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v1.0.0 -> v1.1.0
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yjx1217 committed Aug 22, 2022
1 parent 9bfe53c commit 310f06e
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Showing 262 changed files with 203,663 additions and 270 deletions.
Binary file added .DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions
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# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [1.1.0] - 2022-08-22
### Added
- Support for random-gamete-based recombination analysis (key feature enhancement).
- Add a few new auxiliary scripts to prepare for future updates.
### Changed
- Enable a Better handling for generating per-marker-based parental allele freqeuncy summary files and the associated plots.
- Update the version of SRAtools to v3.0.0 to cope with the change from the remote end of NCBI's SRA database.
- Update the Manual.
### Fixed
- Typos in the Manual.

## [1.0.0] - 2022-05-07
### Added
- Initial version of RecombineX.
Binary file added Example_Outputs/.DS_Store
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prefix marker_count mean_distance median_distance stdev_distance 58668 202.04 102.00 436.49
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sample ref_genome total_reads mapping_rate pairing_rate (>=5)_depth_proportion zero_depth_proportion mean_depth median_depth ref_chrI_mean_depth ref_chrI_median_depth ref_chrII_mean_depth ref_chrII_median_depth ref_chrIII_mean_depth ref_chrIII_median_depth ref_chrIV_mean_depth ref_chrIV_median_depth ref_chrV_mean_depth ref_chrV_median_depth ref_chrVI_mean_depth ref_chrVI_median_depth ref_chrVII_mean_depth ref_chrVII_median_depth ref_chrVIII_mean_depth ref_chrVIII_median_depth ref_chrIX_mean_depth ref_chrIX_median_depth ref_chrX_mean_depth ref_chrX_median_depth ref_chrXI_mean_depth ref_chrXI_median_depth ref_chrXII_mean_depth ref_chrXII_median_depth ref_chrXIII_mean_depth ref_chrXIII_median_depth ref_chrXIV_mean_depth ref_chrXIV_median_depth ref_chrXV_mean_depth ref_chrXV_median_depth ref_chrXVI_mean_depth ref_chrXVI_median_depth
AND1702-8.a ref.genome.fa 9921462 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 80.29 83.00 71.20 84.00 82.23 85.00 84.63 88.00 79.58 82.00 80.80 84.00 87.82 91.00 79.31 83.00 81.68 85.00 82.77 86.00 80.01 85.00 83.99 86.00 77.89 80.00 80.09 83.00 81.44 85.00 78.18 82.00 79.21 82.00
AND1702-8.b ref.genome.fa 12601368 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 102.14 107.00 113.58 121.00 104.07 109.00 112.34 116.00 97.89 104.00 103.22 109.00 116.01 120.00 102.03 106.00 100.14 108.00 101.06 108.00 100.66 108.00 108.49 111.00 96.03 100.00 102.67 107.00 102.33 108.00 104.62 106.00 98.44 105.00
AND1702-8.c ref.genome.fa 12369584 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 100.19 105.00 85.94 101.00 100.92 106.00 108.42 110.00 96.75 103.00 100.59 107.00 103.97 111.00 99.67 105.00 98.93 105.00 99.06 106.00 99.25 106.00 105.72 108.00 99.65 104.00 101.84 106.00 102.16 107.00 102.23 105.00 98.25 104.00
AND1702-8.d ref.genome.fa 11426588 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 92.49 97.00 96.55 103.00 96.14 100.00 90.98 98.00 89.53 95.00 93.87 99.00 95.43 102.00 93.01 97.00 90.80 97.00 92.11 99.00 93.69 99.00 98.03 101.00 90.19 94.00 94.42 99.00 95.22 99.00 89.86 95.00 89.21 96.00
AND1702-9.a ref.genome.fa 12630440 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 102.22 107.00 108.14 117.00 104.20 108.00 106.32 112.00 97.79 103.00 105.11 110.00 109.10 115.00 102.99 107.00 100.40 107.00 104.20 110.00 101.54 108.00 105.26 108.00 100.98 103.00 103.16 107.00 103.87 108.00 99.83 105.00 100.70 105.00
AND1702-9.b ref.genome.fa 12000479 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 97.36 102.00 86.70 102.00 100.14 104.00 104.77 109.00 94.41 99.00 99.58 105.00 106.96 112.00 95.65 101.00 96.77 103.00 94.23 102.00 96.85 104.00 102.78 106.00 95.46 99.00 99.22 103.00 98.67 104.00 97.45 101.00 95.28 101.00
AND1702-9.c ref.genome.fa 11511160 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.05 93.39 97.00 96.30 113.00 94.84 98.00 109.90 112.00 87.25 92.00 96.27 100.00 105.06 111.00 90.57 95.00 93.58 98.00 98.48 103.00 94.45 99.00 101.11 102.00 87.85 91.00 95.11 97.00 94.08 97.00 94.25 95.00 88.33 93.00
AND1702-9.d ref.genome.fa 6920088 1.00 1.00 0.96 0.04 54.31 52.00 63.66 58.00 53.40 52.00 61.05 57.00 51.76 50.00 56.50 53.00 63.08 56.00 54.52 52.00 51.10 50.00 54.80 54.00 51.37 50.00 56.18 52.00 56.52 51.00 54.05 52.00 53.49 52.00 54.48 51.00 51.49 50.00
AND1702-10.a ref.genome.fa 8342886 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 67.74 70.00 64.54 75.00 70.08 71.00 71.22 74.00 64.96 68.00 68.65 71.00 74.35 78.00 66.62 69.00 67.53 71.00 70.08 73.00 67.12 71.00 71.89 73.00 65.80 67.00 68.75 71.00 67.84 70.00 68.01 70.00 66.06 69.00
AND1702-10.b ref.genome.fa 11413564 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.05 92.59 97.00 96.07 105.00 95.09 99.00 101.35 105.00 88.99 94.00 95.41 100.00 99.70 105.00 91.97 96.00 89.31 96.00 90.81 98.00 91.54 97.00 96.88 99.00 90.39 93.00 92.82 97.00 93.35 98.00 92.70 96.00 91.55 96.00
AND1702-10.c ref.genome.fa 11051551 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 89.68 93.00 102.60 110.00 90.56 94.00 102.29 102.00 85.46 90.00 92.54 96.00 102.51 106.00 88.57 92.00 89.20 94.00 87.93 93.00 90.08 94.00 95.61 96.00 85.54 88.00 89.86 93.00 91.46 94.00 88.70 91.00 85.10 90.00
AND1702-10.d ref.genome.fa 11681948 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 94.84 99.00 86.96 101.00 95.83 100.00 98.97 104.00 90.79 97.00 95.30 101.00 103.47 108.00 95.34 99.00 96.88 101.00 99.26 104.00 92.94 99.00 100.47 103.00 93.08 97.00 96.43 100.00 97.43 101.00 94.29 98.00 90.91 97.00
AND1702-11.a ref.genome.fa 12316531 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 100.12 105.00 106.50 117.00 101.35 106.00 112.88 114.00 95.45 101.00 102.76 108.00 113.19 118.00 99.88 104.00 98.19 104.00 96.74 105.00 99.75 106.00 105.29 108.00 96.33 100.00 100.11 104.00 100.68 105.00 101.44 103.00 97.52 103.00
AND1702-11.b ref.genome.fa 8576307 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 69.62 72.00 73.03 79.00 70.66 73.00 75.52 79.00 66.29 70.00 71.04 74.00 76.41 80.00 68.12 71.00 69.69 73.00 72.59 75.00 70.11 73.00 74.68 75.00 68.72 70.00 70.53 72.00 69.00 72.00 67.48 71.00 67.97 71.00
AND1702-11.c ref.genome.fa 9746801 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.05 79.18 83.00 72.07 84.00 79.64 82.00 81.90 86.00 76.72 81.00 78.95 83.00 84.46 89.00 78.88 82.00 78.15 83.00 81.56 84.00 78.64 83.00 83.90 85.00 78.00 81.00 80.55 83.00 81.47 84.00 80.00 82.00 76.38 81.00
AND1702-11.d ref.genome.fa 12767783 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 103.80 109.00 102.30 118.00 107.28 111.00 111.69 118.00 98.89 105.00 108.22 113.00 112.48 119.00 105.10 110.00 103.75 110.00 103.33 112.00 103.25 110.00 108.87 112.00 99.49 103.00 105.16 110.00 105.83 111.00 103.23 107.00 99.51 106.00
AND1702-12.a ref.genome.fa 7670287 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 62.23 64.00 70.83 77.00 63.12 65.00 72.08 72.00 58.42 61.00 63.04 65.00 84.03 81.00 61.12 63.00 62.50 65.00 63.25 65.00 61.64 64.00 65.56 66.00 58.81 60.00 61.64 63.00 63.38 65.00 61.30 62.00 58.91 62.00
AND1702-12.b ref.genome.fa 12335897 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 100.30 105.00 113.88 121.00 102.19 106.00 103.86 111.00 95.33 101.00 103.57 107.00 108.55 115.00 101.13 104.00 97.78 105.00 100.49 107.00 99.46 105.00 104.98 107.00 97.73 101.00 101.65 105.00 102.12 106.00 100.15 103.00 95.93 102.00
AND1702-12.c ref.genome.fa 12346215 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 100.39 106.00 91.69 107.00 101.63 106.00 106.51 112.00 97.44 103.00 102.08 107.00 105.19 112.00 98.69 105.00 101.33 106.00 103.66 109.00 100.58 107.00 106.96 109.00 98.13 103.00 101.39 106.00 102.12 107.00 98.86 104.00 98.81 104.00
AND1702-12.d ref.genome.fa 12741714 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.04 103.46 109.00 96.67 113.00 106.10 110.00 110.34 115.00 99.72 106.00 103.35 110.00 114.77 120.00 103.17 108.00 102.97 109.00 105.39 111.00 102.57 110.00 110.08 113.00 100.11 105.00 105.42 110.00 104.29 110.00 103.60 107.00 100.22 106.00
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prefix marker_count mean_distance median_distance stdev_distance 60506 197.56 96.00 450.60
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prefix marker_count mean_distance median_distance stdev_distance 60506 194.64 96.00 416.73
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prefix marker_count mean_distance median_distance stdev_distance 48672 240.37 120.00 521.91
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
prefix marker_count mean_distance median_distance stdev_distance 48672 235.91 120.00 444.11
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