0.30.0 - More Handlers & Bug Fixes
This release of Chaskis mainly focuses on bug fixes and adding more event handler types.
Release Notes
Chaskis - v0.30.0
- #59 - Chaskis.exe and Chaskis.Service.exe now have a Windows Manifest, so if one asks for the current operating system with Environment.OSVersion, they don't get back Windows 8 if running on Windows 10.
- #36 - Chaskis gracefully exit if a plugin crashes during loading or initing. This also involves removing the "FailOnPluginFailure" argument, and just always have the bot fail.
Chaskis.Core - v0.30.0
There are lots of new handlers this release to hopefully make plugins easier. Some handlers have been removed or split apart. If you have trouble compiling after updating, please reach out, and we'll work through it.
#27 - This bug has been plaguing Chaskis since the beginning. We think we finally got it figured out though. Because we separated the watchdog logic from the StringParsingQueue, we should no longer get into a state where the bot connects and disconnects in a loop... hopefully
#58 - We can now react to CTCP Version commands, and send out version information, which contains that we are Chaskis and which OS we are running on.
#56 - The old "CORE" events such as Disconnecting and Disconnected are no longer "ChaskisEvents" which are annoying to parse in plugins. Rather, each one are now proper classes. So, if you want to know when a bot is Disconnected from a server, create a DisconnectedEventHandler instead of doing the weird song-and-dance to listen to a ChaskisEvent.
#57 - Added various "Send" events which get triggered when we are about to send commands to the server. This can be useful if you want to log what commands you are sending. All "Send" events start with "Send", and an example is "SendKickEventHandler"
Plugin Updates:
ConsoleOut - v3.0.0
- No longer prints out ChaskisEvent XML to the console. You'll need to add your own plugin to do this.
- Prints out messages we send to the server (not password commands though)
HttpServer - v0.2.1
- Uses new handlers.
IrcLogger - v0.4.3
- Uses new handlers.
KarmaBot - v0.5.0
- Updated LiteDB to the latest version. It is configured to automatically upgrade old LiteDB databases during plugin init.
- Uses new handlers.
NewVersionNotifier - v0.1.3
- Uses new handlers.
QuoteBot - v0.5.0
- Updated LiteDB to the latest version. It is configured to automatically upgrade old LiteDB databases during plugin init.
- Uses new handlers.
RssBot - v0.5.2
- #36 - Should no longer crash when an RSS feed 404's upon init. Rather, it will try again later.
UserListBot - v0.3.3
- Uses new handlers.
WelcomeBot - v0.4.2
- Uses new handlers.
- Msi
- sha256: f606ba1d495f80e52bc5b4b3b47efd3139b8c32c1da8888a2485561e2279a7eb
- Chocolatey
- Mirror
- sha256: 477a356d6874346d5ba065210d722db50e1148d872a61f99eccadc311986b878
- Mirror
- Deb
- sha256: 47e14daf3f7f0144600489b955469be293358f587270c994c51ad38a39a3ed44