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Vox Pupuli Test Box

CI License Sponsored by betadots GmbH


This container should be used to test voxpupuli puppet modules. It has the voxpupuli-test, -acceptance, -release gems and all dependencies installed.


  • ⚠ On February 28, 2025, Puppet 7 entered its end-of-life phase. Consequently, no new VoxBox:7 releases will be build. Existing versions will be retained for continued access.

Included rubygems

  • facter
  • modulesync
  • onceover
  • puppet
  • puppet-ghostbuster
  • r10k
  • rubocop
  • voxpupuli-acceptance
  • voxpupuli-release
  • voxpupuli-test

Additionally included tools

  • curl
  • git
  • gpg
  • jq
  • ssh-client
  • yamllint


Too see which tool versions are included in the container, see:




Change into the root of a puppet module and run the container. Make sure to mount the current directory into the container under /repo. The default entrypoint is rake. Without any arguments it will run rake -T. You can specify a rake task as argument. See Available rake tasks for more information.

To guarantee a consistent rake environment, use -f /Rakefile to explicitly specify your Rakefile, rather than relying on potentially outdated versions in a repository. The Rakefile being used can be viewed here.

cd puppet-example
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z                   # rake -T
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z spec              # rake spec
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z -f /Rakefile spec # rake spec with "safe" Rakefile

release Task

Using the release rake task:

podman run -it --rm \
   -v $PWD:/repo:Z \
   -v ~/.gitconfig:/etc/gitconfig:ro \
   -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
   -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK="${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" \ release

spec Task

Running only a specific spec:

podman run -it --rm -e "SPEC=spec/classes/example_spec.rb" -v $PWD:/repo:Z -f /Rakefile spec

Available rake tasks

rake beaker                                                                     # Run RSpec code examples
rake build                                                                      # Build puppet module package
rake build:pdk                                                                  # Build Puppet module with PDK
rake check                                                                      # Run static pre release checks
rake check:dot_underscore                                                       # Fails if any ._ files are present in directory
rake check:git_ignore                                                           # Fails if directories contain the files specified in .gitignore
rake check:symlinks                                                             # Fails if symlinks are present in directory
rake check:test_file                                                            # Fails if .pp files present in tests folder
rake check:trailing_whitespace                                                  # Check for trailing whitespace
rake check_changelog                                                            # Check Changelog
rake clean                                                                      # Clean a built module package
rake compute_dev_version                                                        # Print development version of module
rake generate_fixtures                                                          # Generate -fixtures.yml based on Puppetfile
rake generate_vendor_cache                                                      # Fetches the core modules which are usually bundled in AIO agent
rake help                                                                       # Display the list of available rake tasks
rake lint                                                                       # Run puppet-lint
rake lint_fix                                                                   # Run puppet-lint
rake metadata_lint                                                              # Run metadata-json-lint
rake module:build                                                               # Build the module using puppet-modulebuilder
rake module:bump                                                                # Bump module version to the next patch
rake module:bump:full                                                           # Bump module version to the next FULL version
rake module:bump:major                                                          # Bump module version to the next MAJOR version
rake module:bump:minor                                                          # Bump module version to the next MINOR version
rake module:bump:patch                                                          # Bump module version to the next PATCH version
rake module:bump_commit                                                         # Bump version and git commit
rake module:bump_commit:full                                                    # Bump module version to the next FULL version and git commit
rake module:bump_commit:major                                                   # Bump module version to the next MAJOR version and git commit
rake module:bump_commit:minor                                                   # Bump module version to the next MINOR version and git commit
rake module:bump_commit:patch                                                   # Bump module version to the next PATCH version and git commit
rake module:bump_to_version[new_version]                                        # Bump module to specific version number
rake module:clean                                                               # Runs clean again
rake module:dependency[module_name,version]                                     # Set specific module dependency version
rake module:push                                                                # Push module to the Puppet Forge
rake module:release                                                             # Release the Puppet module, doing a clean, build, bump_commit, tag, push and git push
rake module:tag                                                                 # Git tag with the current module version
rake module:version                                                             # Get current module version
rake module:version:next                                                        # Get next module version
rake module:version:next:major                                                  # Get the next MAJOR version
rake module:version:next:minor                                                  # Get the next MINOR version
rake module:version:next:patch                                                  # Get the next PATCH version
rake parallel_spec                                                              # Run spec tests in parallel and clean the fixtures directory if successful
rake parallel_spec_standalone                                                   # Parallel spec tests
rake r10k:dependencies                                                          # Print outdated forge modules
rake r10k:deprecation                                                           # Validate that no forge modules are deprecated
rake r10k:duplicates                                                            # Check Puppetfile for duplicates
rake r10k:install                                                               # Install modules specified in Puppetfile
rake r10k:print_git_conversion                                                  # Convert and print forge modules to git format
rake r10k:solve_dependencies[allow_major_bump]                                  # Find missing or outdated module dependencies
rake r10k:syntax                                                                # Syntax check Puppetfile
rake r10k:validate                                                              # Validate the git urls and branches, refs, or tags
rake release                                                                    # Release via GitHub Actions
rake release:prepare                                                            # Prepare a release
rake release_checks                                                             # Runs all necessary checks on a module in preparation for a release
rake rubocop                                                                    # Run RuboCop
rake rubocop:autocorrect                                                        # Autocorrect RuboCop offenses (only when it's safe)
rake rubocop:autocorrect_all                                                    # Autocorrect RuboCop offenses (safe and unsafe)
rake spec                                                                       # Run spec tests and clean the fixtures directory if successful
rake spec:simplecov                                                             # Run spec tests with ruby simplecov code coverage
rake spec_clean                                                                 # Clean up the fixtures directory
rake spec_clean_symlinks                                                        # Clean up any fixture symlinks
rake spec_list_json                                                             # List spec tests in a JSON document
rake spec_prep                                                                  # Create the fixtures directory
rake spec_standalone                                                            # Run RSpec code examples
rake strings:generate[patterns,debug,backtrace,markup,json,markdown,yard_args]  # Generate Puppet documentation with YARD
rake strings:generate:reference[patterns,debug,backtrace]                       # Generate Puppet Reference documentation
rake strings:gh_pages:update                                                    # Update docs on the gh-pages branch and push to GitHub
rake strings:validate:reference[patterns,debug,backtrace]                       # Validate the reference is up to date
rake syntax                                                                     # Syntax check for Puppet manifests, templates and Hiera
rake syntax:hiera                                                               # Syntax check Hiera config files
rake syntax:manifests                                                           # Syntax check Puppet manifests
rake syntax:templates                                                           # Syntax check Puppet templates
rake test                                                                       # Run tests
rake travis_release                                                             # Deprecated: use the "release" task instead
rake validate                                                                   # Check syntax of Ruby files and call :syntax and :metadata_lint
rake voxpupuli:custom:lint_all                                                  # Lint with all puppet-lint checks


If you want to run onceover, you have to override the entrypoint:

podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint onceover help

Onceover allows you to run tests against your control-repository.

Running spec tests:

podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint onceover run spec

Other commands are:

Command What it does
show puppetfile Analyze the Puppetfile and show open updates
 update puppetfile Update modules

Further commands, required configuration and usage is described in the onceover repository.


If you need a shell, you have to override the entrypoint:

podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint ash


If you want to execute puppet change the entrypoint to puppet and pass subcommands/parameters to it.

podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint puppet --help


podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint puppet strings --help


If you want to execute puppet-ghostbuster change the entrypoint to ash and pass the command to the container. Ghostbuster needs a connection to the puppetdb, so you have to provide the environment variables. You can find them in the documentation of the puppet-ghostbuster repository.

Ghostbuster supports the following checks:

  • ghostbuster_classes
  • ghostbuster_defines
  • ghostbuster_facts
  • ghostbuster_files
  • ghostbuster_functions
  • ghostbuster_hiera_files
  • ghostbuster_templates
  • ghostbuster_types

They can be combined with --only-checks and listed in a comma separated list.

podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint ash
find . -type f -exec puppet-lint --only-checks ghostbuster_classes,ghostbuster_facts {} \+


If you want to execute yamllint change the entryoint to yamllint and pass a folder to the container, f.e. ..

podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint yamllint .


If you want to execute jq change the entrypoint to jq and pass a query/parameter to the container.

podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint jq --help


If you want to execute curl change the entrypoint to curl and pass a query/parameter to the container.

podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint curl --help

Example Gitlab CI configuration

see .gitlab-ci.yml

Version Schema

The version schema has the following layout:


Example usage:

podman pull
podman pull
podman pull
podman pull
Name Description
puppet.major Describes the contained major Puppet version (7 or 8)
puppet.minor Describes the contained minor Puppet version
puppet.patch Describes the contained patchlevel Puppet version
container.major Describes breaking changes without backward compatibility
container.minor Describes new features or refactoring with backward compatibility
container.patch Describes if minor changes or bugfixes have been implemented

How to release?


How to contribute?
