Pipeline for Chromosome Assignment Using Synteny and it also fixes 3D-DNA's contig problems
Say if you have two assemblies target.fasta and reference.fasta
You want to assign scaffolds in target.fasta to the reference assembly reference.fasta:
/tmp/casu/src/caus target.fasta reference.fasta assign.fasta > try.out
This gives you the assigned assembly file: assign.fasta
1. you need to give the full path of the caus file. \
2. target.fasta and reference.fasta should be in your working directory. \
3. If you have a Segmentation fault (core dumped), please use try this \
/tmp/casu/caus -len 1000000 arget.fasta reference.fasta assign.fasta > try.out
Requirements for compiling: gcc
$ git clone https://github.com/wtsi-hpag/caus.git
$ cd caus
$ bash install.sh
3D-DNA is a popular HiC scaffolding pipeline. However, it makes so many breakpoints when examining HiC coverage profile. After scaffolding with 3D-DNA, contigs are sometimes fragmented. You can run caus to fix this problem.
/tmp/casu/src/caus contigs.fasta scaffolds-3D-DNA.fasta scaffolds-caus3D.fasta > try.out
contigs.fasta is produced with long or short reads; \
scaffolds-3D-DNA.fasta is an output file from 3D-DNA; \
scaffolds-caus3D.fasta is a new scaffolding file. \
More detailed information and examples can be found in the PPT file.
Please contact Zemin Ning ( [email protected] ) for any further information.