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Security Update 2.0 343

Siju Maliakkal edited this page Jan 25, 2022 · 2 revisions

Important Photon OS Security Update


Advisory Id : PHSA-2021-0343

Type : Security

Severity : ['Important', 'Moderate']

Issue date : 2021-05-11

Affected Release: 2.0


Updates of ['mysql', 'erlang'] packages of Photon OS have been released.

Affected Packages


erlang - ['CVE-2021-29221']


mysql - ['CVE-2021-2162', 'CVE-2021-2154', 'CVE-2021-2171', 'CVE-2021-2307', 'CVE-2021-2166', 'CVE-2021-2194', 'CVE-2021-2226', 'CVE-2021-2146', 'CVE-2021-2179', 'CVE-2021-2180', 'CVE-2021-2169', 'CVE-2021-2174']


Update the affected packages (tdnf update package)

Updated Packages Information

mysql-5.7.34-1.ph2.x86_64.rpm | size : 47M , sha256 : 49a17e6253c796987ad1b4411771ada9c926546c81974efd46596fae8b166239 , build time : Tue, 11 May 2021 03:12:43 UTC

mysql-devel-5.7.34-1.ph2.x86_64.rpm | size : 1.7M , sha256 : c5faa3798856c85ae60c0b37b22bba720c2b370a256cd4f7d10ff8c827aeaf12 , build time : Tue, 11 May 2021 03:12:43 UTC

erlang-19.3-5.ph2.x86_64.rpm | size : 46M , sha256 : 526d499265fa5e717e7f6c6984bb9c8e775bde50074ddc3707ea9a48609ffca4 , build time : Tue, 11 May 2021 03:09:03 UTC

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