68 commits
to master
since this release
7.0.0 (2022-03-21)
- assistantv1: assistant v1 generated with new spec (5c6e9db)
- assistantv2: assistant v2 generated with new spec (7f7d96f)
- compare-comply: remove compare-comply (a851442)
- discoveryv1: discovery v1 generated with new spec (cf1d976)
- discoveryv1: regen with more recent defs (46752a1)
- lt: lT generated with new spec (ed54e99)
- nlc: remove NLC (698b3be)
- nlu: nLU generated with new spec (beeb8a0)
- pi: remove PI (350ed36)
- secrets: run detect secrets (5a5690a)
- stt: change addGrammar to take a file (d21b462)
- stt: stt generated with new spec (ec98a33)
- tone analyzer: remove tone analyzer (fbd5be1)
- tts: tTS generated with new spec (b1e87d3)
- vizrec: remove vizrec (a6f3134)
- stt: addGrammar no longer accepts a string and must take a file
- discoveryv1: QueryAggregation subclasses changed, be sure to regen models
- stt: Changed file type of addGrammar from String to Data
- discoveryv1: QueryAggregation - subclasses have changed
- assistantv2: MessageOutputDebug - renamed DialogNodesVisited to DialogNodeVisited; RuntimeEntity
- removed optional metadata property
- assistantv1: Removed required text property on outputdata and removed optional metadata property
from runtimeentity - tone analyzer: Tone Analyzer functionality has been removed
- vizrec: VizRec functionality has been removed
- pi: PI functionality has been removed
- nlc: NLC functionality has been removed
- compare-comply: Compare and comply functionality has been removed