Before beginning check Starterkit
Step 1. Install rosetta
Open terminal and execute below command
/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
Step 2. Install vagrant with homebrew
Open terminal and execute below command
brew install vagrant
Step 3. Create an account on Broadcom
Open the link in the browser and click on register.
Step 4. Download & Install VMWare Fusion Tech Preview
- Login
- Click on top right corner and select VMware Cloud Foundation
- Click My Downloads.
- Select VMware Fusion
- Select VMware Fusion 13 Pro for Personal Use
- Select 13.6
- Click on the Download Icon
- Double click on the downloaded software to start the installation.
- Double click on the fusion icon to start the installation and enter the password.
Step 5. Allow vmware Fusion in Accessibility of Security and Privacy Settings.
- Open System Settings.
- Go to Privacy & Security
- Select Accessibility
- Toggle on the switch on VMware Fusion
Step 6. Installing vagrant VMware provider.
Open terminal and execute below command.
brew install --cask vagrant-vmware-utility
Step 7. Install vmware plugin for vagrant
Open terminal and execute below command.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-desktop
Step 8. Create folder for ubuntu vm
Open terminal and execute below command.
mkdir -p Desktop/vms
cd Desktop/vms
Step 9. Bring up vm
Make sure in the terminal, you are in the same folder where Vagrantfile is created.
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
sudo -i
ip addr show
vagrant halt
vagrant destroy