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Merge pull request #639 from worldbank/add_py_bat
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Add py bat files
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GLD-Focal-Point authored Aug 19, 2024
2 parents d71b9c8 + ffb90f5 commit 43b0acf
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Showing 4 changed files with 251 additions and 0 deletions.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Apr 19 10:16:32 2024
@author: Caleb Jensen

def step_one_cleaning(prompt, key, mod = 'gemini-pro'):
from io import StringIO
import csv
import pathlib
import textwrap
import google.generativeai as genai
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
## Need to change this line to get your own API key if possible
#from config import GOOGLE_API_KEY

#setting the model and API key
model = genai.GenerativeModel(mod)

# Input string prompt to the google model
response = model.generate_content(prompt)

# Define the data string
data_string = response.text

# Create a StringIO object to mimic a file-like object
data_io = StringIO(data_string)

# Create first df to be cleaned and returned
df = pd.read_csv(data_io, delimiter="|")

# Drop empty top row
df = df.iloc[1:].reset_index(drop = True)

# Drop empty columns
names = df.columns
for name in names:
if "unnamed" in name.lower():
df = df.drop(columns = [name])
return df

## function looks for asterisks in a string and removes them, this is useful for cleaning data below
def remove_asterisks(text):
import re
pattern = r"\*"
return re.sub(pattern, "", text)

## function looks for non digit characters in a string and removes them, this is useful for cleaning data below
def strip_non_digits(text):
import re
return re.sub(r"[^\d.]", "", text)

## Takes a prompt, code, key, and mod and returns a dataframe with the code pairs and their corresponding parbabilities
def step_two_cleaning(prompt, code, key, mod = 'gemini-pro'):
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
import time
status = "broken"
## While loop try step_one_cleaning(), only continues if the first step executes properly
while status == "broken":
df = step_one_cleaning(prompt, key, mod)
#gets column names to be used below
names = df.columns
#checks for common errors when data is returned from AI
if len(names) == 3 and len(df) != 0 and type(df[names[2]][0]) == str:
count = Counter(df[names[2]][0])
if count["."] == 1:
df[names[2]] = df[names[2]].astype(str)
props = np.array(df[names[2]])
# checking for common error of 1 being **1** in data frame, python has trouble with this
for i in range(len(props)):
if df[names[2]][i] == "**1**":
df[names[2]][i] = "1.00"
## removing any n/a or nan strings from data frame, these can also cause errors
elif type(df[names[2]][i]) == str:
if 'n/a' in df[names[2]][i].lower() or 'nan' in df[names[2]][i].lower():
df[names[2]][i] = "0"
## if all conditions met, we move on to further cleaning
status = "clean"
if status == "clean":
names = df.columns
names_2 = ["version_4", "version_3.1", "Proportion of Jobs"]
df.columns = names_2
# Replace non-numeric characters with an empty string and replace any extraneous characters in the dataframe for the version 4 codes
pattern = r'\D' # Matches any non-digit character
df["version_4"] = df["version_4"].astype(str)
df["version_4"] = df["version_4"].str.replace(pattern, '')
df["version_4"] = df["version_4"].apply(remove_asterisks)
df["version_4"] = df["version_4"].str.replace(' ', '')
## do the same as above for version 3.1 code
df["version_3.1"] = df["version_3.1"].astype(str)
df["version_3.1"] = df["version_3.1"].str.replace(pattern, '')
df["version_3.1"] = df["version_3.1"].apply(remove_asterisks)
df["version_3.1"] = df["version_3.1"].str.replace(' ', '')
## removing extraneous characters from the probability column
if type(df["Proportion of Jobs"].iloc[0]) == str:
df["Proportion of Jobs"] = df["Proportion of Jobs"].apply(remove_asterisks)

#Checking if full code is present, if not, loop will be forced to restart
if len(df["version_3.1"].iloc[0]) != 4:
status = "broken"
if len(df["version_4"].iloc[0]) != 4:
df["version_4"] = code

# Making proportion column a float between 0 and 1
if type(df["Proportion of Jobs"][0]) == str:
## remove any non digit characters
df["Proportion of Jobs"] = df["Proportion of Jobs"].apply(strip_non_digits)
## strip off any blank spaces
df["Proportion of Jobs"] = df["Proportion of Jobs"].str.strip()
## reomove percent signs, sometimes these are problematic
df["Proportion of Jobs"] = df["Proportion of Jobs"].str.replace("%", "")
## remove < signs, these can be issues as well
df["Proportion of Jobs"] = df["Proportion of Jobs"].str.replace("<", "")
## make all as type float
df["Proportion of Jobs"] = df["Proportion of Jobs"].astype(float)
## If the proportions are greater than 1, scale all down to be between 0 and 1
if df["Proportion of Jobs"][0] > 1:
df["Proportion of Jobs"] = df["Proportion of Jobs"]/100

## scale the data frame
df = df.reset_index(drop = True)
## if the sum of the proportions is greater than 1 we scale them all down equally so that they all sum to 1
if df["Proportion of Jobs"].sum() > 1:
total = df["Proportion of Jobs"].sum()
for i in range(len(df["Proportion of Jobs"])):
df["Proportion of Jobs"][i] = df["Proportion of Jobs"][i]/total
## returns dataframe with code pairs and correspondence probability
return df

## Creating a usable prompt to query an AI API with
def make_prompt(digits, four_code, corr_table, ISIC_old, ISIC_new):
num_codes = corr_table["ISIC4code"].value_counts()
prompt = "A " + digits + " digit code " + four_code + " which is (" + str(ISIC_new[ISIC_new["Code"] == four_code]["Description"].iloc[0]) + ") in ISIC version 4 is comprised of " + str(num_codes[four_code]) + " four digit codes in ISICs version 3.1, "
codes_31 = corr_table[corr_table["ISIC4code"] == four_code]
## Code to go through each corresponding code and add it and its large description to the prompt
for code in codes_31["ISIC31code"].unique():
## start by just adding the code and its standard description from the ISIC code data frame, we will repeat this process over every code
prompt = prompt + code + " which is (" + ISIC_old[ISIC_old['Code'] == code]['Description'].iloc[0] + "), "
## Give prompt 2 different endings, both with main question, for if there are many correspondences, which is rare, or if there is only a few, which is much more frequent.
if num_codes[four_code] > 10:
prompt = prompt + " What is your best estimate of the proportion of jobs now coded in " + four_code + " that were in each of the previous codes in version 3.1? The proportions can be less than .05 and many probably are less .05. Can you give me your best guesses in a table with 3 columns, first the three digit code, " + four_code + " then the four didgit codes, then the proportions?"
prompt = prompt + " What is your best estimate of the proportion of jobs now coded in " + four_code + " that were in each of the previous codes in version 3.1? If there is only 1 version 3.1 code, it is automatically 1. Can you give me your best guesses in a table with 3 columns, first the version 4 code, " + four_code + " then the version 3.1 codes, then the proportions?"
return prompt

## Function is the main loop to generate a new correspondence table, takes:
## codes --> list of new ISIC codes
## corr_table --> df, corresponds the old and new ISIC versions
## ISIC_old --> holds the old ISIC codes with their corresponding descriptions
## ISIC_new --> holds the new ISIC codes with their corresponding descriptions
## key --> string, API key for the model you are using
## mod --> string, defines model to be used for prediction
def tool_loop(codes, corr_table, ISIC_old, ISIC_new, key, mod = 'gemini-pro'):
import pandas as pd
import time
# initialize big dataframe to hold correspondence table, after each code is run the small df is appended to this large one
df_big = pd.DataFrame({'version_4': [], 'version_3.1': [], "Proportion of Jobs": []})
# start of main loop, goes through each code in the New ISIC codes
for four_code in codes:
## Checks if there is more than 1 instance of the code in the corr_table, if not, then immediatly assign a value of 1 to the correspondence proportion
if corr_table["ISIC4code"].value_counts()[four_code] == 1:
code_31 = corr_table[corr_table["ISIC4code"] == four_code]
v_3 = code_31["ISIC31code"].iloc[0]
data = {"version_4": [four_code], "version_3.1": [v_3], "Proportion of Jobs": [1]}
df_2 = pd.DataFrame(data, [len(df_big)])
df_big = pd.concat([df_big, df_2])
df_big = df_big[df_big.notna().all(axis=1)]
df_big = df_big.reset_index(drop = True)
## If there is more than 1 instance of the code, then use the AI model to generate new codes
## As rarely there can be issues with the model output, we use try to make sure execution of the loop is not prematurely stopped
max_attempts = 10
for i in range(1+max_attempts):
prompt = make_prompt("four", four_code, corr_table, ISIC_old = ISIC_old, ISIC_new = ISIC_new)
df_2 = step_two_cleaning(prompt, four_code, key, mod)
except Exception as e:
if i == max_attempts:
return(print("it broke", e))
## Add the new correspondence probability to the correspondence table dataframe
df_big = pd.concat([df_big, df_2])
df_big = df_big[df_big.notna().all(axis=1)]
df_big = df_big.reset_index(drop = True)
## Finally, we put in several seconds of sleep every 5 iterations of the loop to ensure we do over-query the API
if i % 5 == 0:
## Returns correspondence dataframe
return df_big
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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@echo off
for /l %%i in (1,1,100) do (
python ISIC4_ISIC31.csv ISIC_31_4digit_long.xlsx ISIC_4_4digit_long.xlsx Runs/run_%%i.xlsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Apr 26 10:25:47 2024
@author: Caleb Jensen
## Load in required packages
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from Tool_functions import make_prompt
from Tool_functions import step_one_cleaning
from Tool_functions import step_two_cleaning
from Tool_functions import remove_asterisks
from Tool_functions import tool_loop
from config import GOOGLE_API_KEY
import sys

# Access input and output file paths from sys.argv
corr_table = sys.argv[1]
ISIC_old = sys.argv[2]
ISIC_new = sys.argv[3]

## load in all the data sets needed from command line arguments
ISIC_new = pd.read_excel(ISIC_new, dtype = {"Code": str, "Description": str})
ISIC_old = pd.read_excel(ISIC_old, dtype = {"Code": str, "Description": str})
corr_table = pd.read_csv(corr_table, dtype={"ISIC4code": str, "partialISIC4": str, "ISIC31code": str, "partialISIC31": str})

## Ensure there are no NAs from reading in from excel
corr_table.fillna("", inplace = True)
ISIC_old.fillna("", inplace = True)
ISIC_new.fillna("", inplace = True)

## Get codes array to be looped through in main loop
codes = np.array(ISIC_new["Code"])

## Check if model is specified, if not we will go with the default and run the tool loop.
if len(sys.argv) > 5:
mod = sys.argv[4]
out_file = sys.argv[5]
correspondence_table = tool_loop(codes, corr_table = corr_table, ISIC_old=ISIC_old, ISIC_new=ISIC_new, key = GOOGLE_API_KEY, mod = mod)

## Tool loop if we are using the default model
out_file = sys.argv[4]
correspondence_table = tool_loop(codes, corr_table=corr_table, ISIC_old=ISIC_old, ISIC_new=ISIC_new, key = GOOGLE_API_KEY, mod = 'gemini-pro')

## Read correspondence table out to excel with our desired output name
correspondence_table.to_excel(out_file, index= False)

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