#Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an important part of the next generation of information technology. As the name suggests, IoT consists of material objects connected to the Internet. It has two meanings: First, the core and foundation of IoT is still the Internet, the Internet is based on the extension and expansion of the network; second, to extend and expand its client to any goods and pieces of information. Communication is the exchange of interest. IoT means "connected to the Internet."
##IoT Collection
This repo is a collection of resources related to IoT, including the following:
- blog
- books
- framework
- hardware
- library
- os
- platform
- protocol
- security
- technologies
- tools
- website
##Predicted number of IoT developers
You are welcome to join us and contribute on your part.
Chlorophytum - MQTT, CoAP, WebSocket networking protocols online testing platform
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License Agreement.
© 2014 Phodal Huang. Translated by Jerzy Głowacki.