RestAPI with Python's FastAPI, for the backend of Puzzles Project.
The front-end repository is here.
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL-3.0
Although everything is free to use, modify and distribute, credit is always appreciated.
The project is written in Python 3.12.4. Create a virtual environment and activate it.
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
To install the dependencies, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
## or
make init
The rest will be written as the project progresses.
The current project structure is designed as below. Components may change as the project evolves.
├── core/ # Core configuration and initialization (settings, dependencies, etc.)
├── crud/ # CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for database models
├── libs/ # External libraries and shared utilities
├── entities/ # Database table entities/schema
├── routers/ # API endpoints (routers) grouped by functionality
├── schemes/ # Pydantic models for request/response validation
├── services/ # Business logic and service layer
├── utils/ # Helper functions and utilities
├── # Entry point for the FastAPI app
tests/ # Unit and integration tests
alembic/ # Alembic configuration and database migration scripts
alembic.ini # Alembic settings for database migrations
.env # Environment variables for configuration
.env.example # Example environment variables file
requirements-test.txt # Testing dependencies
requirements.txt # Project dependencies
Makefile # Automation of commands like testing, running, etc.
.gitignore # Git configuration to ignore specified files and folders # Project documentation
LICENSE # Project license file
Branches: main
is the main branch, for the stable version of the project. dev
is the development branch, where the new features are implemented.
For the branch names, use the following pattern: type/description
. For example, feature/login
, fix/bug-in-register
or docs/update-readme
Commits: We are using conventional commits. For more information, check this site.
Basically, the commit message should be like this: <type>[optional scope]: <description>
Generaly used types: feat
, fix
, docs
, style
, refactor
, test
, chore
Pull Requests: The PRs should be made to the dev
branch. The PRs should have a title and a description, explaining what was done and why.
Python Syntax: We are using PEP8 for the Python syntax. For more information, check this site.
Basically we will use:
- camelCase for functions
- snake_case for variables
- UpperCamelCase for classes
- UPPER_CASE for constants
- 2 spaces for indentation