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VTEX CLI Plugin Template

This repository is a template containing all the essential boilerplates to help you create new Toolbelt plugins. With this template, you'll be able to develop and locally test your new plugin commands on any VTEX IO app.

ℹ️ Toolbelt is a command-line interface that provides all the necessary features to start developing apps with VTEX IO. To see which commands the Toolbelt natively includes, check our docs or run vtex in your terminal.

In the following sections, you'll learn how to make better use of this template and all the necessary steps to create any Toolbelt plugin you want.


Before proceeding any further, we recommend you to:

  1. Clone the Toolbelt repository into your local files.

  2. Check if you have the Toolbelt correctly installed in your machine.

⚠️ We highly recommend that you install the Toolbelt using yarn. Follow these instructions for more information on why.

  1. Install the releasy package by running yarn global add releasy.

  2. Check our Toolbelt design guidelines for keeping up with the best practices when developing your plugin.

  3. Check oclif basic concepts.

ℹ️ Toolbelt is built with oclif, a framework for building extensible CLIs in Node.

Setting up the local development environment

To locally test your plugins as you code, you'll need to use the yarn watch command, which is responsible for creating a symlink named vtex-test.

To use the yarn watch command, you must add $HOME/.vtex/dev/bin to your PATH environment variable. Take the following steps:

⚠️ Keep in mind: these steps may vary depending on your operating system.

  1. Open the ~/.bashrc file (or the corresponding shell configuration file).
  2. At the end of this file, add the line: export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.vtex/dev/bin.
  3. Save it.
  4. Run the command source ~/.bashrc (or corresponding file).

Creating a new plugin

Step 1: Creating and organizing your repository

  1. Create a new repository from this template inside the vtex organization.
  2. Open the package.json and update the name and description fields, according to your scenario.

⚠️ Please keep the standard @vtex/cli-plugin-{name} when naming your plugin.

  1. Check if vtex under devdependecies in the package.json file is referring to the last version of the Toolbelt and update it if necessary.

  2. Open the file and update it, ensuring that you replace template with the name of your plugin and removing any unnecessary content.

⚠️ You don't need to worry about updating the usage and command references, since these sections will be automatically updated.

Step 2: Developing your plugin

Develop your plugin commands inside the /src/commands/ folder, referring to the oclif API reference and /src/commands/hello.ts example file.

Also, if necessary, feel free to create libraries, clients, and modules inside your src folder.

ℹ️ Please refer to our Toolbelt design guidelines for keeping up with the best practices when developing your plugin.

Step 3: Testing your plugin

Testing your plugin alone

At project root, run: ./bin/run

Linking and testing with Toolbelt

Before the steps to link, you need to ensure that your plugin already is in the two places on the Toolbelt package.json: The "dependencies" and "plugins". If aren't, run:

yarn add ./{path-do-plugin}/cli-plugin-{name}

And manually add your plugin to "plugins" at toolbelt/package.json.

Now, let's link:

  1. Run yarn link in your plugin project.
  2. Now, in the cloned Toolbelt directory, run yarn link @vtex/cli-plugin-{name}.
  3. Run yarn watch in both the cloned vtex/toolbelt and in the plugin repo.

A symlink named vtex-test will be created and you'll be able to locally test your plugin as you develop it. That means, for example, that you can test your plugin commands on any VTEX IO app by locally running vtex-test {command-name}.

Step 4: Standardizing and deploying your plugin

If you're satisfied with the tests performed and the developed plugin:

  1. Access your profile on npm. As a part of the vtex organization, you'll have access to generate a new publish token.
  2. Copy the generated token.
  3. Open your plugin repository on GitHub.
  4. Go to Settings > Secrets and create a new repository secret with the name NPM_TOKEN and paste the value of the previously generated token.

⚠️ Please use capital letters for NPM_TOKEN.

  1. Now, go to Settings > Manage access and include the IO DevTools and IO Framework teams as admins.

⚠️ If you're already part of one of those teams, please consider removing your single access.

  1. In the Settings > Branches section, add a new rule to the master branch, making sure you check the following options:
  • Require pull request reviews before merging (Required approving reviews: 1).
  • Require status checks to pass before merging.
    • Require branches to be up to date before merging.
  1. Open a pull request containing the changes in your plugin repository.
  2. Wait for comments from reviewers, discuss and fix any related issues. Once you receive an LGTM, deploy your plugin using the releasy package.

Once the CI tests are completed, your package will be automatically available on npm as part of the vtex organization.

[OPTIONAL] Step 5: Adding your new plugin to the Toolbelt

The Toolbelt project adheres to a strict pull request review workflow.

To request including your plugin in the Toolbelt, update the Toolbelt dependencies and the file. Open a pull request, explaining what your plugin does, wait for comments from reviewers, discuss and fix any related issues. Once you receive an LGTM, you'll be able to merge it to the master branch.

⚠️ Keep in mind: If your plugin is not accepted in the Toolbelt project, you can still use it locally. For that, you need to go inside de cloned toolbelt repo and fire the command yarn add PLUGIN_NAME, then add plugin name in package.json in oclif:plugins section - example -. Run yarn watch and use vtex-test to use it. In these cases, however, VTEX does not support, neither takes any responsibility for any damages caused by the developed plugin. plugin template

Please refer to the following sections as a template for your plugin file.


$ npm install -g @vtex/cli-plugin-template
$ vtex COMMAND
running command...
$ vtex (-v|--version|version)
@vtex/cli-plugin-template/0.0.0 linux-x64 node-v12.22.12
$ vtex --help [COMMAND]
  $ vtex COMMAND


vtex hello [FILE]

describe the command here

  $ vtex hello [FILE]

  -f, --force
  -h, --help       show CLI help
  -n, --name=name  name to print
  -v, --verbose    Show debug level logs
  --trace          Ensure all requests to VTEX IO are traced

  $ oclif-example hello
  hello world from ./src/hello.ts!

See code: build/commands/hello.ts


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