To build a task management dashboard in Next.js named TaskFlow that includes two screens: a task list and a Kanban board. The app enables users to manage tasks through a list view and a Kanban board, where tasks can be moved between statuses (To-Do, In-Progress and Complete) using Drag and Drop functionality. It includes user authentication, a backend built on Node.js, and a MongoDB database. The UI is visually appealing and implemented using Shadcn UI and Accertinity UI.
- Next.js
- React.js
- TypeScript
- State Management using Redux
- Input Validation using Zod
- Shadcn UI
- Accertinity UI
- Tailwind CSS
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Input Validation using Zod
- Vercel
Version Control
- Git
- Github
User Authentication:
- Implement user authentication (sign up, log in, and logout) using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and Next-Auth.
- Protect routes to ensure that only authenticated users can access the task management features.
- Users can create, edit, delete, and view tasks.
- Each task has the following fields:
- Title (string, required)
- Description (string, optional)
- Status (enum: "To Do", "In Progress", "Completed")
- Priority (enum: "Low", "Medium", "High")
- Due Date (date, optional)
- Tasks should be filterable and sortable by status, priority, and due date.
Two Screens:
- Task List Screen:
- Display a list of tasks with filtering and sorting options.
- Allow users to perform CRUD operations directly from the list view.
- Kanban Board Screen:
- Implement drag-and-drop feature for easily handling the tasks.
- Display tasks in a Kanban board format with columns for each status.
- Enable drag-and-drop functionality for moving tasks between statuses.
- Update the task status dynamically when moved between columns.
- Task List Screen:
Backend API:
- Build a backend API using Node.js and Express to handle CRUD operations for tasks and user authentication.
- Connect to a MongoDB database to store user and task data.
Frontend Features:
- Use Next.js to create a responsive and dynamic user interface.
- Implement a task list view and a Kanban board view.
- Use state management Redux to manage the application state.
- Provide a form for creating and editing tasks.
- Display error messages and handle form validation using Zod.
UI Design:
- Use Shadcn to create a modern and visually appealing user interface.
- Ensure the UI is responsive and user-friendly on both desktop and mobile devices.
- Enhance interactivity with modals, tooltips, drag-and-drop areas, dropdowns, and notifications.
- Deploy the app on Vercel and ensure that it is fully functional.
- Test credentials:
- Username: [email protected]
- Password: 12345678
- Please check out my website and share your feedback!
- Deploy the app on Vercel and ensure that it is fully functional.
Code Quality:
- Followed best practices for React and MERN stack development.
- Write clean, maintainable, and modular code.
- Included comments to explain complex logic.
- Used TypeScript to define types for better maintainability.
Additional Considerations:
- Used a Git version control system.