This repository contains the python code and the output for the decoy structure analysis included in the DE-STRESS paper. The decoy analysis gives one example of how the metrics in DE-STRESS could be used. A set of 9 experimentally-determined structures along with 40 randomly sampled folding decoys were selected from the 3DRobot_set. Using the DE-STRESS web server, we generated and exported metrics for all of these structures. Additional crystallographic structures from the PDB were included for each of the experimentally-determined structures, that were not part of the 3DRobot_set. These were included in the analysis, as we would expect these to have similar metric values to the experimentally-determined structure in the 3DRobot_set. After this, the metrics were scaled with min-max scaling, so that the features ranged between 0 and 1. Finally, principal component analysis (pca) was performed on the scaled data set.
By plotting the first two principal components, the experimentally-determined structures were shown to generally have the largest values for both principal components compared to their decoys. The additional crystallographic structures from the PDB were close to the experimentally-determined structure from the 3DRobot_set. This shows that these results are robust to different crystallographic structures for the same protein.
The data set used for the decoy analysis was created using the 3DRobot_set generated by
3DRobot Deng et al., 2016. A set of 9
experimentally-determined structures along with 40 randomly sampled folding decoys were selected
from the 3DRobot_set. The additional crystallographic structures were downloaded from the PDB
and added to the data set. After some pre-processing, the DE-STRESS webserver was used to
generate metrics for this data and the final data set is saved as
In order to recreate the full analysis, the 3DRobot_set can be downloaded from
here. The 3DRobot_set.tar.bz2
was extracted in the data/
folder in this repo. After all the subfolders were extracted,
script was ran. This script is needed as the decoy pdb files
generated by 3DRobot have the element column missing. Also, some of the pdb files contained
hydrogen atoms which are not accepted by a lot of the metrics ran in DE-STRESS. Both of these
issues needed to be addressed before running these pdb files through the DE-STRESS web server.
(Note: This script takes quite a bit of time to run).
After the pdb files had been fixed, the
script was ran to randomly
sample 40 decoys for 9 different experimentally-determined structures. The decoy structures
in the 3DRobot set have RMSD ranging from 0 to 12 Å, so the random sampling
was done to ensure a spread across this range.
The additional crystallographic structures that were included in the analysis were found using the "Find similar assemblies" search functionality on the PDB. The table below shows pdb ids and chains for the structures that were selected from the PDB, and the experimentally determined structures from the 3DRobot_set.
Experimentally-determined structure pdb id and chain |
Similar structures pdb ids and chains |
1N8V A | 1N8U A |
1ZI8 A | 1ZIC A, 1ZIX A, 1ZI9 A |
2HS1 A | 2HS2 A, 3S53 A |
2XOD A | 2X2P A |
3CHB D | 1PZK D, 1PZJ D |
3LDC A | 3OUS A, 3R65 A, 3LDD A |
3NJN A | 3NJH A, 3NJM A |
3WCQ A | 3AB5 A |
3WDC A | 3WDE A, 3WDD A |
All of these structures, along with their decoys, were ran through the DE-STRESS web server in batches, and the data was
downloaded as .csv
files. These .csv
files are saved as;
Finally the
script was used to combine all the .csv
files together, to drop
some columns that were not needed and to create the decoy or native
and pdb id
This data set was then saved as de-stress_output/combined_data.csv
Firstly, before performing PCA, a number of data pre processing steps were peformed. As the energy
values are dependent on the size of the protein, we divided all of these values by the number
of residues in the structure. After this, we removed a number of variables from the data set.
Features such as composition - ALA
, mass (da)
, number of residues
and isoelectric point (pH)
were constant for structures from the same pdb id. In this analysis, we are interested in features
that can distinguish between the decoys and experimentally-determined structures, so that's why
these metrics were excluded. Other metrics that were excluded were design name
, pdb_id
structure group
as these are categorical features, evoef2 - interD total
and rosetta - yhh_planarity
as these were constant across the data set, and obviously
decoy or native
as we are interested in seeing if the DE-STRESS features can separate decoys and
experimentally-determined structures out themselves. Two other metrics evoef2: ref total
rosetta - dslf_fa13
were excluded because they were discrete variables and aggrescan3d: total_value
was excluded as we already have aggrescan3d: avg_value
in the data set which is normalised for
the size of the structure. The two sections below show the full list of included and excluded metrics.
Included Metrics
'hydrophobic fitness', 'packing density', 'budeff: total',
'budeff: steric', 'budeff: desolvation', 'budeff: charge',
'evoef2: total', 'evoef2: intraR total', 'evoef2: interS total',
'dfire2 - total', 'rosetta - total','rosetta - fa_atr',
'rosetta - fa_rep', 'rosetta - fa_intra_rep','rosetta - fa_elec',
'rosetta - fa_sol', 'rosetta - lk_ball_wtd', 'rosetta - fa_intra_sol_xover4',
'rosetta - hbond_lr_bb', 'rosetta - hbond_sr_bb', 'rosetta - hbond_bb_sc',
'rosetta - hbond_sc', 'rosetta - rama_prepro', 'rosetta - p_aa_pp',
'rosetta - fa_dun', 'rosetta - omega', 'rosetta - pro_close',
'aggrescan3d: avg_value', 'aggrescan3d: min_value', 'aggrescan3d: max_value'
Excluded Metrics
'design name', 'number of residues', 'mass (da)',
'decoy or native', 'evoef2 - interD total', 'rosetta - yhh_planarity',
'aggrescan3d: total_value', 'isoelectric point (pH)',
'pdb id', 'structure group', 'evoef2: ref total',
'rosetta - dslf_fa13', 'composition: ALA', 'composition: CYS',
'composition: ASP', 'composition: GLU', 'composition: PHE',
'composition: GLY', 'composition: HIS', 'composition: ILE',
'composition: LYS', 'composition: LEU', 'composition: MET',
'composition: ASN', 'composition: PRO', 'composition: GLN',
'composition: ARG', 'composition: SER', 'composition: THR',
'composition: VAL', 'composition: TRP', 'composition: UNK'
After excluding these metrics, the remaining features were scaled so that the values were between 0 and 1. This is because PCA is extremely sensitive to the magnitude of the values and higher magnitude features (e.g energy function values) could skew the analysis. We chose to scale the features with min-max scaling rather than using standardisation, as some of the features didn't appear to have a Gaussian distribution. An example of this is shown in the plot below.
Firstly, we checked the variance explained by different numbers of PCA components. The chart below shows that the first 2 principal components explain roughly 60% of the variance in the data set, and roughly 90% of the variance is explained with 8 principal components.
After this, we plotted the first two principal components for all 9 of the experimentally-determined structures, along with their decoys and the additional crystallographic structures.
From this plot, we see that for each pdb id
, the experimentally determined structures, shown as
stars, are consistently in the top right corner of the chart. The experimentally-determined
structures generally have the largest values for both principal components 1 and 2, when compared
to the decoys. In addition to this, the additional crystallographic structures, shown as squares,
are close to the experimentally determined structures from the 3DRobot_set, which shows that this
analysis is robust to small variations in the experimentally determined structure. This analysis
suggests that the DE-STRESS metrics are capturing properties of these structural models that can
be used to distinguish "native-like" structures from decoys.
Furthermore, we investigated what features contributed to both principal components. The table below shows the top 6 contributers to principal component 1 and 2.
Top 6 contributers to PC1 | Top 6 contributers to PC2 |
rosetta - hbond_sr_bb | aggrescan3d: avg_value |
rosetta - hbond_lr_bb | budeff: steric |
budeff: total | rosetta - fa_intra_sol_xover4 |
evoef2: intraR total | aggrescan3d: max_value |
budeff: charge | aggrescan3d: min_value |
dfire2 - total | packing density |