and operation of Kubernetes clusters as a service. Its main principle is to leverage Kubernetes concepts for all of its tasks.
Recently, most of the vendor specific logic has been developed in-tree. However, the project has grown to a size where it is very hard to extend, maintain, and test. With GEP-1 we have proposed how the architecture can be changed in a way to support external controllers that contain their very own vendor specifics. This way, we can keep Gardener core clean and independent.
Example configuration for this extension controller with default config and 2 project specific configs:
kind: Configuration
kubeconfig: #base64encoded kubeconfig of cluster running Fleet manager
labels: #extra labels to apply to Cluster registration
env: dev
kubeconfig: #base64encoded kubeconfig of cluster running Fleet manager
project: myproject
somelabel: samevalue
namespace: clusters
kubeconfig: #base64encoded kubeconfig of cluster running Fleet manager
project: mypotherproject
namespace: fleetclusters
Unless the shoot is in one of the myproject or myother project it will get defaultConfiguration. Configuration supplied in ControllerRegistration will be applied as default however it can be overriden via configuration in Extension for given Shoot.
Example extension resource:
kind: Extension
name: "extension-shoot-fleet-agent"
namespace: shoot--project--abc
type: shoot-fleet-agent
When an extension resource is reconciled, the extension controller will register Shoot cluster in Fleet management cluster(configured in kubeconfig in Configuration object above.
Please note, this extension controller relies on existing properly configured Fleet multi-cluster deployment configured above. By default configuration from ControllerRegistration is used but if Extension specifies different config for particular Shoot that configuration overrides the default settings.
All shooted seeds will be ignored and not registered in Fleet. If you need to register shooted seeds please do so manually.
By default all clusters registered in fleet will have following labels:
label | value |
corebundle | true |
region | region of shoot |
cluster | name of shoot |
seed | name of shoots seed |
Any labels defined in configuration are added to those default labels.
You can run the controller locally on your machine by executing make start
. Please make sure to have the kubeconfig to the cluster you want to connect to ready in the ./dev/kubeconfig
Static code checks and tests can be executed by running VERIFY=true make all
. We are using Go modules for Golang package dependency management and Ginkgo/Gomega for testing.
Feedback and contributions are always welcome. Please report bugs or suggestions as GitHub issues or join our Slack channel #gardener (please invite yourself to the Kubernetes workspace here).
Please find further resources about out project here: