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Front Matter Tags for Guides and Blogs

anthonyvetter edited this page Oct 5, 2021 · 1 revision

Much like guides, blogs contain a collection of front matter, some shared with guides and some specific to blogs. Example.

Example with descriptions

title: # (required) (string) (default: "") The title of the blog. Displays automatically at the top of the page. For optimal SEO, the title should be 50 characters, or less.
description: # (required) (string) (default: "") A description of the blog. For optimal SEO, it is recommended that the description be 150 characters, or less.
date: # (required) (string) (default: doc created date) The publish date of the blog post. If this date is in the future, the blog post won't appear on the Dev Center until that date is reached.
level1: # (required) (string) (default: "") The top-level topic the post should be organized under. 
level2: # (required) (string) (default: "") The second-level topic the post should be organized under. 
tags: # (required) (string array) (default "") One or more tags to attach to the blog. Useful for both search results and grouping similar content.
team: # (required) (string array) (default "") A list of authors by name. Author names are displayed under the title, and links to a Bio page if one exists with a matching name.
featured: # (optional) (boolean) (default: false) Use only if the blog is selected as a featured piece on the Dev Center homepage. Otherwise, set this value to “false”.
weight: # (optional) (int) (default: 0) By default, all blogs are sorted alphabetically in the left-side navigation. The “weight” value overrides where it’s sorted in that list.
aliases: # (optional) (string array) (default: "") Paths that should redirect to this piece. Useful if a blog is relocated.
metaTitle: # (optional) (string) (default: "") The title that shows in search results. It is not displayed on the page.
linkTitle: # (optional) (string) (default: "") The title that appears on the left-side navigation.|
subsection: # (optional) (string) (default: "") Include if this will be a parent page to other content. This is the value to be referenced in children content.
parent: # (optional) (string) (default: "") The “subsection” value of the parent that this piece should be included under.

Example with example content

title: My Super Awesome Blog Post, Part 1
description: This multi-part series will teach you everything you need to know about being a kick-butt developer
date: '2021-09-14'
level1: Modern App Basics
level2: Modern Development Concepts
- Agile
- Java
- Spring
- Kubernetes
- Jane Doe
- John Doe
featured: true
weight: 1
- /guides/kubernetes/super-awesome-pt1/
- /super-awesome-pt1/
metaTitle: Super Awesome Post, Part 1
linkTitle: Super awesome post
subsection: Super Awesome


  • Topic Levels - Check here for level1 and level2 topics. These must be entered exactly as shown.
  • Tags - Tags are more free form than topics, but should still adhere to some patterns.
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