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Some major changes to fix a bug and change behavior; most of the changes
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are in tfocs_iterate and tfocs_initialize. To understand the changes,
note that most algorithms use two sequences of variables, the "x" and
the "y" sequence. The return value is the "x" iterate, but stopping
criteria is via the "y" iterate often, since this value is in effect
pre-computed. And if data recording was specified, this was done on the
"x" variable at an additional cost. Now, the policy is to use whichever
variable requries less computation (usually the "y" variable), but you
can override this behavior if you wish: set
opts.stopping_criteria_always_use_x = true to always use "x" to
determine the stopping critier; set opts.data_collection_always_use_x =
true to always use "x" for data collection; and set
opts.output_always_use_x = true to always use "x" (and when appropriate,
its corresponding dual variable). By default, we use whichever is
cheaper, except for the output, in which case we use whichever gives a
better objective value.

Due to these major changes, many smaller changes were made to make the
code work again.

Also, the continuation script now uses the previous stepsize as the new

We have also added a new restart feature that uses the gradient, not
function values. This is due to Brendan O'Donoghue's idea. This can be
controlled by setting opts.autoRestart to either 'gra' or 'fun' for
gradient or function criteria, respectively. These automatic restart
criteria take effect whenever opts.restart < 0.

Also new is opts.printRestart; if true (default), this will print output
whenever a restart occurs.
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stephenbeckr committed Dec 21, 2013
1 parent 711f792 commit 8420adc
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Showing 6 changed files with 168 additions and 42 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions continuation.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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% tol = finalTol2*betaTol^(kMax+1); % bug fixed Feb 2011
tol = finalTol2*betaTol^(kMax);

L0 = Inf; % for first round, use default value of stepsize
xOld = x0;
odataCumulative = [];
odataCumulative.niter= 0;
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if k == kMax && ~isempty( finalRestart )
optsTemp.restart = finalRestart;
if isfinite(L0)
optsTemp.L0 = L0;

% call the solver
[x, odata, optsOut ] = fcn( mu, x0, z0, optsTemp );
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% (possibly) decrease mu for next solve
mu = mu*muDecrement;

% Dec '13, use stepsize estimate
L0 = 1/odata.stepsize(end);

% update output data
fields = { 'f', 'normGrad', 'stepsize','theta','counts','err' };
for ff = fields
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion examples/smallscale/test_SLOPE.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ min_x sum(lambda*sort(abs(x),'descend')) + .5||A(x)-b||_2^2

%% Call the TFOCS solver
er = er_ref; % error with reference solution (from IPM)
opts = struct('restart',-Inf,'tol',1e-13,'maxits',1000, 'printEvery',10);
opts = struct('restart',-Inf,'autoRestart','gradient', ...
'tol',1e-13,'maxits',1000, 'printEvery',10);
opts.errFcn = { @(f,primal) er(primal), ...
@(f,primal) f - obj_ref };
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68 changes: 57 additions & 11 deletions private/tfocs_cleanup.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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% Performs the final set of operations for our templated solvers: performs
% final calculations, prints final outputs, cleans up unused data.

if saddle,
if isempty(g_Ax),
[ f_x, g_Ax ] = apply_smooth(A_x);
% This should be called just after tfocs_iterate, so re-use some of that
% computation:

% We have two sequences of points, the x and the y sequence
% Other things being equal, we will use the x sequence as output
% But in some cases, if we use y, there is less computation to do
% since we can re-use some older computation. If it is the case that
% computing y is cheap, then we will still compute x, but now we will
% compare x and y and take whichever is better (ties going toward x)

if exist('cur_dual','var')
cur_dual = get_dual( cur_dual );
if v_is_y && ~output_always_use_x
% We have some free information about y
% cur_pri = y
if data_collection_always_use_x
% f_vy and dual_y have already been saved
f_vy = f_v;
if saddle, dual_y = cur_dual; end
if ~v_is_x
if saddle,
if isempty(g_Ax),
[ f_x, g_Ax ] = apply_smooth(A_x);
cur_dual = get_dual( g_Ax );
elseif isinf(f_x),
f_x = apply_smooth(A_x);
if isinf( C_x ),
C_x = apply_projector( x );
f_v = maxmin * ( f_x + C_x );
cur_pri = x;
% Now, compare x and y if info on y is available, and take whichever is better
x_or_y_string = 'x';
if v_is_y && ~output_always_use_x
if f_vy < f_v
f_v = f_vy;
if saddle, cur_dual= dual_y; end
x = y; % losing information after this point!
x_or_y_string = 'y';
if saddle
if ~exist('cur_dual','var')
if isempty(g_Ax),
[ f_x, g_Ax ] = apply_smooth(A_x);
cur_dual = get_dual( g_Ax );
out.dual = get_dual( g_Ax );
% Oct 13: make it compatible:
out.dual = cur_dual;
if isa( out.dual, 'tfocs_tuple')
out.dual = cell( out.dual );
elseif isinf(f_x),
f_x = apply_smooth(A_x);
if isinf( C_x ),
C_x = apply_projector( x );
if fid && printEvery,
fprintf( fid, 'Finished: %s\n', status );
out.niter = n_iter;
out.status = status;
out.x_or_y = x_or_y_string;
d.niter = 'Number of iterations';
if saveHist,
out.f(n_iter) = maxmin * ( f_x + C_x );
out.f(n_iter) = f_v;
out.f(n_iter+1:end) = [];
out.normGrad(n_iter+1:end) = [];
out.stepsize(n_iter+1:end) = [];
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28 changes: 25 additions & 3 deletions private/tfocs_initialize.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,9 +28,14 @@
'alg', 'AT' ,...
'restart', Inf ,...
'printStopCrit', false,...
'cntr_reset', 50 ,... % how often to explicitly recompute A*x and A*y (set to Inf if you want )
'cntr_reset', -50 ,... % how often to explicitly recompute A*x and A*y (set to Inf if you want )
'cg_restart', Inf ,... % for CG only
'cg_type', 'pr' ,... % for CG only
'stopping_criteria_always_use_x', false, ...
'data_collection_always_use_x', false, ...
'output_always_use_x', false, ...
'autoRestart', 'gra', ... % function or gradient
'printRestart', true, ...
'debug', false ....

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,6 +74,7 @@
desc.errFcn = 'Medium. User-specified error function. See user guide';
desc.beta = 'Medium. Backtracking parameter, in (0,1). No line search if >= 1';
desc.alpha = 'Medium. Line search increase parameter, in (0,1)';
desc.autoRestart= 'Medium. Set to ''gra'' or ''fun'' to choose behavior when restart<0';

desc.maxCounts = 'Advanced. Vector that fine-tunes various types of iteration limits; same form as countOps';
Expand All @@ -78,9 +84,14 @@
desc.stopFcn = 'Advanced. User-supplied stopping criteria. See user guide';
desc.stopCrit = 'Advanced. Controls which stopping criteria to use; 1,2, 3 or 4.';
desc.printStopCrit = 'Advanced. Controls whether to display the value used in the stopping criteria';
desc.cntr_reset = 'Advanced. Controls how often to reset some numerical computatios to avoid roundoff';
desc.printRestart = 'Advanced. Whether to signal when a restart happens';
desc.cntr_reset = 'Advanced. Controls how often to reset some numerical computations to avoid roundoff';
desc.debug = 'Advanced. Turns on more useful error messages';

desc.stopping_criteria_always_use_x = 'Advanced. Forces usage of x, never y, in stopping crit.';
desc.data_collection_always_use_x = 'Advanced. Forces usage of x, nevery y, in recording errors.';
desc.output_always_use_x = 'Advanced. Forces output of x, never y. Default: uses whichever is better';

desc.adjoint = 'Internal.';
desc.saddle = 'Internal. Used by TFOCS_SCD';

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if any(odef.maxCounts<Inf),
odef.countOps = true;
% If cntr_reset is not set (signfied by being negative), set to defaults
if odef.cntr_reset < 0
odef.cntr_reset = round(abs(odef.cntr_reset));
% and if we requested high precision, change the default
if odef.tol < 1e-12
odef.cntr_reset = 10;

% Now move the options into the current workspace
for k = def_fields,
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% Initialize the iterate values
y = x; z = x;
A_y = A_x; A_z = A_x;
C_y = C_x; C_z = C_x;
C_y = Inf; C_z = C_x;
f_y = f_x; f_z = f_x;
g_y = g_x; g_z = g_x;
g_Ay = g_Ax; g_Az = g_Ax;
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% Initialize some variables
just_restarted = false;

% TFOCS v1.3 by Stephen Becker, Emmanuel Candes, and Michael Grant.
% Copyright 2013 California Institute of Technology and CVX Research.
% See the file LICENSE for full license information.
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102 changes: 76 additions & 26 deletions private/tfocs_iterate.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,23 +51,33 @@
% minimizes them, favoring x in the case of a tie.

v_is_x = false;
v_is_y = false;
% if isempty(status) && ( ~isempty(stopFcn) || restart < 0 || stopCrit == 3 || stopCrit ==4 ),
if (isempty(status) || ~isempty(findstr(status,'limit')) ) ...
&& ( ~isempty(stopFcn) || restart < 0 || stopCrit == 3 || stopCrit ==4 ),
comp_x = [ isinf(f_x), saddle*~isempty(stopFcn)*isempty(g_Ax), isinf(C_x) ];
comp_y = [ isinf(f_y), saddle*~isempty(stopFcn)*isempty(g_Ay), isinf(C_y) ];
if sum(comp_x) <= sum(comp_y),
need_dual = saddle && (~isempty(stopFcn) || stopCrit == 3 || stopCrit == 4 );
comp_x = [ isinf(f_x), need_dual*isempty(g_Ax), isinf(C_x) ];
comp_y = [ isinf(f_y), need_dual*isempty(g_Ay), isinf(C_y) ];
if sum(comp_x) <= sum(comp_y) || stopping_criteria_always_use_x,
if comp_x(2), [f_x,g_Ax] = apply_smooth(A_x);
elseif comp_x(1), f_x = apply_smooth(A_x); end
if comp_x(3), C_x = apply_projector(x); end
cur_pri = x; cur_dual = g_Ax;
f_v = maxmin*(f_x+C_x);
v_is_x = true; % 12/18/2013
if comp_y(2), [f_y,g_Ay] = apply_smooth(A_y);
elseif comp_y(1), f_y = apply_smooth(A_y); end
if comp_y(3), C_y = apply_projector(y); end
cur_pri = y; cur_dual = g_Ay;
f_v = maxmin*(f_y+C_y);
v_is_y = true;
if data_collection_always_use_x
% save the data, otherwise it is overwritten
f_vy = f_v;
dual_y = cur_dual;
for err_j = 1 : numel(stopFcn),
if saddle,
Expand All @@ -76,7 +86,8 @@
stop = stopFcn{err_j}(f_v,cur_pri);
if stop
status = sprintf('Reached user''s supplied stopping criteria no. %d',err_j);
if v_is_x, x_or_y_string = 'x'; else x_or_y_string = 'y'; end
status = sprintf('Reached user''s supplied stopping criteria no. %d using %s variable',err_j,x_or_y_string);
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d_dual = Inf;
if d_dual < tol
nLargeEnough = (n_iter > 2); % Dec '13
if restart > 10
nLargeEnough = (n_iter - restart_iter > 2);
if d_dual < tol && nLargeEnough
% Problems when cur_dual is base on x one iteration
% and y another iteration
status = 'Step size tolerance reached';
Expand All @@ -133,36 +150,50 @@
% the solution at the end of the algorithm.

will_print = fid && printEvery && ( ~isempty( status ) || ~mod( n_iter, printEvery ) );
will_print = fid && printEvery && ...
( ~isempty( status ) || ~mod( n_iter, printEvery ) || (printRestart && just_restarted) );
if saveHist || will_print,
f_x_save = f_x;
g_Ax_save = g_Ax;
if ~isempty(errFcn) && saddle,
if isempty(g_Ax),
[ f_x, g_Ax ] = smoothF( A_x );
% Which point to collect data at? Dec '13, by default, collect data
% at the same point used to find f_v unless data_collection_always_use_x
% There is also the chance that the f_v wasn't calculated at all
if ( data_collection_always_use_x && ~v_is_x ) || ( ~v_is_x && ~v_is_y )
f_x_save = f_x;
g_Ax_save = g_Ax;
if ~isempty(errFcn) && saddle,
if isempty(g_Ax),
[ f_x, g_Ax ] = smoothF( A_x );
% out.dual = get_dual( g_Ax );
cur_dual = g_Ax ;
out.dual = get_dual( g_Ax );
if isinf(f_x),
f_x = smoothF( A_x );
if isinf( C_x ),
C_x = projectorF( x );
if isinf(f_x),
f_x = smoothF( A_x );
if isinf( C_x ),
C_x = projectorF( x );
f_v = maxmin * ( f_x + C_x );
cur_pri = x;
v_is_x = true;
% Now undo any calculations
f_x = f_x_save;
g_Ax = g_Ax_save;
f_w = maxmin * ( f_x + C_x );
% (otherwise, f_v was already calculated)

if ~isempty(errFcn) && iscell(errFcn)
for err_j = 1 : numel(errFcn),
if saddle,
errs(err_j) = errFcn{err_j}(f_w,x,out.dual);
% errs(err_j) = errFcn{err_j}(f_w,x,out.dual);
errs(err_j) = errFcn{err_j}(f_v,cur_pri,get_dual(cur_dual));
errs(err_j) = errFcn{err_j}(f_w,x);
errs(err_j) = errFcn{err_j}(f_v,cur_pri);
f_x = f_x_save;
g_Ax = g_Ax_save;

% Register a warning if the step size suggests a Lipschitz violation
if isempty(status) && ( beta < 1 && backtrack_simple && localL > Lexact ),
warning_lipschitz = true;
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bchar = '*';
fprintf( fid, '%-4d| %+12.5e %8.2e %8.2e%c', ...
n_iter, f_w, norm_dx / max( norm_x, 1 ), 1 / L, bchar );
n_iter, f_v, norm_dx / max( norm_x, 1 ), 1 / L, bchar );
if countOps,
fprintf( fid, '|' );
fprintf( fid, ' %5d', tfocs_count___ );
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fprintf( fid, ' %8.2e', stopResid );

if printRestart && just_restarted
fprintf( fid, ' | restarted');

fprintf( fid, '\n');

Expand All @@ -241,7 +276,7 @@
out.err(end+1:csize,:) = 0;
out.f(n_iter) = f_w;
out.f(n_iter) = f_v;
out.theta(n_iter) = theta;
out.stepsize(n_iter) = 1 / L;
out.normGrad(n_iter) = norm_dx;
Expand All @@ -265,18 +300,33 @@
% Fixed it.
% two changes: (1) test is now ( maxmin*f_v > maxmin*f_v_old)
% (2) to reset f_v_old, set to maxmin*Inf, not just +Inf
if n_iter - restart_iter == abs(round(restart)) || (restart < 0 && maxmin*f_v > maxmin*f_v_old),
% Dec 2013, adding gradient-based restarting (see O'Donoghue and Candes '12)
just_restarted = false;
do_auto_restart = false;
if restart < 0
if strfind(lower(autoRestart),'gra')
do_auto_restart = tfocs_dot(g_Ay, A_x - A_x_old ) > 0;
elseif any(strfind(lower(autoRestart),'fun')) || any(strfind(lower(autoRestart),'obj'))
do_auto_restart = maxmin*f_v > maxmin*f_v_old;
error('bad value for opts.autoRestart. Should be ''gradient'' or ''function''');
if n_iter - restart_iter == abs(round(restart)) || do_auto_restart
restart_iter = n_iter;
backtrack_simple = true;
theta = Inf;
y = x; A_y = A_x; f_y = f_x; g_Ay = g_Ax; g_y = g_x; C_y = C_x;
z = x; A_z = A_x; f_z = f_x; g_Az = g_Ax; g_z = g_x; C_z = C_x;
f_v_old = maxmin*Inf; % important!
% continue;
just_restarted = true;
elseif restart < 0,
f_v_old = f_v;

C_y = Inf;

% TFOCS v1.3 by Stephen Becker, Emmanuel Candes, and Michael Grant.
% Copyright 2013 California Institute of Technology and CVX Research.
% See the file LICENSE for full license information.
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