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version update for LRSDAY: v1.4.0 -> v1.5.0
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yjx1217 committed May 14, 2019
1 parent 5c35d3d commit 00a3519
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Showing 59 changed files with 808 additions and 434 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,21 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]

## [1.5.0] - 2019-05-13
### Added
- Supports for native ONT nanopore basecalling, demultiplexing, and read profile plotting.
- An lite-weight bash script for generating dotplot for any pairs of fasta files.
### Changed
- Better robustness for the dependency installation script.
- Reducing the requirements of setting output prefix by assuming the same prefix was used across different modules.
- Setting adjustment for long-read filtering and downsampling.
- Applying read filtering/downsampling for the testing example.
- Software version updates for a number of dependencies.
### Fixed
- A bug that might lead to missing gene annotation in certain genomic region.
- Typos in the installation script.
- Typos in the manual.

## [1.4.0] - 2019-03-21
### Changed
- Supports for multi-round assembly polishing using both long and short reads.
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Binary file modified Example_Outputs/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified Example_Outputs/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified Example_Outputs/
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Binary file modified Example_Outputs/
Binary file not shown.
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions Example_Outputs/
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@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
total sequence count: 34
total sequence length: 12448003
min sequence length: 1248
max sequence length: 1480301
mean sequence length: 366117.74
median sequence length: 60826.50
N50: 923676
total sequence length: 12473902
min sequence length: 12836
max sequence length: 1480337
mean sequence length: 366879.47
median sequence length: 57378.00
N50: 923760
L50: 6
N90: 341518
N90: 328166
L90: 14
A%: 30.89
A%: 30.88
T%: 30.81
G%: 19.14
C%: 19.13
AT%: 61.70
GC%: 38.26
G%: 19.12
C%: 19.14
AT%: 61.69
GC%: 38.27
N%: 0.04
Binary file modified Example_Outputs/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified Example_Outputs/
Binary file not shown.
439 changes: 225 additions & 214 deletions Example_Outputs/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file modified Example_Outputs/
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Binary file modified Example_Outputs/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified Manual.pdf
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Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ source ./../../
# set project-specific variables

prefix="YGL3210" # The file name prefix for the output files
reads="./../00.Long_Reads/YGL3210.fq.gz" # The file path of the long reads file (in fastq or fastq.gz format).
reads_type="nanopore-raw" # The long reads data type: "pacbio-raw" or "pacbio-corrected" or "nanopore-raw" or "nanopore-corrected".
run_filtering="yes" # Whether to filter the reads: "yes" or "no". Default = "yes".
prefix="SK1" # The file name prefix for the processing sample. Default = "SK1" for the testing example.
reads="./../00.Long_Reads/$prefix.filtered_subreads.fastq.gz" # The file path of the long reads file (in fastq or fastq.gz format).
reads_type="pacbio-raw" # The long reads data type: "pacbio-raw" or "pacbio-corrected" or "nanopore-raw" or "nanopore-corrected".
run_filtering="yes" # Whether to filter and downsample the reads: "yes" or "no". Default = "yes".
genome_size="12500000" # The haploid genome size (in bp) of sequenced organism. Default = "12500000" (i.e. 12.5 Mb for the budding yeast S. cereviaie genome). This is used to calculate targeted sequencing coverage after read filtering (see below).
post_filtering_coverage="40" # Targeted sequencing coverage after read filtering. Default = "40" (i.e. 40x coverage).
threads=1 # The number of threads to use. Default = "1".
post_filtering_coverage="60" # Targeted sequencing coverage after read filtering and downsampling. Default = "60" (i.e. 60x coverage).
threads=4 # The number of threads to use. Default = "1".

# process the pipeline
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@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
set -e -o pipefail
# load environment variables for LRSDAY
source ./../../

# set project-specific variables
project_name="Project_Example" # LRSDAY Project name. Default = "Project_Example".
run_basecalling="yes" # Whether to perform basecalling: "yes" or "no". Default = "yes".
run_demultiplexing="yes" # Whether to perform demultiplexing: "yes" or "no". Default = "yes".
run_nanoplotting="yes" # Whether to perform nanoplotting: "yes" or "no". Default = "yes".

flowcell_id="FAKXXXXX" # The flowcell ID of the nanopore run. Default = "FAKXXXXX".
flowcell_version="FLO-MIN106" # The flowcell version of the nanopore run. Default = "FLO-MIN106".
sequencing_kit_version="SQK-LSK108" # The sequencing kit version of the nanopore run. Default = "SQK-LSK108".
barcode_kit_version="EXP-NBD103" # The barcode kit version of the nanopore run. Default = "EXP-NBD103".

raw_reads_directory="$LRSDAY_HOME/$project_name/00.Long_Reads/nanopore_raw_fast5_files" # The directory containing the raw nanopore reads before basecalling
basecalling_output_directory="$LRSDAY_HOME/$project_name/00.Long_Reads/nanopore_basecalled_fast5_files" # The directory containing the basecalled nanopore reads. This directory will be automatically generated when running basecalling.
threads=8 # The number of threads to use. Default = 8.

# normally no need to change the following
qual=5 # read quality filter for guppy basecalling
num_callers=$threads # num_callers for guppy
threads_per_caller=1 # threads_per_caller for guppy
demultiplexing_threads=$threads # threads to use for demultiplexing
demultiplexing_output_directory="$LRSDAY_HOME/$project_name/00.Long_Reads/nanopore_demultiplexed_fastq_files" # The directory containing the demultiplexed basecalled nanopore reads. This directory will be automatically generated when running demultiplexing.

if [[ "$run_basecalling" == "yes" ]]
echo "Check if $basecalling_output_directory is empty for running basecalling."
if [[ "$(ls $basecalling_output_directory)" ]]
echo "Warning! The basecalling directory is not empty! Please empty its content if you want to run basecalling."
echo "Exit!!!"
echo "Running basecalling."
$guppy_dir/guppy_basecaller \
--flowcell $flowcell_version \
--kit $sequencing_kit_version \
--recursive \
--input_path $raw_reads_directory \
--save_path $basecalling_output_directory \
--fast5_out \
--qscore_filtering \
--min_qscore $qual \
--num_callers $num_callers \
--cpu_threads_per_caller $threads_per_caller
cd $basecalling_output_directory
cat ./pass/*.fastq |gzip -c > $project_name.basecalled_reads.Q${qual}.pass.fastq.gz
cat ./fail/*.fastq |gzip -c > $project_name.basecalled_reads.Q${qual}.fail.fastq.gz

if [[ "$run_demultiplexing" == "yes" ]]
echo "Check if $basecalling_output_directory/pass has basecalled reads for running demultiplexing."
if [[ "$(ls $basecalling_output_directory/pass)" ]]
echo "Running demultiplexing."
$guppy_dir/guppy_barcoder \
--barcode_kit $barcode_kit_version \
--recursive \
--input_path $basecalling_output_directory/pass \
--save_path $demultiplexing_output_directory \
--worker_threads $demultiplexing_threads

cd $demultiplexing_output_directory
for b in barcode*
echo "for demultiplexing: barcode=$b"
cat ./$b/*.fastq |gzip -c > $project_name.basecalled_reads.Q${qual}.pass.$b.fastq.gz
cat ./unclassified/*.fastq |gzip -c > $project_name.basecalled_reads.Q${qual}.pass.unclassified.fastq.gz
echo "There is no reads in $basecalling_output_directory/pass!"
echo "Please put the basecalled reads in $basecalling_output_directory/pass for demultiplexing!"
echo "Exit!!!"

set +oe pipefail

if [[ "$run_nanoplotting" == "yes" ]]
echo "Check if $basecalling_output_directory/pass has basecalled reads for running nanoplotting."
if [[ "$(ls $basecalling_output_directory/pass)" ]]
echo "Running nanoplotting."
cd $basecalling_output_directory
source $nanoplot_dir/activate
$nanoplot_dir/NanoPlot \
--threads $threads \
--fastq $fastq_input \
--N50 \
-o "${project_name}_Q${qual}_pass_NanoPlot_out"
if [[ "$run_demultiplexing" == "yes" ]]
cd $demultiplexing_output_directory
for b in barcode*
echo "for nanoplotting: barcode=$b"
source $nanoplot_dir/activate
$nanoplot_dir/NanoPlot \
--threads $threads \
--fastq $fastq_input \
--N50 \
-o "${project_name}_Q${qual}_pass_${b}_NanoPlot_out"
echo "for nanoplotting: unclassified"
$nanoplot_dir/NanoPlot \
--threads $threads \
--fastq $fastq_input \
--N50 \
-o "${project_name}_Q${qual}_pass_unclassified_NanoPlot_out"

# checking bash exit status
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]
echo ""
echo "LRSDAY message: This bash script has been successfully processed! :)"
echo ""
echo ""
exit 0
Empty file.
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Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ PATH=$gnuplot_dir:$PATH

# set project-specific variables
prefix="SK1" # The file name prefix for the output files.
long_reads="./../00.Long_Reads/SK1.filtered_subreads.fastq.gz" # The file path of the long reads file (in fastq or fastq.gz format).
prefix="SK1" # The file name prefix for the processing sample. Default = "SK1" for the testing example.
long_reads="./../00.Long_Reads/$prefix.filtlong.fastq.gz" # The file path of the long reads file (in fastq or fastq.gz format).
long_reads_type="pacbio-raw" # The long reads data type. Use "pacbio-raw" or "pacbio-corrected" or "nanopore-raw" or "nanopore-corrected". Default = "pacbio-raw" for the testing example
genome_size="12.5m" # The estimated genome size with the format of <number>[g|m|k], e.g. 12.5m for 12.5 Mb. Default = "12.5m".
assembler="canu" # The long-read assembler: Use "canu" or "flye" or "wtdbg2" or "smartdenovo" or "canu-flye" or "canu-wtdbg2" or "canu-smartdenovo". For "canu-flye", "canu-wtdbg2", and "canu-smartdenovo", the assembler canu is used first to generate error-corrected reads from the raw reads and then the assembler flye/wtdbg2/smartdenovo is used to assemble the genome. Based on our test, assembler="canu" generally gives the best result but will take substantially longer time than the other options.
customized_canu_parameters="correctedErrorRate=0.04" # For assembler="canu" only. Users can set customized Canu assembly parameters here or simply leave it empty like customized_canu_parameters="" to use Canu's default assembly parameter. For example you could set customized_canu_parameters="correctedErrorRate=0.04" for high coverage (>60X) PacBio data and customized_canu_parameters="overlapper=mhap;utgReAlign=true" for high coverage (>60X) Nanopore data to improve the assembly speed. When assembling genomes with high heterozygosity, you can could set customized_canu_parameters="corOutCoverage=200;batOptions=-dg 3 -db 3 -dr 1 -ca 500 -cp 50" to avoid collasping haplotypes. As shown in these examples, more than one customized parameters can be set here as long as they are separeted by a semicolon and contained in a pair of double quotes (e.g. customized_canu_parameters="option1=XXX;option2=YYY;option3=ZZZ"). Please consult Canu's manual "" for advanced customization settings. Default = "correctedErrorRate=0.04" for the testing example.
threads=2 # The number of threads to use. Default = 2.
customized_canu_parameters="" # For assembler="canu" only. Users can set customized Canu assembly parameters here or simply leave it empty like customized_canu_parameters="" to use Canu's default assembly parameter. For example you could set customized_canu_parameters="correctedErrorRate=0.04" for high coverage (>60X) PacBio data and customized_canu_parameters="overlapper=mhap;utgReAlign=true" for high coverage (>60X) Nanopore data to improve the assembly speed. When assembling genomes with high heterozygosity, you can could set customized_canu_parameters="corOutCoverage=200;batOptions=-dg 3 -db 3 -dr 1 -ca 500 -cp 50" to avoid collasping haplotypes. As shown in these examples, more than one customized parameters can be set here as long as they are separeted by a semicolon and contained in a pair of double quotes (e.g. customized_canu_parameters="option1=XXX;option2=YYY;option3=ZZZ"). Please consult Canu's manual "" for advanced customization settings. Default = "" for the testing example.
threads=4 # The number of threads to use. Default = 4.
vcf="yes" # Use "yes" if prefer to have vcf file generated to show SNP and INDEL differences between the assembled genome and the reference genome for their uniquely alignable regions. Otherwise use "no". Default = "yes".
dotplot="yes" # Use "yes" if prefer to plot genome-wide dotplot based on the comparison with the reference genome below. Otherwise use "no". Default = "yes".
ref_genome_raw="./../00.Ref_Genome/S288C.ASM205763v1.fa" # The file path of the raw reference genome. This is only needed when the option "dotplot=" or "vcf=" has been set as "yes".
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Expand Up @@ -7,19 +7,19 @@ source ./../../
# set project-specific variables

input_assembly="./../01.Long-read-based_Genome_Assembly/SK1.assembly.raw.fa" # The file path of the input raw long-read-based assembly for polishing.
long_reads_in_fastq="./../00.Long_Reads/SK1.filtered_subreads.fastq.gz" # The file path of the long-read fastq file.
prefix="SK1" # The file name prefix for the processing sample. Default = "SK1" for the testing example.

input_assembly="./../01.Long-read-based_Genome_Assembly/$prefix.assembly.raw.fa" # The file path of the input raw long-read-based assembly for polishing.
long_reads_in_fastq="./../00.Long_Reads/$prefix.filtlong.fastq.gz" # The file path of the long-read fastq file.
long_read_technology="pacbio" # The used long-read sequencing technology. Use "pacbio" or "nanopore". Default = "pacbio" for the testing example.

### When long_read_technology="pacbio" ####
pacbio_bam_fofn_file="./../00.Long_Reads/pacbio_fofn_files/SK1.merged.bam.fofn" # The file path to the fofn file containing the absolute path to the PacBio bam files. BAM file is the native output format for PacBio Sequel platform but this is not the case for the RSII platform. For RSII data, the bax2bam file conversion is needed. This can be done by running the script in the 00.Long_Reads directory.
pacbio_bam_fofn_file="./../00.Long_Reads/pacbio_fofn_files/$prefix.merged.bam.fofn" # The file path to the fofn file containing the absolute path to the PacBio bam files. BAM file is the native output format for PacBio Sequel platform but this is not the case for the RSII platform. For RSII data, the bax2bam file conversion is needed. This can be done by running the script in the 00.Long_Reads directory.
pacbio_reads_type="RSII" # The sequencing machine used to generate the input PacBio reads . Use "RSII" or "Sequel". Default = "RSII" for the testing example.

### When long_read_technology="nanopore" ###
nanopore_fast5_files="./../00.Long_Reads/nanopore_fast5_files" # The file path to the directory containing raw Oxford Nanopore FAST5 files.
nanopore_basecalling_sequencing_summary="./../00.Long_Reads/nanopore_fast5_files/sequencing_summary.txt" # The file path to the nanopore albacore/guppy basecaller sequencing summary output. This summary file is not necessary but it can help the polishing step to run much faster when available. When this file is unavailable, set nanopore_albacore_sequencing_summary="".

prefix="SK1" # The file name prefix for the output files. Default = "SK1" for the testing example.
nanopore_basecalled_fast5_files="./../00.Long_Reads/nanopore_basecalled_fast5_files" # The file path to the directory containing the basecalled Oxford Nanopore FAST5 files.
nanopore_basecalling_sequencing_summary="./../00.Long_Reads/nanopore_basecalled_fast5_files/sequencing_summary.txt" # The file path to the nanopore albacore/guppy basecaller sequencing summary output. This summary file is not necessary but it can help the polishing step to run much faster when available. When this file is unavailable, set nanopore_albacore_sequencing_summary="".

threads=1 # The number of threads to use. Default = "1".
ploidy=1 # The ploidy status of the sequenced genome. use "1" for haploid genome and "2" for diploid genome. Default = "1" for the testing example.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,15 +82,15 @@ else
source $nanopolish_dir/py3_virtualenv_nanopolish/bin/activate
if [[ -z "$nanopore_basecalling_sequencing_summary" ]]
$nanopolish_dir/nanopolish index -d $nanopore_fast5_files $long_reads_in_fastq
$nanopolish_dir/nanopolish index -d $nanopore_basecalled_fast5_files $long_reads_in_fastq
$nanopolish_dir/nanopolish index -d $nanopore_fast5_files -s $nanopore_basecalling_sequencing_summary $long_reads_in_fastq
$nanopolish_dir/nanopolish index -d $nanopore_basecalled_fast5_files -s $nanopore_basecalling_sequencing_summary $long_reads_in_fastq
for i in $(seq 1 1 $rounds_of_successive_polishing)
java -Dpicard.useLegacyParser=false -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$threads -jar $picard_dir/picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary -REFERENCE $prefix.assembly.tmp.fa -OUTPUT $prefix.assembly.tmp.dict
$minimap2_dir/minimap2 -ax map-ont $prefix.assembly.tmp.fa $long_reads_in_fastq > $prefix.minimap2.round_${i}.sam
java -Dpicard.useLegacyParser=false -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$threads -jar $picard_dir/picard.jar SortSam -INPUT $prefix.minimap2.round_${i}.sam -OUTPUT $prefix.minimap2.round_${i}.bam -SORT_ORDER coordinate
java -Dpicard.useLegacyParser=false -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$threads -jar $picard_dir/picard.jar SortSam -INPUT $prefix.minimap2.round_${i}.sam -OUTPUT $prefix.minimap2.round_${i}.bam -SORT_ORDER coordinate -VALIDATION_STRINGENCY LENIENT -MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM 50000
$samtools_dir/samtools index $prefix.minimap2.round_${i}.bam
rm $prefix.minimap2.round_${i}.sam
python3 $nanopolish_dir/scripts/ $prefix.assembly.tmp.fa | $parallel_dir/parallel --results ${prefix}_nanopolish_round_${i}_results -P 1 \
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Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ source ./../../
# set project-specific variables

input_assembly="./../02.Long-read-based_Assembly_Polishing/SK1.assembly.long_read_polished.fa" # The file path of the input assembly before Illumina-based correction
prefix="SK1" # The file name prefix for the output files.
prefix="SK1" # The file name prefix for the processing sample. Default = "SK1" for the testing example.
input_assembly="./../02.Long-read-based_Assembly_Polishing/$prefix.assembly.long_read_polished.fa" # The file path of the input assembly before Illumina-based correction
trim_illumina_reads="yes" # Whether to trim the input Illumina reads. Use "yes" if prefer to perform trimming, otherwise use "no". Default = "yes".
rounds_of_successive_polishing=1 # The number of total rounds of Illumina-read-based assembly polishing. Default = "1" for the testing example.
threads=1 # The number of threads to use. Default = "1".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ do

# GATK local realign
# find realigner targets
java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$threads -jar $gatk_dir/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$threads -jar $gatk3_dir/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-R refseq.tmp.fa \
-T RealignerTargetCreator \
-I $prefix.round_${i}.dedup.bam \
-o $prefix.round_${i}.realn.intervals
# run realigner
java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$threads -jar $gatk_dir/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
java -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$threads -jar $gatk3_dir/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-R refseq.tmp.fa \
-T IndelRealigner \
-I $prefix.round_${i}.dedup.bam \
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