Jobs Viewer, AoI Details, and Sentinel 2 Imagery and Query Improvements
11 commits
to typescript_refactor
since this release
Job information can be viewed on the JOBS tab. Older or defunct jobs can be permanently removed. Area of Interest details can be viewed on the DETAIL tab.
Many quality of life improvements including:
- only ESA query results are used from the s2d2_api, resulting S2 imagery is more consistent
- S2 tile names in the list are formatted to match the format used by L8, the true ESA s2 name is still available by using the Copy Tiles to Clipboard button or the Save Tile List to JSON buttons
- highlighting tiles in the list is now more useful, select the tiles in the list, it will have a cyan border when highlighted:
- select which tiles to copy to your clipboard by highlighting them (hold CTRL to select more than one tile)
- select which tiles to submit jobs for by highlighting them in the list
A tile can have more than one job associated with it, but only the most recent job will be shown on the tile list as the hourglass icon. The rest of the jobs and more detailed information can be viewed on the JOBS tab.
s2d2_api has been updated to v0.0.3, which supports the new S2 imagery and query functionality. Logic to use the USGS to download S2 tiles has been moved into the worker processes (simple_worker) and is only used when the ESA L2A tile is not available (ESA L1C is used as a backup when the USGS L1C tile is not available).