Collection of Proxmox tools
token.json resides in the proxboss root. Example:
"herpo": {
"id": "root@pam!<APIKEY name from Proxmox>",
"secret": "<APIKEY secret>",
"base_uri": "https://a.proxmox.server:8006/api2/json",
"verify": false
"derpo": {
movestorage.php: Mass move multiple proxmox VMs from one storage unit to another via Proxmox API.
Usage: ./movestorage.php --cluster=[clustername] (Mandatory) --opt --opt...
--help This help
--cluster= Cluster to process - See token.json
--src= Source datastore to move from
--dest= Destination datastore to move to
--node= Only process VMs on this node
--match= Wildcard match of VM names
--live Launch move tasks (if not provided, will only show what WOULD be moved)
--single Only process VMs on this node
--force (Unimplemented) Force move even if another is in progress
Example: ./movestorage.php --src=hp-store3 --dest=hp-store1 --cluster=herpo