- 🧠 Incorporating AI technology in web apps to solve everyday problems and enhance existing applications.
- 📚 Developing a library of boilerplate apps to deepen my understanding of concepts and streamline workflows by maintaining readily available code.
- AI
- GPT and DALL-E APIs to enhance the functionality of existing applications
- TensorFlow.js - integrate machine learning directly in web applications
- Foundational AI concepts - performing fundamental tasks such as plotting graphs for quadratic functions, utilizing no external libraries.
- System Design:
- Deepening my understanding of system design principles and theories
- Continuously deepening my understanding of foundations of web development , including React/JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS, RESTful APIs, Websockets, security practices (HTTPS & SSL), responsive design, etc. . .
I'm open to partnering on exciting projects. If you think I can help, let's connect and discuss the possibilities.
Dynamic career opportunities & seeking to collaborate on substantial, impactful projects. Feel free to get in touch if you have ideas, initiatives, or roles where my expertise can make a difference.
My projects – I welcome questions, feedback, and discussions about the work I’m currently involved in.
- 📧 Email: [email protected]
- 📁 Portfolio: yarrumevets.com
- 📃 Resumé: yarrumevets.com/resume
- 💼 LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/yarrumevets
The username 'yarrumevets' is simply my name, Steve Murray, spelled backwards. If you figured it out, well done!