Mush Match v1.3.1
231 commits
to master
since this release
1.3.1 Changelog
- Force zero frag limit, and warn if a different value is set in config
- Fix the majority of settings; there was no way to set those through INI files
- Have bot attitude always be "ignorant" on match start, never engaging other players
- Change 'immune-resistance' parameter update and make it also configurable.
- Slight rebalance to default bot AI suspicion radius values
- Fix premature ending in network games
- Fix Beacon firerate setting replication
- Fix Sporifier being put down for players in netgames
- Fix tiny-damage AI suspicion culling
- Make Sporifier not have mush owner spotted if it's in the put down animation
- Make chance-based suspicion checks repeat per witness
- Add suspicion overlook chance modifiers for mush-witness-human-instigator, and witness-is-victim, situations