encrypt, store to IPFS, then save encryption keys to Nillion nilvm network
reference implementation for large files in Nillion.
- install and run an ipfs node or desktop app
- install python deps
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- copy
and customize to suit
python3 add.py <PATH-TO-FILE> [<PATH-TO-FILE> <PATH-TO-FILE> ...]
$ python3 add.py ~/Downloads/pop-os_22.04_amd64_intel_43.iso
sending /tmp/tmp45lrng_6 to ipfs (agent id:12D3KooWD7TeKCA19eF7VV7Ls4mejqqqcuTnUXbMQgiD5oJfEPVf)
stored to ipfs cid QmRtUzk3ivAy1TTUrXMAp6iQK6ZpDzN7QsMtWr2ctbdF6D
Getting quote for operation...
Quote cost is 4322 unil
Submitting payment receipt 4322 unil, tx hash 747AD8E3159541C35BE49094D7C20E2F2FDA781ECC4178523B3FD47FE584A7FB
The secret is stored at store_id: 5b531834-98c2-4b13-a29f-ea658d21ba6e
python3 get.py <NILLION-STORE-ID>
$ python3 get.py 5b531834-98c2-4b13-a29f-ea658d21ba6e
Getting quote for operation...
Quote cost is 2 unil
Submitting payment receipt 2 unil, tx hash 7FFDF5E23F88650D6FBBC8D73335080DFFB47040DA092E8109168C17DC8873E3
The nillion secret value is '{"cid": "QmRtUzk3ivAy1TTUrXMAp6iQK6ZpDzN7QsMtWr2ctbdF6D", "filename": "pop-os_22.04_amd64_intel_43.iso", "size": 2657157120, "key": "A0jSZP8rFbp2Ngi4Bh0OP2iEiZlRWD1CwWLOIvAhzPc=", "sig": "rn8oeZmNHEcESn2N", "iv": "PGCP9oPkSx5s3a3S", "tag": "box00IaMXT+B87t77Sj9ZA=="}'
file decrypted to: [/tmp/tmp9dx5hk6r/pop-os_22.04_amd64_intel_43.iso]