Audit Firms (representative; not exhaustive) ABDK, Arcadia, Beosin, Blockchain Consilium, BlockSec, CertiK, ChainSafe, ChainSecurity, Chainsulting, CoinFabrik, ConsenSys Diligence, Dedaub, G0, Hacken, Haechi, Halborn, HashEx, Iosiro, Least Authority, MixBytes, NCC, NewAlchemy, OpenZeppelin, PeckShield, Pessimistic, PepperSec, Pickle, Quantstamp, QuillHash, Runtime Verification, Sigma Prime, SlowMist, SmartDec, Solidified, Somish, Trail of Bits and Zokyo.
- Security Expertise
- Smart Contracts, Ethereum
- Traditional vs Specialized
- E.g.: ConsenSys Diligence, Sigma Prime, Trail of Bits