This container should be used to test voxpupuli puppet modules. It has the voxpupuli-test, -acceptance, -release gems and all dependencies installed.
- ⚠ On February 28, 2025, Puppet 7 entered its end-of-life phase. Consequently, no new VoxBox:7 releases will be build. Existing versions will be retained for continued access.
- facter
- modulesync
- onceover
- puppet
- puppet-ghostbuster
- r10k
- rubocop
- voxpupuli-acceptance
- voxpupuli-release
- voxpupuli-test
- curl
- git
- gpg
- jq
- ssh-client
- yamllint
Too see which tool versions are included in the container, see:
Change into the root of a puppet module and run the container.
Make sure to mount the current directory into the container under /repo
The default entrypoint is rake. Without any arguments it will run rake -T
You can specify a rake task as argument. See Available rake tasks for more information.
To guarantee a consistent rake environment, use -f /Rakefile
to explicitly specify your Rakefile,
rather than relying on potentially outdated versions in a repository.
The Rakefile being used can be viewed here.
cd puppet-example
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z # rake -T
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z spec # rake spec
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z -f /Rakefile spec # rake spec with "safe" Rakefile
Using the release rake task:
podman run -it --rm \
-v $PWD:/repo:Z \
-v ~/.gitconfig:/etc/gitconfig:ro \
-v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
-e SSH_AUTH_SOCK="${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" \ release
Running only a specific spec:
podman run -it --rm -e "SPEC=spec/classes/example_spec.rb" -v $PWD:/repo:Z -f /Rakefile spec
rake beaker # Run RSpec code examples
rake build # Build puppet module package
rake build:pdk # Build Puppet module with PDK
rake check # Run static pre release checks
rake check:dot_underscore # Fails if any ._ files are present in directory
rake check:git_ignore # Fails if directories contain the files specified in .gitignore
rake check:symlinks # Fails if symlinks are present in directory
rake check:test_file # Fails if .pp files present in tests folder
rake check:trailing_whitespace # Check for trailing whitespace
rake check_changelog # Check Changelog
rake clean # Clean a built module package
rake compute_dev_version # Print development version of module
rake generate_fixtures # Generate -fixtures.yml based on Puppetfile
rake generate_vendor_cache # Fetches the core modules which are usually bundled in AIO agent
rake help # Display the list of available rake tasks
rake lint # Run puppet-lint
rake lint_fix # Run puppet-lint
rake metadata_lint # Run metadata-json-lint
rake module:build # Build the module using puppet-modulebuilder
rake module:bump # Bump module version to the next patch
rake module:bump:full # Bump module version to the next FULL version
rake module:bump:major # Bump module version to the next MAJOR version
rake module:bump:minor # Bump module version to the next MINOR version
rake module:bump:patch # Bump module version to the next PATCH version
rake module:bump_commit # Bump version and git commit
rake module:bump_commit:full # Bump module version to the next FULL version and git commit
rake module:bump_commit:major # Bump module version to the next MAJOR version and git commit
rake module:bump_commit:minor # Bump module version to the next MINOR version and git commit
rake module:bump_commit:patch # Bump module version to the next PATCH version and git commit
rake module:bump_to_version[new_version] # Bump module to specific version number
rake module:clean # Runs clean again
rake module:dependency[module_name,version] # Set specific module dependency version
rake module:push # Push module to the Puppet Forge
rake module:release # Release the Puppet module, doing a clean, build, bump_commit, tag, push and git push
rake module:tag # Git tag with the current module version
rake module:version # Get current module version
rake module:version:next # Get next module version
rake module:version:next:major # Get the next MAJOR version
rake module:version:next:minor # Get the next MINOR version
rake module:version:next:patch # Get the next PATCH version
rake parallel_spec # Run spec tests in parallel and clean the fixtures directory if successful
rake parallel_spec_standalone # Parallel spec tests
rake r10k:dependencies # Print outdated forge modules
rake r10k:deprecation # Validate that no forge modules are deprecated
rake r10k:duplicates # Check Puppetfile for duplicates
rake r10k:install # Install modules specified in Puppetfile
rake r10k:print_git_conversion # Convert and print forge modules to git format
rake r10k:solve_dependencies[allow_major_bump] # Find missing or outdated module dependencies
rake r10k:syntax # Syntax check Puppetfile
rake r10k:validate # Validate the git urls and branches, refs, or tags
rake release # Release via GitHub Actions
rake release:prepare # Prepare a release
rake release_checks # Runs all necessary checks on a module in preparation for a release
rake rubocop # Run RuboCop
rake rubocop:autocorrect # Autocorrect RuboCop offenses (only when it's safe)
rake rubocop:autocorrect_all # Autocorrect RuboCop offenses (safe and unsafe)
rake spec # Run spec tests and clean the fixtures directory if successful
rake spec:simplecov # Run spec tests with ruby simplecov code coverage
rake spec_clean # Clean up the fixtures directory
rake spec_clean_symlinks # Clean up any fixture symlinks
rake spec_list_json # List spec tests in a JSON document
rake spec_prep # Create the fixtures directory
rake spec_standalone # Run RSpec code examples
rake strings:generate[patterns,debug,backtrace,markup,json,markdown,yard_args] # Generate Puppet documentation with YARD
rake strings:generate:reference[patterns,debug,backtrace] # Generate Puppet Reference documentation
rake strings:gh_pages:update # Update docs on the gh-pages branch and push to GitHub
rake strings:validate:reference[patterns,debug,backtrace] # Validate the reference is up to date
rake syntax # Syntax check for Puppet manifests, templates and Hiera
rake syntax:hiera # Syntax check Hiera config files
rake syntax:manifests # Syntax check Puppet manifests
rake syntax:templates # Syntax check Puppet templates
rake test # Run tests
rake travis_release # Deprecated: use the "release" task instead
rake validate # Check syntax of Ruby files and call :syntax and :metadata_lint
rake voxpupuli:custom:lint_all # Lint with all puppet-lint checks
If you want to run onceover, you have to override the entrypoint:
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint onceover help
Onceover allows you to run tests against your control-repository.
Running spec tests:
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint onceover run spec
Other commands are:
Command | What it does |
show puppetfile |
Analyze the Puppetfile and show open updates |
update puppetfile |
Update modules |
Further commands, required configuration and usage is described in the onceover repository.
If you need a shell, you have to override the entrypoint:
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint ash
If you want to execute puppet change the entrypoint to puppet
and pass subcommands/parameters to it.
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint puppet --help
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint puppet strings --help
If you want to execute puppet-ghostbuster change the entrypoint to ash
and pass the command to the container.
Ghostbuster needs a connection to the puppetdb, so you have to provide the environment variables.
You can find them in the documentation of the puppet-ghostbuster repository.
Ghostbuster supports the following checks:
- ghostbuster_classes
- ghostbuster_defines
- ghostbuster_facts
- ghostbuster_files
- ghostbuster_functions
- ghostbuster_hiera_files
- ghostbuster_templates
- ghostbuster_types
They can be combined with --only-checks
and listed in a comma separated list.
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint ash
find . -type f -exec puppet-lint --only-checks ghostbuster_classes,ghostbuster_facts {} \+
If you want to execute yamllint change the entryoint to yamllint
and pass a folder to the container, f.e. .
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint yamllint .
If you want to execute jq change the entrypoint to jq
and pass a query/parameter to the container.
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint jq --help
If you want to execute curl change the entrypoint to curl
and pass a query/parameter to the container.
podman run -it --rm -v $PWD:/repo:Z --entrypoint curl --help
see .gitlab-ci.yml
The version schema has the following layout:
Example usage:
podman pull
podman pull
podman pull
podman pull
Name | Description |
puppet.major | Describes the contained major Puppet version (7 or 8) |
puppet.minor | Describes the contained minor Puppet version |
puppet.patch | Describes the contained patchlevel Puppet version |
container.major | Describes breaking changes without backward compatibility |
container.minor | Describes new features or refactoring with backward compatibility |
container.patch | Describes if minor changes or bugfixes have been implemented |