Compare high-street stores product price
- Basic feature to make sure screen scraping works to retrieve product cost
[X] Update folder structure
- [ ] TDD approach to the solution
- If Prices has not have cents, then add £XXX.00
[ ] Modular solution
[ ] Update the Excel sheet(s) with required items
[X] Build CI pipeline - Travis
[X] Added Codacy Security Scan, CodeQL & Checkmarx CxFlow
[ ] Possibly deploy to Docker?
- [ ] Get prices for each store working
[X] Sainsburys
[X] Tesco
[X] Co-op
[X] Ocado / M&S
[X] Morissons
[ ] Lidl - Missing an online store with product details
[X] Asda
[X] Aldi
[X] WattsFarm - Local farm's store
[ ] Parallel process to retrieve product prices from each provider
[ ] Create a sheet in Excel to find the cheapest store for the listed products
[ ] Add quantity column for products
[ ] Add a column to state availability
[ ] Identify if the product is in stock and update excel cost accordingly
[ ] Identify offers if available and add relevant items to update cost accordingly
[ ] Create a shopping list sheet and identify the cost
[ ] For the created shopping cart, compare across the listed providers and find the cheapest and show the store name
[ ] Create a master sheet of stores for selection and a master sheet for products
[ ] Ability to create a shopping cart (in the format) + selecting a store
[ ] Ability to create a shopping cart (in the format) + select stores + best price across selected stores
[ ] Add Petrol & Diesel prices for comparison for Supermarkets
[ ] Move excel data to a DB
[ ] Update code to update and read from DB
[ ] Add historic data for each product in a Supermarkets
[ ] Create a ReactJS/NextJS/Flutter Web App, where a user could select their product(s) of choice and generate a shopping list
[ ] Deploy app to a web-portal
[ ] Customer has their own profiles on the portal
[ ] Customer can create their own shopping list
[ ] Add EV charger prices, source of prices?
[ ] Customer can send their shopping list to their favourite TODO mobile app?
[ ] Ability for customer to get notification when product price goes up / down
[ ] Ability for customer to get notification of each week with the best priced store?
[ ] Ability for customer to add a favourite list to their profile
[ ] Customer upload bill to the system; OCR Scan the bill and suggest if there could have been a discount
[ ] Find coupons from Quidco
[ ] Find coupons from TopCashBack
[ ] If a customer has coupons from Store, can we use it online?
This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.