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Optimized Parallelization of Boundary Integral Poisson-Boltzmann Solvers, Weihua Geng, Ferosh Jacob. (2013). “A GPU-accelerated direct-sum boundary integral Poisson–Boltzmann solver”. Computer Physics Communications, 184(6), 1490-1496.


NSF Fund: DMS-1819193, DMS-2110896 Southern Methodist University Math Graduate Course: Daniel Reynolds - 6370 Parallel Computing


You will find a serial version, and four parallelized versions including OpenMP, MPI, CUDA, and Kokkos of the software "bimpb" here. The bimpb uses "msms", a software which outputs the surface triangulization, and "gmres", a package which solves the linear system Ax = b with preconditioning.

gmres - translated by f2c and developed by Univ. of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1993.
test_proteins - path to use and save .pqr and .xyzr files
In readin.c files, find "fpath" to tune the location of test_proteins.

Serial, OpenMP, MPI, CUDA and Kokkos on M2

common files:

  • gl_constants.h
  • gl_functions.h
  • gl_variables.h
  • pp_timer.c
  • pp_timer.h
  • readin.c msms
    The serial, OpenMP and MPI share the common files in the sub-directory "serial_omp_mpi" with different suffix.

The serial version aims to compute the coulombic potential energy by solving Poisson-Boltzmann equation using Boundary Integral Method (bim-pb).
All key computations are located in matvec.c file, including void matvecmul(), void comp_pot(), and void comp_source(). After computing the source term "b", the "gmres" package is used to compute the vector "x", and then the potential energy is computed in "comp_pot()".

The OpenMP (omp) version is developed based on the serial version. The main_omp.c is the same as main.c. In the matvec_omp.c file, void matvecmul(), void comp_pot(), and void comp_source() are parallelized through "for loops" so that a huge amount of tasks is shared across threads.

The MPI version uses all processors. In the main_mpi.c file, it has to initiate using "MPI_Init" and finalize using "MPI_Finalize()". Only the first processor (root) calls the "readin()", and then it broadcasts to all other processors. In the matvec_mpi.c file, "matvecmul()", "comp_pot()", and "comp_source()" is parallelized by chunking the whole task size into each processor's interval.

The CUDA version (sub-directory "cuda") was developed by Jiahui Chen, who is an assistant professor at University of Arkansas. The huge tasks are computed on GPU.

The Kokkos (sub-directory "kokkos") uses C++ language, so this version mix compiles C and C++. It also computes on GPU.

Examples: In main*.c files, find "fname" and "density" to comment/uncomment these two parameters. The default selection is "1ajj" and "1".

Login to HPC like ManeFrame II.
$ salloc -p standard-mem-s -N8 -n256 --x11=first
$ module load gcc-9.2 hpcx
$ srun -n 8 ./bimpb_mpi.exe

$ ./bimpb.exe (1ajj) (1) \

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4
$ ./bimpb_omp.exe

Login to HPC like ManeFrame II.
$ module load nvhpc-22.2
$ srun -p v100x8 --gres=gpu:1 ./bimpb_cuda.exe

Login to HPC like ManeFrame II.
$ srun -p development -c 4 --mem=16G --gres=gpu:volta:1 --pty $SHELL
$ module load spack gcc-9.2
$ . /hpc/spack/share/spack/
$ spack load kokkos/qu45u5v
$ cmake .
$ make
$ ./bimpb_kokkos.exe

SMU SuperPOD (must use Cisco VPN):

$ ssh [email protected]

CUDA (SuperPOD): $ module load dev
$ module load cuda-11.4.4-gcc-10.3.0-ctldo35
$ srun -G 1 ./bimpb_cuda.exe 1ajj 1

Kokkos (SuperPOD):
srun -N 1 -G 1 -c 128 --mem=128G --time=12:00:00 --pty $SHELL
Update on Oct 19, 2023: currently SuperPOD has 3 versions: \

  • kokkos/3.7.01-jzhgq6o (not make) \
  • kokkos/3.7.01-6zpfzzw (return segmentation fault) \
  • kokkos/4.0.01-el36ysw
    Load the following packages in order:
    module load gcc/11.2.0
    module load cuda/11.8.0-vbvgppx
    module load kokkos/4.0.01-el36ysw

To use Kokkos Kernels on SuperPOD at SMU (still in development):

Load the packages in order:
module load gcc/11.2.0
module load cmake/3.26.3-utseokk
module load cuda/11.8.0-vbvgppx
module load kokkos/4.0.01-el36ysw { module load kokkos/4.1.00-n7m5qva (segmentation fault) }
module load kokkos-kernels/4.1.00-xo4ovdm
module load kokkos-nvcc-wrapper/4.1.00-hbetgcu
cmake . -DKokkosKernels_SOURCE_DIR=$HOME/repos/kokkos-kernels \


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