The DS-Handler is the Module that handles the handling of the Data Store connections (PG and Elastic).
npm install --save nc-db-handler
var NcDbHandler = require('nc-db-handler');
var dsHandler = new NcDbHandler();
var config = {
'write-store': {
db1: 'postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/db1',
db2: 'postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/db1'
'read-store': {
index1: 'https://user:pass@localhost',
index2: 'https://user:pass@localhost'
This methods hits PG
dataSource: '', /* {String} | required | format: "database.table" */
logQuery: true, /* {Boolean} | optional | default: false */
mapping: require('adding-review-mapping'), /* {Function} | optional */
payload: { /* {Object} | required */
text: 'Ola',
rating: '1',
reviewerId: '123',
profileId: '20',
product: 'TK',
platform: 'web',
ip: '',
weddingDate: '21.01.2015'
outputMapping: require('some-mapper'), /* {Function} | optional */
payloadSchema: { /* {Object} | optional | Joi validation schema applied on payload */
text: Joi.....
outputSchema: { /* {Object} | optional | Joi validation schema applied on the result of the outputMapping */
text: Joi.....
}).then(function success(result) {
* @return {Object} - the Object will be the returned value of outputMapping and validated by the outputSchema
This methods hits PG{
dataSource: '', /* {String} | required | format: "database.table" */
logQuery: true, /* {Boolean} | optional | default: false */
native: 'WHERE data->>\'id\' IN (\'13\', \'123\', \'1234\') LIMIT 2 ORDER BY data->>\'id\' DESC', /* {String} | optional */
and: [
{ /* {Array|Object} | optional */
native: 'data->\'id\' IN (\'13\', \'123\', \'1234\')'
or : [
'data->address->>street': 'Anderson'
always: 1
email : [
'[email protected]',
'[email protected]',
} /* WHERE data->'id' IN (13,123,1234) AND (data->'address'->>'street' = 'Anderson' OR data->>'always' = 1) AND (data->>'email' = '[email protected]' OR data->>'email' = '[email protected]') */
sort: { /* {Object} | optional */
'data->address->>street': 'asc'
limit: 1, /* {Number} | optional */
offset: 20, /* {Number} | optional */
outputMapping: require('some-mapper'), /* {Function} | optional */
outputSchema: { /* {Object} | optional | Joi validation schema applied on the result of the outputMapping */
address: Joi.....
}).then(function success(results) {
* @return {Array} - results is an Array of Objects mapped with outputMapping and validated using the outputSchema and matching the search criteria
/* Other query examples
query: {
or : {
{ 'native': 'id IN (13,123,1234)' },
{ and : {
{ 'meta->address->>street': 'Anderson"' },
{ 'meta->>always': 1 }
} },
{ 'meta->>email' : [
'[email protected]',
] }
} === WHERE id IN (13,123,1234) OR (meta->address->>street = "Anderson" AND meta->>always = 1) OR (meta->>email = "[email protected]" OR meta->>email = "[email protected]")
query: [
{ 'meta->>reviewer': 123 },
{ 'meta->>profile': 45 }
] === WHERE meta->>reviewer = 123 AND meta->>profile = 45
This methods hits PG
dataSource: '', /* {String} | required | format: "database.table" */
logQuery: true, /* {Boolean} | optional | default: false */
native: 'WHERE data->>\'id\' IN (\'1\', \'2\', \'3\')', /* {String} | optional */
query: [ /* {Array|Object} | optional */
'data->>id': ['1', '2', '3']
sort: { /* {Object} | optional */
'data->address->>street': 'asc'
limit: 1, /* {Number} | optional */
offset: 20, /* {Number} | optional */
}).then(function success(results) {
* @return {Array} - results is an Array of Objects containing the deleted Documents
This methods hits PG
dataSource: '', /* {String} | required | format: "database.table" */
logQuery: true, /* {Boolean} | optional | default: false */
native: 'WHERE data->>\'id\' = \'UUID\'' /* {String} | optional */
query: { /* {Array|Object} | optional */
'data->>id' : 'UUID'
sort: { /* {Object} | optional */
'data->address->>street': 'asc'
limit: 1, /* {Number} | optional */
offset: 20, /* {Number} | optional */
}).then(function success(result) {
* @return {Array} - results is an Array of Objects containing the updated Documents with {status: 'deleted', deletedAt:}
This methods hits PG
dataSource: '', /* {String} | required | format: "database.table" */
logQuery: true, /* {Boolean} | optional | default: false */
native: 'WHERE data->>\'id\' = \'UUID\'' /* {String} | optional */
query: { /* {Array|Object} | optional */
'data->>id' : 'UUID'
payload: { /* {Object} | required */
profiles: [555]
replaceData: false, /* {Boolean} | optional | defaults: false */
mapping: require('mapping-function'), /* {Function} | optional */
outputMapping: require('mapping-function') /* {Function} | optional */
payloadSchema: { /* {Object} | optional | Joi validation schema applied on the payload object */
profiles: Joi.....
outputSchema: { /* {Object} | optional | Joi validation schema applied on the result of the outputMapping */
profiles: Joi.....
}).then(function success(results) {
* @return {Array} - results is an Array of Objects representing all updated rows mapped with outputMapping and validated with outputSchema
This methods hits PG
dataSource: '', /* {String} | required | format: "database.table" */
logQuery: true, /* {Boolean} | optional | default: false */
native: 'WHERE data->>\'id\' = \'UUID\'' /* {String} | optional */
query: { /* {Array|Object} | optional */
'data->>id' : 'UUID'
}).then(function success(result) {
* @return {Number} - result is the COUNT
This methods hits PG'db-reviews', 'SELECT * FROM reviews WHERE meta->>\'id\' = \'245342\'')
.then(function success(result) {
* @return {Object|Array} - result is the raw Postgres data
This methods hits Elastic{
dataSource: '', /* {String} | required | format: "index.type" */
logQuery: true, /* {Boolean} | optional | default: false */
query: {}, /* {Object} | optional | native Elastic QUERY object from body */
filter: {}, /* {Object} | optional | native Elastic FILTER object from body */
aggs: {}, /* {Object} | optional | native Elastic AGGREGATION object from body */
/* even though the previous 3 are optional, at least one needs to be set */
sort: { /* {Object} | optional */
'address.street': 'asc'
limit: 1, /* {Number} | optional */
offset: 20, /* {Number} | optional */
outputMapping: require('some-mapper'), /* {Function} | optional */
outputSchema: { /* {Object} | optional | Joi validation schema applied on the result of the outputMapping */
}).then(function success(result) {
* @return {Array} results is an Array of objects from ElasticSearch
This methods hits Elastic
dataSource: '', /* {String} | required | format: "index.type" */
logQuery: true, /* {Boolean} | optional | default: false */
payload: [ /* {Object|Array} | required */
id: 'UUID', /* required */
user: 'some user name',
content: 'some content here'
id: 'UUID', /* required */
user: 'another user',
content: 'some content here'
mapping: require('some-mapper'), /* {Function} | optional */
payloadSchema: { /* {Object} | optional | Joi validation schema applied on the result of the mapping */
id: Joi.....
replaceData: false /* {Boolean} | optional | defaults: false */
}).then(function success(result) {
* @return {Boolean} - result is true if documents were indexed succesfully
}).catch(function error(result) {
/* Handle error here */
This methods hits Elastic
dataSource: '', /* {String} | required | format: "index.type" */
logQuery: true, /* {Boolean} | optional | default: false */
query: { /* {Object} | required */
'id' : 'UUID' /* this is the only accepted format for updating */
payload: { /* {Array} | required */
tags: ['red']
payloadSchema: { /* {Object} | optional | Joi validation schema applied on the result of the mapping */
tags: Joi.....
replaceData: false /* {Boolean} | optional | defaults: false */
}).then(function success(result) {
* {Boolean} - result is true if documents were updated succesfully
This methods hits Elastic
dataSource: '' /* {String} | required */
logQuery : true, /* {Boolean} | optional | default: false */
query: { /* {Object} | optional | at least one between query and payload is mandatory */
term: {
status: 'normal'
payload: ['UUID1', 'UUID2', 'UUID3'] /* {Array} | optional | an array of ES document ids */
}).then(function(response) {
* {Boolean} - result is true if documents were removed succesfully
}).catch(function(error) {
// Handle errors throwns by method
This methods hits Elastic
'reviews', /* {String} connectionName - the key of connection string used in config['read-store'] */
'index', /* {String} action - elastic search action ('bulk', 'index', 'count', 'create', 'delete', 'deleteByQuery', 'get', 'search', 'update') */
{ /* {Object} query - raw elastic search query to be sent */
index: 'reviews',
type : 'review',
id : 'UUID',
body : {
tags: ["red"],
user: 'Fred Jacobs'
}).then(function(response) {
* @return {Object} - raw response from elastic search
}).catch(function(error) {
// Handle errors throws by method
On your machine, we can initialize some data store dependencies to facilitate integration test.
Creates a docker compose environment with Elasticsearch and Postgres with a container testing code in watch mode.
make run
Removes node_modules folder and reinstalls from shrinkwrap or package.json
make install
Removes node_modules folder and npm_shrinkwrap.json and recreates from package.json using the latest from npm.
make clean
Initiate mocha in watch mode on your local machine. This will not boot up any docker resources so your integration test will fail. But if you have postgres and elasticsearch containers running and hosted correctly, then these test will work.
make test
Docker image build process for containerizing code and test.
make docker-build