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A set of modules for deploying custom Git LFS servers on different infrastructure providers

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f1c044d · Jan 2, 2025


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May 23, 2020
May 27, 2020
May 27, 2020
Feb 6, 2021
Jun 13, 2020
Feb 6, 2021
May 31, 2020
May 9, 2020
Jan 2, 2025

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Git Large File Storage (Git LFS) is an extension to Git that allows you to work with large files the same way as other text files but store it on separate remote servers. This project contains a set of modules for deploying custom Git LFS servers on different infrastructure providers. Implemented Batch API to request the ability to transfer LFS objects with the LFS server.

Inspired by Serverless Git LFS for Game Development - Alan Edwardes.


Module AWS allows you to use Amazon S3 as remote storage for large files. Service is deployable on a serverless stack (API Gateway + Lambda) that allows you to use Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) pricing model. The high-level solution diagram you can find below.


SVG code
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stroke="#232f3e" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 351.09 7.18 C 351.01 7.18 350.93 7.19 350.85 7.19 C 350.5 7.19 350.15 7.23 349.81 7.32 C 349.53 7.39 349.25 7.49 348.98 7.62 C 348.9 7.65 348.84 7.7 348.79 7.76 C 348.75 7.83 348.74 7.91 348.74 7.99 L 348.74 8.32 C 348.74 8.46 348.79 8.53 348.88 8.53 L 348.99 8.53 L 349.22 8.44 C 349.45 8.35 349.69 8.27 349.94 8.21 C 350.17 8.16 350.41 8.13 350.65 8.13 C 351.04 8.09 351.43 8.2 351.74 8.44 C 351.97 8.74 352.09 9.12 352.05 9.5 L 352.05 9.99 C 351.79 9.93 351.54 9.88 351.29 9.84 C 351.05 9.81 350.81 9.79 350.57 9.79 C 349.98 9.76 349.4 9.94 348.94 10.31 C 348.54 10.65 348.32 11.15 348.34 11.68 C 348.31 12.15 348.49 12.62 348.82 12.96 C 349.18 13.29 349.66 13.46 350.15 13.44 C 350.91 13.45 351.63 13.11 352.11 12.51 C 352.18 12.66 352.24 12.79 352.31 12.91 C 352.38 13.02 352.46 13.12 352.55 13.21 C 352.6 13.27 352.67 13.31 352.75 13.31 C 352.81 13.31 352.87 13.29 352.92 13.25 L 353.34 12.97 C 353.41 12.93 353.46 12.86 353.47 12.77 C 353.47 12.72 353.45 12.67 353.42 12.62 C 353.34 12.47 353.26 12.31 353.21 12.14 C 353.15 11.95 353.12 11.75 353.13 11.55 L 353.14 9.37 C 353.2 8.77 353 8.18 352.59 7.74 C 352.17 7.39 351.64 7.19 351.09 7.18 Z M 364.89 7.19 C 364.78 7.19 364.68 7.19 364.57 7.2 C 364.29 7.2 364 7.24 363.73 7.31 C 363.47 7.38 363.23 7.5 363.01 7.66 C 362.82 7.81 362.66 7.99 362.54 8.21 C 362.42 8.43 362.35 8.67 362.36 8.92 C 362.36 9.27 362.48 9.61 362.69 9.89 C 362.97 10.22 363.34 10.46 363.76 10.56 L 364.72 10.87 C 364.97 10.93 365.2 11.05 365.39 11.22 C 365.51 11.35 365.58 11.51 365.57 11.69 C 365.58 11.94 365.45 12.18 365.23 12.31 C 364.93 12.48 364.6 12.56 364.26 12.54 C 363.99 12.54 363.72 12.51 363.46 12.45 C 363.22 12.4 362.98 12.32 362.75 12.22 L 362.58 12.15 C 362.54 12.14 362.5 12.14 362.46 12.15 C 362.36 12.15 362.31 12.22 362.31 12.36 L 362.31 12.69 C 362.31 12.76 362.32 12.82 362.35 12.89 C 362.4 12.97 362.47 13.03 362.56 13.07 C 362.8 13.19 363.06 13.28 363.32 13.34 C 363.66 13.41 364 13.45 364.35 13.45 L 364.33 13.46 C 364.66 13.45 364.98 13.4 365.29 13.3 C 365.55 13.22 365.8 13.09 366.01 12.92 C 366.21 12.77 366.38 12.57 366.49 12.34 C 366.61 12.1 366.67 11.83 366.66 11.56 C 366.67 11.23 366.56 10.9 366.36 10.63 C 366.09 10.32 365.73 10.09 365.33 9.99 L 364.39 9.69 C 364.13 9.61 363.88 9.49 363.67 9.32 C 363.54 9.2 363.47 9.03 363.47 8.85 C 363.46 8.61 363.58 8.38 363.79 8.25 C 364.06 8.11 364.36 8.05 364.67 8.06 C 365.11 8.06 365.55 8.14 365.96 8.32 C 366.04 8.37 366.12 8.4 366.21 8.41 C 366.31 8.41 366.36 8.34 366.36 8.19 L 366.36 7.88 C 366.37 7.8 366.35 7.72 366.31 7.66 C 366.25 7.59 366.18 7.54 366.11 7.49 L 365.83 7.38 L 365.45 7.27 L 365.01 7.2 C 364.97 7.2 364.93 7.19 364.89 7.19 Z M 361.02 7.36 C 360.94 7.35 360.86 7.38 360.79 7.42 C 360.72 7.5 360.68 7.59 360.66 7.69 L 359.51 12.14 L 358.47 7.71 C 358.45 7.61 358.41 7.52 358.34 7.44 C 358.26 7.39 358.17 7.37 358.07 7.38 L 357.54 7.38 C 357.44 7.37 357.35 7.39 357.27 7.44 C 357.2 7.51 357.15 7.61 357.14 7.71 L 356.09 12.14 L 354.97 7.7 C 354.95 7.6 354.91 7.51 354.84 7.44 C 354.76 7.39 354.67 7.36 354.58 7.37 L 353.92 7.37 C 353.81 7.37 353.76 7.43 353.76 7.54 C 353.77 7.63 353.79 7.72 353.82 7.81 L 355.38 12.95 C 355.4 13.05 355.45 13.14 355.52 13.21 C 355.6 13.26 355.69 13.29 355.78 13.28 L 356.36 13.26 C 356.46 13.27 356.55 13.25 356.63 13.19 C 356.7 13.12 356.74 13.03 356.76 12.93 L 357.79 8.64 L 358.82 12.93 C 358.83 13.03 358.88 13.12 358.95 13.19 C 359.03 13.25 359.12 13.27 359.21 13.26 L 359.79 13.26 C 359.88 13.27 359.97 13.25 360.04 13.2 C 360.11 13.13 360.16 13.03 360.18 12.94 L 361.79 7.79 C 361.84 7.72 361.84 7.63 361.84 7.63 C 361.84 7.59 361.84 7.56 361.84 7.52 C 361.84 7.48 361.82 7.43 361.79 7.4 C 361.76 7.37 361.72 7.35 361.67 7.36 L 361.05 7.36 C 361.04 7.36 361.03 7.36 361.02 7.36 Z M 350.65 10.62 C 350.7 10.62 350.75 10.62 350.8 10.62 L 351.43 10.62 C 351.64 10.64 351.85 10.67 352.06 10.71 L 352.06 11.01 C 352.07 11.21 352.05 11.4 352 11.59 C 351.96 11.75 351.88 11.9 351.77 12.01 C 351.61 12.21 351.39 12.36 351.14 12.44 C 350.91 12.52 350.67 12.56 350.43 12.56 C 350.18 12.6 349.93 12.53 349.73 12.37 C 349.55 12.18 349.46 11.92 349.49 11.66 C 349.47 11.36 349.59 11.08 349.81 10.89 C 350.06 10.72 350.35 10.62 350.65 10.62 Z M 366.04 14.72 C 365.34 14.73 364.51 14.89 363.88 15.33 C 363.69 15.46 363.72 15.63 363.94 15.63 C 364.64 15.54 366.21 15.35 366.5 15.71 C 366.78 16.06 366.19 17.54 365.94 18.21 C 365.86 18.41 366.04 18.49 366.21 18.34 C 367.39 17.36 367.72 15.3 367.46 15 C 367.32 14.85 366.74 14.71 366.04 14.72 Z M 347.65 15.1 C 347.5 15.12 347.42 15.3 347.58 15.44 C 350.29 17.89 353.82 19.23 357.48 19.21 C 360.37 19.22 363.2 18.36 365.59 16.74 C 365.95 16.47 365.63 16.07 365.26 16.23 C 362.87 17.24 360.3 17.76 357.71 17.77 C 354.23 17.78 350.82 16.87 347.81 15.14 C 347.75 15.11 347.69 15.1 347.65 15.1 Z M 345 0 L 370 0 L 370 25 L 345 25 Z" fill="#232f3e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe flex-start; width: 424px; height: 1px; padding-top: 7px; margin-left: 377px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; text-align: left; "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: #232F3E; line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; word-wrap: normal; ">AWS Cloud</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="377" y="19" fill="#232F3E" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px">AWS Cloud</text></switch></g><path d="M 641 80 L 741 80 L 741 180 L 641 180 Z" fill="url(#mx-gradient-f78e04-1-d05c17-1-s-0)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 667.04 90 C 666.18 90 665.48 90.7 665.48 91.56 L 665.48 109.21 C 665.48 110.07 666.18 110.77 667.04 110.77 L 678.84 110.77 L 706.76 169.11 C 707.03 169.66 707.57 170 708.17 170 L 727.88 170 C 728.74 170 729.44 169.3 729.44 168.44 L 729.44 150.79 C 729.44 149.93 728.74 149.23 727.88 149.23 L 720.88 149.23 L 693.07 90.89 C 692.81 90.35 692.26 90 691.66 90 Z M 668.6 93.13 L 690.67 93.13 L 718.49 151.47 C 718.75 152.01 719.29 152.36 719.9 152.36 L 726.31 152.36 L 726.31 166.87 L 709.16 166.87 L 681.24 108.53 C 680.98 107.99 680.43 107.64 679.83 107.64 L 668.6 107.64 Z M 676 121.17 C 675.38 121.16 674.82 121.51 674.55 122.06 L 652.79 167.74 C 652.56 168.23 652.59 168.8 652.88 169.25 C 653.17 169.71 653.67 169.98 654.2 169.98 L 674.94 169.98 C 675.55 169.98 676.1 169.64 676.36 169.09 L 687.85 145.05 C 688.06 144.63 688.06 144.13 687.85 143.7 L 677.38 122.05 C 677.12 121.52 676.59 121.18 676 121.17 Z M 675.98 126.34 L 684.71 144.39 L 673.96 166.86 L 656.68 166.86 Z" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 441 80 L 541 80 L 541 180 L 441 180 Z" fill="url(#mx-gradient-945df2-1-5a30b5-1-s-0)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 508.59 91.49 C 507.75 91.52 507.09 92.21 507.09 93.05 L 507.09 110.73 L 502.2 110.73 L 502.2 113.85 L 507.09 113.85 L 507.09 146.02 L 502.16 146.02 L 502.16 149.14 L 507.09 149.14 L 507.09 166.88 C 507.09 167.38 507.33 167.85 507.74 168.15 C 508.15 168.44 508.67 168.52 509.15 168.36 L 529.93 161.4 C 530.57 161.18 531 160.59 531 159.91 L 531 103.35 C 531 102.76 530.66 102.22 530.13 101.95 L 509.34 91.65 C 509.11 91.54 508.85 91.48 508.59 91.49 Z M 473.35 91.57 C 473.12 91.58 472.9 91.63 472.7 91.73 L 451.87 102.03 C 451.34 102.29 451 102.83 451 103.43 L 451 159.93 C 451 160.61 451.43 161.2 452.07 161.42 L 472.9 168.36 C 473.38 168.52 473.9 168.44 474.31 168.15 C 474.71 167.85 474.95 167.38 474.95 166.88 L 474.95 149.14 L 478.16 149.14 L 478.16 146.02 L 474.95 146.02 L 474.95 113.85 L 478.12 113.85 L 478.12 110.73 L 474.95 110.73 L 474.95 93.13 C 474.95 92.71 474.78 92.31 474.48 92.01 C 474.18 91.72 473.77 91.56 473.35 91.57 Z M 510.21 95.57 L 527.88 104.32 L 527.88 158.79 L 510.21 164.71 Z M 471.83 95.64 L 471.83 164.71 L 454.12 158.81 L 454.12 104.4 Z M 482.94 110.73 L 482.94 113.85 L 487.8 113.85 L 487.8 110.73 Z M 492.59 110.73 L 492.59 113.85 L 497.38 113.85 L 497.38 110.73 Z M 492.75 120 L 486.35 138.9 L 489.3 139.91 L 495.71 121 Z M 484.02 122.67 L 477.91 127.9 C 477.56 128.19 477.36 128.63 477.36 129.08 C 477.36 129.54 477.56 129.97 477.91 130.27 L 484.02 135.47 L 486.05 133.1 L 481.32 129.08 L 486.05 125.04 Z M 498.01 122.75 L 496 125.13 L 500.63 129.03 L 495.98 133.03 L 498.02 135.4 L 504.06 130.2 C 504.41 129.91 504.61 129.47 504.6 129.01 C 504.6 128.55 504.4 128.12 504.05 127.82 Z M 482.89 146.02 L 482.89 149.14 L 487.8 149.14 L 487.8 146.02 Z M 492.59 146.02 L 492.59 149.14 L 497.3 149.14 L 497.3 146.02 Z" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 641 260 L 741 260 L 741 360 L 641 360 Z" fill="url(#mx-gradient-60a337-1-277116-1-s-0)" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 688.67 270.04 C 680.38 270 672.23 271.26 665.79 273.23 C 662.35 274.29 659.39 275.54 657.13 276.97 C 654.86 278.4 653.16 280 652.66 282.11 C 652.63 282.24 652.61 282.38 652.62 282.52 L 652.62 282.52 C 652.62 282.52 652.62 282.52 652.62 282.52 C 652.62 282.57 652.62 282.62 652.63 282.68 C 652.64 282.95 652.68 283.22 652.74 283.47 L 660.69 341.54 C 660.69 341.58 660.7 341.62 660.71 341.66 C 661.1 343.44 662.52 344.62 664.24 345.58 C 665.97 346.55 668.15 347.33 670.62 347.97 C 675.56 349.26 681.65 349.96 687.2 349.94 C 694.28 350 700.64 349.4 705.66 348.28 C 710.69 347.15 714.44 345.65 716.3 343.03 C 716.44 342.82 716.54 342.59 716.57 342.34 L 720.09 317.27 C 720.9 317.47 721.71 317.65 722.49 317.79 C 723.9 318.04 725.21 318.18 726.45 317.94 C 727.07 317.82 727.7 317.6 728.25 317.15 C 728.79 316.7 729.2 315.99 729.32 315.27 C 729.34 315.19 729.34 315.11 729.35 315.04 C 729.39 312.88 727.83 311.44 726.17 310.14 C 724.75 309.02 723.06 308.03 721.49 307.25 L 724.94 282.61 C 724.97 282.41 724.96 282.21 724.91 282.01 C 724.38 279.85 722.61 278.27 720.33 276.88 C 718.06 275.49 715.14 274.31 711.87 273.31 C 705.32 271.32 697.32 270.1 690.33 270.06 L 690.33 270.06 C 689.77 270.05 689.22 270.04 688.67 270.04 Z M 688.67 273.16 C 689.2 273.16 689.73 273.18 690.26 273.19 L 690.26 273.19 C 690.27 273.19 690.28 273.19 690.29 273.19 C 696.94 273.22 704.75 274.41 710.96 276.3 C 714.07 277.25 716.78 278.37 718.71 279.55 C 720.51 280.64 721.47 281.76 721.77 282.57 C 721.5 283.46 720.7 284.43 719.18 285.41 C 717.44 286.53 714.88 287.57 711.82 288.4 C 705.68 290.08 697.52 291 689.52 291 C 689.51 291 689.5 291 689.49 291 C 682.11 291.14 673.4 290.32 666.65 288.65 C 663.28 287.82 660.39 286.76 658.46 285.61 C 656.83 284.63 656.03 283.7 655.8 282.87 L 655.78 282.69 C 656.03 281.92 656.96 280.76 658.79 279.61 C 660.71 278.4 663.45 277.21 666.7 276.22 C 672.8 274.35 680.7 273.12 688.66 273.16 Z M 721.05 287.91 L 717.49 313.3 C 716.65 313.04 715.83 312.8 715.08 312.57 C 708.45 310.23 698.67 306.05 692.3 302.92 C 692.3 302.9 692.3 302.88 692.3 302.86 C 692.3 300.9 690.67 299.27 688.71 299.27 C 686.75 299.27 685.12 300.9 685.12 302.86 C 685.12 304.83 686.75 306.45 688.71 306.45 C 689.53 306.45 690.28 306.17 690.89 305.7 C 697.42 308.92 707.23 313.11 714.06 315.53 C 714.09 315.54 714.12 315.54 714.14 315.55 C 715.01 315.81 716.01 316.11 717.05 316.43 L 713.55 341.37 C 712.54 342.62 709.52 344.22 704.97 345.24 C 700.27 346.3 694.1 346.89 687.2 346.83 C 687.19 346.83 687.19 346.83 687.18 346.83 C 681.91 346.85 676 346.15 671.39 344.96 C 669.09 344.36 667.12 343.63 665.76 342.87 C 664.41 342.11 663.83 341.35 663.75 341 L 656.51 288.08 C 656.62 288.15 656.74 288.22 656.86 288.29 C 659.23 289.71 662.34 290.8 665.9 291.68 C 673.02 293.44 681.88 294.27 689.53 294.12 C 697.76 294.12 706.11 293.2 712.64 291.41 C 715.9 290.52 718.71 289.42 720.87 288.03 C 720.93 287.99 720.99 287.95 721.05 287.91 Z M 688.71 302.39 C 688.99 302.39 689.18 302.59 689.18 302.86 C 689.18 303.14 688.99 303.33 688.71 303.33 C 688.44 303.33 688.24 303.14 688.24 302.86 C 688.24 302.59 688.44 302.39 688.71 302.39 Z M 721.03 310.54 C 722.17 311.16 723.32 311.87 724.25 312.6 C 725.51 313.6 726 314.52 726.08 314.81 C 726.02 314.83 726.02 314.85 725.87 314.88 C 725.32 314.98 724.26 314.94 723.03 314.72 C 722.24 314.59 721.39 314.39 720.52 314.16 Z" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="5" y="170" width="100" height="100" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 46.63 233.72 C 49.14 234.97 51.93 235.72 54.91 235.72 C 57.84 235.72 60.58 235 63.06 233.8 C 65.79 233.91 69.12 235.17 72.26 237.22 C 75.61 239.39 78.71 242.28 80.71 244.8 C 85.07 250.75 86.99 256.12 86.92 266.13 L 23.01 266.13 C 23.23 254.12 25.22 249.54 30.86 242.66 C 33.43 239.81 40.01 234.78 46.63 233.72 Z M 54.91 201.84 C 63.23 201.84 69.93 208.53 69.93 216.85 C 69.93 225.16 63.23 231.86 54.91 231.86 C 46.6 231.86 39.9 225.16 39.9 216.85 C 39.9 208.53 46.6 201.84 54.91 201.84 Z M 54.91 197.97 C 44.51 197.97 36.04 206.45 36.04 216.85 C 36.04 222.45 38.54 227.44 42.43 230.9 C 36 232.94 30.64 237.13 27.97 240.09 C 27.95 240.11 27.93 240.13 27.91 240.15 C 21.64 247.8 19.06 253.9 19.06 268.07 C 19.06 269.13 19.93 270 20.99 270 L 88.89 270 C 89.94 270 90.79 269.17 90.82 268.13 C 91.2 256.2 88.83 249.31 83.79 242.47 C 83.78 242.46 83.77 242.44 83.75 242.42 C 81.45 239.51 78.11 236.41 74.37 233.98 C 72.2 232.57 69.89 231.52 67.54 230.78 C 71.35 227.32 73.79 222.38 73.79 216.85 C 73.79 206.45 65.32 197.97 54.91 197.97 Z M 32.8 218.32 L 9.11 218.32 C 9.3 210.35 10.66 207.3 14.51 202.59 C 16.24 200.68 20.82 197.2 25.28 196.45 C 27.08 197.3 29.04 197.86 31.15 197.86 C 33.24 197.86 35.17 197.33 36.95 196.5 C 38.73 196.58 40.99 197.42 43.15 198.83 C 43.31 198.93 43.47 199.03 43.62 199.14 L 45.79 195.98 C 45.61 195.85 45.43 195.73 45.24 195.61 C 43.95 194.77 42.57 194.05 41.16 193.51 C 43.56 191 45.08 187.65 45.08 183.93 C 45.08 176.26 38.82 170 31.15 170 L 31.15 170 C 23.48 170 17.22 176.26 17.22 183.93 C 17.22 187.7 18.76 191.11 21.21 193.62 C 16.94 195.19 13.48 198 11.65 200.03 C 11.63 200.06 11.6 200.08 11.59 200.1 C 7.1 205.57 5.19 210.13 5.19 220.24 C 5.19 221.29 6.05 222.15 7.11 222.15 L 32.86 222.15 Z M 31.15 173.83 C 36.75 173.83 41.25 178.33 41.25 183.93 C 41.25 189.53 36.75 194.03 31.15 194.03 C 25.55 194.03 21.06 189.53 21.06 183.93 C 21.06 178.33 25.55 173.83 31.15 173.83 Z M 77.2 218.32 L 100.89 218.32 C 100.7 210.35 99.34 207.3 95.49 202.59 C 93.76 200.68 89.18 197.2 84.72 196.45 C 82.92 197.3 80.96 197.86 78.85 197.86 C 76.76 197.86 74.83 197.33 73.05 196.5 C 71.27 196.58 69.01 197.42 66.85 198.83 C 66.69 198.93 66.54 199.03 66.38 199.14 L 64.21 195.98 C 64.39 195.85 64.58 195.73 64.76 195.61 C 66.06 194.77 67.43 194.05 68.84 193.51 C 66.44 191 64.92 187.65 64.92 183.93 C 64.92 176.26 71.18 170 78.85 170 L 78.85 170 C 86.52 170 92.78 176.26 92.78 183.93 C 92.78 187.7 91.24 191.11 88.79 193.62 C 93.06 195.19 96.52 198 98.36 200.03 C 98.38 200.06 98.4 200.08 98.42 200.1 C 102.9 205.57 104.81 210.13 104.81 220.24 C 104.81 221.29 103.95 222.15 102.89 222.15 L 77.14 222.15 Z M 78.85 173.83 C 73.25 173.83 68.75 178.33 68.75 183.93 C 68.75 189.53 73.25 194.03 78.85 194.03 C 84.45 194.03 88.94 189.53 88.94 183.93 C 88.94 178.33 84.45 173.83 78.85 173.83 Z" fill="#232f3e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="175" y="170" width="102.63" height="100" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 243.29 253.71 C 241.79 253.71 240.57 254.66 240.57 255.84 L 240.57 259.9 C 240.57 261.08 241.79 262.03 243.29 262.03 L 266.63 262.03 C 268.14 262.03 269.35 261.08 269.35 259.9 L 269.35 255.84 C 269.35 254.66 268.14 253.71 266.63 253.71 Z M 182.7 249.46 L 269.94 249.46 C 271.99 249.46 273.48 250.93 273.48 252.72 L 273.48 262.93 C 273.48 264.71 271.99 266.19 269.94 266.19 L 182.7 266.19 C 180.66 266.19 179.17 264.71 179.17 262.93 L 179.17 252.72 C 179.17 250.93 180.66 249.46 182.7 249.46 Z M 182.7 245.65 C 178.72 245.65 175.36 248.78 175.36 252.72 L 175.36 262.93 C 175.36 266.87 178.72 270 182.7 270 L 269.94 270 C 273.93 270 277.29 266.87 277.29 262.93 L 277.29 252.72 C 277.29 248.78 273.93 245.65 269.94 245.65 Z M 187.26 182 L 265.34 182 L 265.34 229.43 L 187.26 229.43 Z M 185.39 178.19 C 185.39 178.19 184.34 178.51 184.33 178.51 C 184.33 178.51 184.12 178.67 184.04 178.75 C 183.96 178.83 183.91 178.9 183.86 178.96 C 183.67 179.21 183.63 179.36 183.58 179.47 C 183.5 179.69 183.49 179.79 183.48 179.88 C 183.45 180.07 183.45 180.2 183.45 180.35 L 183.45 231.08 C 183.45 231.23 183.45 231.36 183.48 231.55 C 183.49 231.65 183.5 231.74 183.58 231.97 C 183.63 232.08 183.67 232.22 183.86 232.47 C 183.91 232.54 183.96 232.61 184.04 232.68 C 184.12 232.76 184.33 232.93 184.33 232.93 C 184.34 232.93 185.39 233.24 185.39 233.24 L 267.2 233.24 C 267.2 233.24 268.25 232.93 268.25 232.93 C 268.26 232.93 268.47 232.76 268.55 232.68 C 268.63 232.61 268.69 232.54 268.73 232.47 C 268.92 232.22 268.97 232.08 269.01 231.97 C 269.09 231.74 269.1 231.65 269.11 231.55 C 269.14 231.36 269.15 231.23 269.15 231.08 L 269.15 180.35 C 269.15 180.2 269.14 180.07 269.11 179.88 C 269.1 179.79 269.09 179.69 269.01 179.47 C 268.97 179.36 268.92 179.21 268.73 178.96 C 268.69 178.9 268.63 178.83 268.55 178.75 C 268.47 178.67 268.26 178.51 268.25 178.51 C 268.25 178.51 267.2 178.19 267.2 178.19 Z M 180.88 173.81 L 271.76 173.81 C 272.71 173.81 273.58 174.65 273.58 175.93 L 273.58 235.39 C 273.58 236.68 272.71 237.52 271.76 237.52 L 180.88 237.52 C 179.92 237.52 179.06 236.68 179.06 235.39 L 179.06 175.93 C 179.06 174.65 179.92 173.81 180.88 173.81 Z M 180.88 170 C 177.71 170 175.25 172.76 175.25 175.93 L 175.25 235.39 C 175.25 238.57 177.71 241.32 180.88 241.32 L 271.76 241.32 C 274.92 241.32 277.38 238.57 277.38 235.39 L 277.38 175.93 C 277.38 172.76 274.92 170 271.76 170 Z" fill="#232f3e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="137.5" cy="220" rx="12.5" ry="12.5" fill="#0050ef" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g 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410 226.3 400 L 226.32 306.37" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-dasharray="3 3" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 226.32 301.12 L 229.82 308.12 L 226.32 306.37 L 222.82 308.12 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="656" y="360" width="70" height="30" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 68px; height: 1px; padding-top: 367px; margin-left: 657px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; text-align: center; "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; word-wrap: normal; "><span style="color: rgb(35 , 47 , 62) 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When user push/pull (1) changes Git LFS client make Batch API request (2) over HTTPS to Amazon API Gateway service which in turn proxies (3) request to AWS Lambda. In lambda function for each LFS object generated presigned URL for temporary write/read access to S3. After processing the result returned (4) to API Gateway that turn back (5) response to Git LFS client. Now Git LFS client ready for uploading (6) / downloading (7) objects to/from S3 using presigned URL.


Module Azure allows you to use Azure Blob Storage service as remote storage for large files. Azure Functions serverless computing platform is taken as a basis for deploying Git LFS application.


SVG code
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197.97 C 44.51 197.97 36.04 206.45 36.04 216.85 C 36.04 222.45 38.54 227.44 42.43 230.9 C 36 232.94 30.64 237.13 27.97 240.09 C 27.95 240.11 27.93 240.13 27.91 240.15 C 21.64 247.8 19.06 253.9 19.06 268.07 C 19.06 269.13 19.93 270 20.99 270 L 88.89 270 C 89.94 270 90.79 269.17 90.82 268.13 C 91.2 256.2 88.83 249.31 83.79 242.47 C 83.78 242.46 83.77 242.44 83.75 242.42 C 81.45 239.51 78.11 236.41 74.37 233.98 C 72.2 232.57 69.89 231.52 67.54 230.78 C 71.35 227.32 73.79 222.38 73.79 216.85 C 73.79 206.45 65.32 197.97 54.91 197.97 Z M 32.8 218.32 L 9.11 218.32 C 9.3 210.35 10.66 207.3 14.51 202.59 C 16.24 200.68 20.82 197.2 25.28 196.45 C 27.08 197.3 29.04 197.86 31.15 197.86 C 33.24 197.86 35.17 197.33 36.95 196.5 C 38.73 196.58 40.99 197.42 43.15 198.83 C 43.31 198.93 43.47 199.03 43.62 199.14 L 45.79 195.98 C 45.61 195.85 45.43 195.73 45.24 195.61 C 43.95 194.77 42.57 194.05 41.16 193.51 C 43.56 191 45.08 187.65 45.08 183.93 C 45.08 176.26 38.82 170 31.15 170 L 31.15 170 C 23.48 170 17.22 176.26 17.22 183.93 C 17.22 187.7 18.76 191.11 21.21 193.62 C 16.94 195.19 13.48 198 11.65 200.03 C 11.63 200.06 11.6 200.08 11.59 200.1 C 7.1 205.57 5.19 210.13 5.19 220.24 C 5.19 221.29 6.05 222.15 7.11 222.15 L 32.86 222.15 Z M 31.15 173.83 C 36.75 173.83 41.25 178.33 41.25 183.93 C 41.25 189.53 36.75 194.03 31.15 194.03 C 25.55 194.03 21.06 189.53 21.06 183.93 C 21.06 178.33 25.55 173.83 31.15 173.83 Z M 77.2 218.32 L 100.89 218.32 C 100.7 210.35 99.34 207.3 95.49 202.59 C 93.76 200.68 89.18 197.2 84.72 196.45 C 82.92 197.3 80.96 197.86 78.85 197.86 C 76.76 197.86 74.83 197.33 73.05 196.5 C 71.27 196.58 69.01 197.42 66.85 198.83 C 66.69 198.93 66.54 199.03 66.38 199.14 L 64.21 195.98 C 64.39 195.85 64.58 195.73 64.76 195.61 C 66.06 194.77 67.43 194.05 68.84 193.51 C 66.44 191 64.92 187.65 64.92 183.93 C 64.92 176.26 71.18 170 78.85 170 L 78.85 170 C 86.52 170 92.78 176.26 92.78 183.93 C 92.78 187.7 91.24 191.11 88.79 193.62 C 93.06 195.19 96.52 198 98.36 200.03 C 98.38 200.06 98.4 200.08 98.42 200.1 C 102.9 205.57 104.81 210.13 104.81 220.24 C 104.81 221.29 103.95 222.15 102.89 222.15 L 77.14 222.15 Z M 78.85 173.83 C 73.25 173.83 68.75 178.33 68.75 183.93 C 68.75 189.53 73.25 194.03 78.85 194.03 C 84.45 194.03 88.94 189.53 88.94 183.93 C 88.94 178.33 84.45 173.83 78.85 173.83 Z" fill="#232f3e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="175" y="170" width="102.63" height="100" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 243.29 253.71 C 241.79 253.71 240.57 254.66 240.57 255.84 L 240.57 259.9 C 240.57 261.08 241.79 262.03 243.29 262.03 L 266.63 262.03 C 268.14 262.03 269.35 261.08 269.35 259.9 L 269.35 255.84 C 269.35 254.66 268.14 253.71 266.63 253.71 Z M 182.7 249.46 L 269.94 249.46 C 271.99 249.46 273.48 250.93 273.48 252.72 L 273.48 262.93 C 273.48 264.71 271.99 266.19 269.94 266.19 L 182.7 266.19 C 180.66 266.19 179.17 264.71 179.17 262.93 L 179.17 252.72 C 179.17 250.93 180.66 249.46 182.7 249.46 Z M 182.7 245.65 C 178.72 245.65 175.36 248.78 175.36 252.72 L 175.36 262.93 C 175.36 266.87 178.72 270 182.7 270 L 269.94 270 C 273.93 270 277.29 266.87 277.29 262.93 L 277.29 252.72 C 277.29 248.78 273.93 245.65 269.94 245.65 Z M 187.26 182 L 265.34 182 L 265.34 229.43 L 187.26 229.43 Z M 185.39 178.19 C 185.39 178.19 184.34 178.51 184.33 178.51 C 184.33 178.51 184.12 178.67 184.04 178.75 C 183.96 178.83 183.91 178.9 183.86 178.96 C 183.67 179.21 183.63 179.36 183.58 179.47 C 183.5 179.69 183.49 179.79 183.48 179.88 C 183.45 180.07 183.45 180.2 183.45 180.35 L 183.45 231.08 C 183.45 231.23 183.45 231.36 183.48 231.55 C 183.49 231.65 183.5 231.74 183.58 231.97 C 183.63 232.08 183.67 232.22 183.86 232.47 C 183.91 232.54 183.96 232.61 184.04 232.68 C 184.12 232.76 184.33 232.93 184.33 232.93 C 184.34 232.93 185.39 233.24 185.39 233.24 L 267.2 233.24 C 267.2 233.24 268.25 232.93 268.25 232.93 C 268.26 232.93 268.47 232.76 268.55 232.68 C 268.63 232.61 268.69 232.54 268.73 232.47 C 268.92 232.22 268.97 232.08 269.01 231.97 C 269.09 231.74 269.1 231.65 269.11 231.55 C 269.14 231.36 269.15 231.23 269.15 231.08 L 269.15 180.35 C 269.15 180.2 269.14 180.07 269.11 179.88 C 269.1 179.79 269.09 179.69 269.01 179.47 C 268.97 179.36 268.92 179.21 268.73 178.96 C 268.69 178.9 268.63 178.83 268.55 178.75 C 268.47 178.67 268.26 178.51 268.25 178.51 C 268.25 178.51 267.2 178.19 267.2 178.19 Z M 180.88 173.81 L 271.76 173.81 C 272.71 173.81 273.58 174.65 273.58 175.93 L 273.58 235.39 C 273.58 236.68 272.71 237.52 271.76 237.52 L 180.88 237.52 C 179.92 237.52 179.06 236.68 179.06 235.39 L 179.06 175.93 C 179.06 174.65 179.92 173.81 180.88 173.81 Z M 180.88 170 C 177.71 170 175.25 172.76 175.25 175.93 L 175.25 235.39 C 175.25 238.57 177.71 241.32 180.88 241.32 L 271.76 241.32 C 274.92 241.32 277.38 238.57 277.38 235.39 L 277.38 175.93 C 277.38 172.76 274.92 170 271.76 170 Z" fill="#232f3e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="137.5" cy="220" rx="12.5" ry="12.5" fill="#0050ef" stroke="none" 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When user push/pull (1) changes Git LFS client make Batch API request (2) over HTTPS and triggered Azure Function. In function for each LFS object generated (3) shared access signature (SAS) URL for temporary write/read access to Azure Blob Storage. After received (4) response Git LFS client make uploading (5) / downloading (6) objects to/from Azure Blob Storage using SAS URL.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Module GCP allow you to use Cloud Storage service as remote storage for large files. Application code is running on serverless stacks, namely use Cloud Functions computing engine.


SVG code
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286.57 C 651.21 286.57 650.59 287.38 650.59 288.32 C 650.59 289.41 651.36 290.16 652.42 290.16 Z M 624.9 293.11 C 624.47 293.11 623.92 292.64 623.92 292.16 L 623.92 284.94 C 623.92 284.11 624.43 283.82 625.36 283.82 L 657.18 283.82 C 657.94 283.82 658.44 283.99 658.44 285.08 L 658.44 291.75 C 658.44 292.49 658.04 293.11 657.17 293.11 Z M 652.33 303.43 C 653.29 303.43 654.07 302.51 654.07 301.61 C 654.07 300.58 653.47 299.83 652.36 299.83 C 651.32 299.83 650.57 300.45 650.57 301.63 C 650.57 302.47 651.29 303.43 652.33 303.43 Z M 625.23 306.23 C 624.4 306.23 623.92 305.78 623.92 305.12 L 623.92 298.07 C 623.92 297.4 624.36 296.94 625.22 296.94 L 656.88 296.94 C 658.01 296.94 658.44 297.26 658.44 298.35 L 658.44 304.49 C 658.44 305.6 658.02 306.23 656.99 306.23 Z" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="603" y="340" width="80" height="30" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; 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201.84 69.93 208.53 69.93 216.85 C 69.93 225.16 63.23 231.86 54.91 231.86 C 46.6 231.86 39.9 225.16 39.9 216.85 C 39.9 208.53 46.6 201.84 54.91 201.84 Z M 54.91 197.97 C 44.51 197.97 36.04 206.45 36.04 216.85 C 36.04 222.45 38.54 227.44 42.43 230.9 C 36 232.94 30.64 237.13 27.97 240.09 C 27.95 240.11 27.93 240.13 27.91 240.15 C 21.64 247.8 19.06 253.9 19.06 268.07 C 19.06 269.13 19.93 270 20.99 270 L 88.89 270 C 89.94 270 90.79 269.17 90.82 268.13 C 91.2 256.2 88.83 249.31 83.79 242.47 C 83.78 242.46 83.77 242.44 83.75 242.42 C 81.45 239.51 78.11 236.41 74.37 233.98 C 72.2 232.57 69.89 231.52 67.54 230.78 C 71.35 227.32 73.79 222.38 73.79 216.85 C 73.79 206.45 65.32 197.97 54.91 197.97 Z M 32.8 218.32 L 9.11 218.32 C 9.3 210.35 10.66 207.3 14.51 202.59 C 16.24 200.68 20.82 197.2 25.28 196.45 C 27.08 197.3 29.04 197.86 31.15 197.86 C 33.24 197.86 35.17 197.33 36.95 196.5 C 38.73 196.58 40.99 197.42 43.15 198.83 C 43.31 198.93 43.47 199.03 43.62 199.14 L 45.79 195.98 C 45.61 195.85 45.43 195.73 45.24 195.61 C 43.95 194.77 42.57 194.05 41.16 193.51 C 43.56 191 45.08 187.65 45.08 183.93 C 45.08 176.26 38.82 170 31.15 170 L 31.15 170 C 23.48 170 17.22 176.26 17.22 183.93 C 17.22 187.7 18.76 191.11 21.21 193.62 C 16.94 195.19 13.48 198 11.65 200.03 C 11.63 200.06 11.6 200.08 11.59 200.1 C 7.1 205.57 5.19 210.13 5.19 220.24 C 5.19 221.29 6.05 222.15 7.11 222.15 L 32.86 222.15 Z M 31.15 173.83 C 36.75 173.83 41.25 178.33 41.25 183.93 C 41.25 189.53 36.75 194.03 31.15 194.03 C 25.55 194.03 21.06 189.53 21.06 183.93 C 21.06 178.33 25.55 173.83 31.15 173.83 Z M 77.2 218.32 L 100.89 218.32 C 100.7 210.35 99.34 207.3 95.49 202.59 C 93.76 200.68 89.18 197.2 84.72 196.45 C 82.92 197.3 80.96 197.86 78.85 197.86 C 76.76 197.86 74.83 197.33 73.05 196.5 C 71.27 196.58 69.01 197.42 66.85 198.83 C 66.69 198.93 66.54 199.03 66.38 199.14 L 64.21 195.98 C 64.39 195.85 64.58 195.73 64.76 195.61 C 66.06 194.77 67.43 194.05 68.84 193.51 C 66.44 191 64.92 187.65 64.92 183.93 C 64.92 176.26 71.18 170 78.85 170 L 78.85 170 C 86.52 170 92.78 176.26 92.78 183.93 C 92.78 187.7 91.24 191.11 88.79 193.62 C 93.06 195.19 96.52 198 98.36 200.03 C 98.38 200.06 98.4 200.08 98.42 200.1 C 102.9 205.57 104.81 210.13 104.81 220.24 C 104.81 221.29 103.95 222.15 102.89 222.15 L 77.14 222.15 Z M 78.85 173.83 C 73.25 173.83 68.75 178.33 68.75 183.93 C 68.75 189.53 73.25 194.03 78.85 194.03 C 84.45 194.03 88.94 189.53 88.94 183.93 C 88.94 178.33 84.45 173.83 78.85 173.83 Z" fill="#232f3e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="175" y="170" width="102.63" height="100" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 243.29 253.71 C 241.79 253.71 240.57 254.66 240.57 255.84 L 240.57 259.9 C 240.57 261.08 241.79 262.03 243.29 262.03 L 266.63 262.03 C 268.14 262.03 269.35 261.08 269.35 259.9 L 269.35 255.84 C 269.35 254.66 268.14 253.71 266.63 253.71 Z M 182.7 249.46 L 269.94 249.46 C 271.99 249.46 273.48 250.93 273.48 252.72 L 273.48 262.93 C 273.48 264.71 271.99 266.19 269.94 266.19 L 182.7 266.19 C 180.66 266.19 179.17 264.71 179.17 262.93 L 179.17 252.72 C 179.17 250.93 180.66 249.46 182.7 249.46 Z M 182.7 245.65 C 178.72 245.65 175.36 248.78 175.36 252.72 L 175.36 262.93 C 175.36 266.87 178.72 270 182.7 270 L 269.94 270 C 273.93 270 277.29 266.87 277.29 262.93 L 277.29 252.72 C 277.29 248.78 273.93 245.65 269.94 245.65 Z M 187.26 182 L 265.34 182 L 265.34 229.43 L 187.26 229.43 Z M 185.39 178.19 C 185.39 178.19 184.34 178.51 184.33 178.51 C 184.33 178.51 184.12 178.67 184.04 178.75 C 183.96 178.83 183.91 178.9 183.86 178.96 C 183.67 179.21 183.63 179.36 183.58 179.47 C 183.5 179.69 183.49 179.79 183.48 179.88 C 183.45 180.07 183.45 180.2 183.45 180.35 L 183.45 231.08 C 183.45 231.23 183.45 231.36 183.48 231.55 C 183.49 231.65 183.5 231.74 183.58 231.97 C 183.63 232.08 183.67 232.22 183.86 232.47 C 183.91 232.54 183.96 232.61 184.04 232.68 C 184.12 232.76 184.33 232.93 184.33 232.93 C 184.34 232.93 185.39 233.24 185.39 233.24 L 267.2 233.24 C 267.2 233.24 268.25 232.93 268.25 232.93 C 268.26 232.93 268.47 232.76 268.55 232.68 C 268.63 232.61 268.69 232.54 268.73 232.47 C 268.92 232.22 268.97 232.08 269.01 231.97 C 269.09 231.74 269.1 231.65 269.11 231.55 C 269.14 231.36 269.15 231.23 269.15 231.08 L 269.15 180.35 C 269.15 180.2 269.14 180.07 269.11 179.88 C 269.1 179.79 269.09 179.69 269.01 179.47 C 268.97 179.36 268.92 179.21 268.73 178.96 C 268.69 178.9 268.63 178.83 268.55 178.75 C 268.47 178.67 268.26 178.51 268.25 178.51 C 268.25 178.51 267.2 178.19 267.2 178.19 Z M 180.88 173.81 L 271.76 173.81 C 272.71 173.81 273.58 174.65 273.58 175.93 L 273.58 235.39 C 273.58 236.68 272.71 237.52 271.76 237.52 L 180.88 237.52 C 179.92 237.52 179.06 236.68 179.06 235.39 L 179.06 175.93 C 179.06 174.65 179.92 173.81 180.88 173.81 Z M 180.88 170 C 177.71 170 175.25 172.76 175.25 175.93 L 175.25 235.39 C 175.25 238.57 177.71 241.32 180.88 241.32 L 271.76 241.32 C 274.92 241.32 277.38 238.57 277.38 235.39 L 277.38 175.93 C 277.38 172.76 274.92 170 271.76 170 Z" fill="#232f3e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="137.5" cy="220" rx="12.5" ry="12.5" fill="#0050ef" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe center; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 23px; height: 1px; padding-top: 220px; margin-left: 126px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; text-align: center; "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: #ffffff; line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; word-wrap: normal; ">1</div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="138" y="224" fill="#ffffff" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">1</text></switch></g><rect x="186.32" y="270" width="80" height="30" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 78px; height: 1px; padding-top: 277px; margin-left: 187px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; text-align: center; "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; word-wrap: normal; "><span style="color: rgb(35 , 47 , 62) ; font-family: &quot;helvetica&quot; ; font-size: 12px ; font-style: normal ; font-weight: normal ; letter-spacing: normal ; text-indent: 0px ; text-transform: none ; word-spacing: 0px ; background-color: rgb(248 , 249 , 250) ; text-decoration: none ; display: inline ; float: none">Git LFS client</span></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="226" y="289" fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Git LFS client</text></switch></g><rect x="20.66" y="270" width="68.68" height="30" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 67px; height: 1px; padding-top: 277px; margin-left: 22px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; text-align: center; "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; word-wrap: normal; "><span style="color: rgb(35 , 47 , 62) ; font-family: &quot;helvetica&quot; ; font-size: 12px ; font-style: normal ; font-weight: normal ; letter-spacing: normal ; text-indent: 0px ; text-transform: none ; word-spacing: 0px ; background-color: rgb(248 , 249 , 250) ; text-decoration: none ; display: inline ; float: none">Users</span></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="55" y="289" fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Users</text></switch></g><path d="M 281.32 208.45 L 423.2 208.5 Q 433.2 208.5 433.2 198.5 L 433.2 142.5 Q 433.2 132.5 443.2 132.5 L 578.63 132.5" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 583.88 132.5 L 576.88 136 L 578.63 132.5 L 576.88 129 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 281.32 231.22 L 423.2 231.2 Q 433.2 231.2 433.2 241.2 L 433.2 285 Q 433.2 295 443.2 295 L 578.63 295" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 583.88 295 L 576.88 298.5 L 578.63 295 L 576.88 291.5 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="171.32" y="165" width="110" height="110" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 621.17 178.4 C 617.76 178.4 614.49 176.52 612.79 173 L 592.77 136.99 C 590.96 133.85 591.24 130.2 592.76 127.58 L 612.96 91.56 C 614.67 88.28 617.73 86.6 620.84 86.6 L 661.39 86.6 C 664.4 86.6 667.39 88.13 669.18 91.2 L 689.3 127.19 C 691.73 130.98 690.9 135.02 689.52 137.27 L 669.51 173.05 C 668.17 175.95 665.15 178.4 661.26 178.4 Z" fill="#5184f3" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 650.52 178.4 L 626 153.39 L 619.07 121.19 L 630.39 116.26 L 647.51 134.11 L 652.02 130.02 L 658.67 137.63 L 664.63 120.28 L 686.39 142.89 L 669.51 173.05 C 668.19 175.95 665.15 178.4 661.26 178.4 Z" fill-opacity="0.07" fill="#000000" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="590.96" y="86.6" width="0" height="0" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 656.35 153.32 L 651.84 148.75 L 658.19 142.18 L 658.19 122.76 L 651.87 116.31 L 656.39 111.72 L 664.67 120.28 L 664.67 144.74 Z M 649.92 135.8 C 648.1 135.8 646.84 134.26 646.84 132.51 C 646.84 130.73 648.04 129.25 649.97 129.25 C 651.77 129.25 652.95 130.47 652.95 132.5 C 652.95 134.58 651.55 135.8 649.92 135.8 Z M 641.42 135.75 C 639.34 135.75 637.97 134.41 637.97 132.5 C 637.97 130.66 639.33 129.4 641.28 129.4 C 643.43 129.4 644.37 130.74 644.37 132.64 C 644.37 134.02 642.96 135.75 641.42 135.75 Z M 632.41 135.75 C 630.85 135.75 629.33 134.38 629.33 132.48 C 629.33 130.8 630.64 129.29 632.61 129.29 C 634.45 129.29 635.49 130.81 635.49 132.56 C 635.49 134.27 634.25 135.75 632.41 135.75 Z M 626 153.39 L 617.74 144.71 L 617.74 120.28 L 626.08 111.65 L 630.39 116.26 L 624.11 122.75 L 624.11 142.24 L 630.49 148.75 Z" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 357.96 23.04 L 353.6 15.51 L 357.99 8 L 366.79 8 L 371.17 15.52 L 366.78 23.04 Z" fill="#e2e2e2" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 362.35 19.29 C 360.28 19.29 358.59 17.8 358.59 15.43 C 358.59 13.59 360.11 11.79 362.38 11.79 C 364.8 11.79 366.14 13.47 366.14 15.52 C 366.14 17.93 364.21 19.29 362.35 19.29 Z" fill="#ffffff" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 363.89 28 L 356.33 28 C 355.35 28 354.75 27.54 354.45 26.89 L 348.39 16.48 C 348 15.87 348.08 15.11 348.39 14.54 L 350.72 10.55 L 357.96 23.04 L 366.78 23.04 Z" fill="#ffcf48" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 368.67 28 L 363.89 28 L 371.17 15.52 L 366.79 8 L 372.58 8 L 376.36 14.54 C 376.73 15.16 376.75 15.8 376.38 16.49 L 370.39 26.77 C 370.01 27.46 369.55 28 368.67 28 Z" fill="#dc473a" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 368.62 3.03 C 369.34 3.03 369.93 3.43 370.26 4.07 L 372.58 8 L 357.99 8 L 353.6 15.51 L 350.72 10.55 L 354.4 4.19 C 354.84 3.45 355.31 3 356.55 3.03 Z" fill="#528ff5" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 639.5 80 L 639.5 70 Q 639.5 60 629.5 60 L 236.3 60 Q 226.3 60 226.3 70 L 226.32 158.63" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-dasharray="3 3" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 226.32 163.88 L 222.82 156.88 L 226.32 158.63 L 229.82 156.88 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 643 370 L 643 380 Q 643 390 633 390 L 236.3 390 Q 226.3 390 226.3 380 L 226.32 306.37" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-dasharray="3 3" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 226.32 301.12 L 229.82 308.12 L 226.32 306.37 L 222.82 308.12 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="597" y="177.5" width="92" height="30" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 90px; height: 1px; padding-top: 185px; margin-left: 598px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; text-align: center; "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; word-wrap: normal; "><span style="color: rgb(35 , 47 , 62) ; font-family: &quot;helvetica&quot; ; font-size: 12px ; font-style: normal ; font-weight: normal ; letter-spacing: normal ; text-indent: 0px ; text-transform: none ; word-spacing: 0px ; background-color: rgb(248 , 249 , 250) ; text-decoration: none ; display: inline ; float: none">Cloud Functions</span></div></div></div></foreignObject><text x="643" y="197" fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12px" text-anchor="middle">Cloud Functions</text></switch></g><ellipse cx="433.5" cy="262.5" rx="12.5" ry="12.5" fill="#0050ef" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe 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Platform</text></switch></g></g><switch><g requiredFeatures=""/><a transform="translate(0,-5)" xlink:href="" target="_blank"><text text-anchor="middle" font-size="10px" x="50%" y="100%">Viewer does not support full SVG 1.1</text></a></switch></svg>

When user push/pull (1) changes Git LFS client make Batch API request (2) over HTTPS and triggered Cloud Function. For each LFS object function create signed URL for temporary write/read access to Cloud Storage, and return it in responce (3). After received response Git LFS client make uploading (4) / downloading (5) objects to/from Cloud Storage using signed URLs.


Module self-hosted allows you to use external hard driver for storing large files. Module use Docker + Flask web-server for deploying service on the self-managed server, also you can run service locally.


SVG code
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style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><defs/><g><path d="M 110 220 L 164.95 220" fill="none" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="stroke"/><path d="M 170.2 220 L 163.2 223.5 L 164.95 220 L 163.2 216.5 Z" fill="#000000" stroke="#000000" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="0" y="165" width="110" height="110" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="5" y="170" width="100" height="100" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 46.63 233.72 C 49.14 234.97 51.93 235.72 54.91 235.72 C 57.84 235.72 60.58 235 63.06 233.8 C 65.79 233.91 69.12 235.17 72.26 237.22 C 75.61 239.39 78.71 242.28 80.71 244.8 C 85.07 250.75 86.99 256.12 86.92 266.13 L 23.01 266.13 C 23.23 254.12 25.22 249.54 30.86 242.66 C 33.43 239.81 40.01 234.78 46.63 233.72 Z M 54.91 201.84 C 63.23 201.84 69.93 208.53 69.93 216.85 C 69.93 225.16 63.23 231.86 54.91 231.86 C 46.6 231.86 39.9 225.16 39.9 216.85 C 39.9 208.53 46.6 201.84 54.91 201.84 Z M 54.91 197.97 C 44.51 197.97 36.04 206.45 36.04 216.85 C 36.04 222.45 38.54 227.44 42.43 230.9 C 36 232.94 30.64 237.13 27.97 240.09 C 27.95 240.11 27.93 240.13 27.91 240.15 C 21.64 247.8 19.06 253.9 19.06 268.07 C 19.06 269.13 19.93 270 20.99 270 L 88.89 270 C 89.94 270 90.79 269.17 90.82 268.13 C 91.2 256.2 88.83 249.31 83.79 242.47 C 83.78 242.46 83.77 242.44 83.75 242.42 C 81.45 239.51 78.11 236.41 74.37 233.98 C 72.2 232.57 69.89 231.52 67.54 230.78 C 71.35 227.32 73.79 222.38 73.79 216.85 C 73.79 206.45 65.32 197.97 54.91 197.97 Z M 32.8 218.32 L 9.11 218.32 C 9.3 210.35 10.66 207.3 14.51 202.59 C 16.24 200.68 20.82 197.2 25.28 196.45 C 27.08 197.3 29.04 197.86 31.15 197.86 C 33.24 197.86 35.17 197.33 36.95 196.5 C 38.73 196.58 40.99 197.42 43.15 198.83 C 43.31 198.93 43.47 199.03 43.62 199.14 L 45.79 195.98 C 45.61 195.85 45.43 195.73 45.24 195.61 C 43.95 194.77 42.57 194.05 41.16 193.51 C 43.56 191 45.08 187.65 45.08 183.93 C 45.08 176.26 38.82 170 31.15 170 L 31.15 170 C 23.48 170 17.22 176.26 17.22 183.93 C 17.22 187.7 18.76 191.11 21.21 193.62 C 16.94 195.19 13.48 198 11.65 200.03 C 11.63 200.06 11.6 200.08 11.59 200.1 C 7.1 205.57 5.19 210.13 5.19 220.24 C 5.19 221.29 6.05 222.15 7.11 222.15 L 32.86 222.15 Z M 31.15 173.83 C 36.75 173.83 41.25 178.33 41.25 183.93 C 41.25 189.53 36.75 194.03 31.15 194.03 C 25.55 194.03 21.06 189.53 21.06 183.93 C 21.06 178.33 25.55 173.83 31.15 173.83 Z M 77.2 218.32 L 100.89 218.32 C 100.7 210.35 99.34 207.3 95.49 202.59 C 93.76 200.68 89.18 197.2 84.72 196.45 C 82.92 197.3 80.96 197.86 78.85 197.86 C 76.76 197.86 74.83 197.33 73.05 196.5 C 71.27 196.58 69.01 197.42 66.85 198.83 C 66.69 198.93 66.54 199.03 66.38 199.14 L 64.21 195.98 C 64.39 195.85 64.58 195.73 64.76 195.61 C 66.06 194.77 67.43 194.05 68.84 193.51 C 66.44 191 64.92 187.65 64.92 183.93 C 64.92 176.26 71.18 170 78.85 170 L 78.85 170 C 86.52 170 92.78 176.26 92.78 183.93 C 92.78 187.7 91.24 191.11 88.79 193.62 C 93.06 195.19 96.52 198 98.36 200.03 C 98.38 200.06 98.4 200.08 98.42 200.1 C 102.9 205.57 104.81 210.13 104.81 220.24 C 104.81 221.29 103.95 222.15 102.89 222.15 L 77.14 222.15 Z M 78.85 173.83 C 73.25 173.83 68.75 178.33 68.75 183.93 C 68.75 189.53 73.25 194.03 78.85 194.03 C 84.45 194.03 88.94 189.53 88.94 183.93 C 88.94 178.33 84.45 173.83 78.85 173.83 Z" fill="#232f3e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="175" y="170" width="102.63" height="100" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 243.29 253.71 C 241.79 253.71 240.57 254.66 240.57 255.84 L 240.57 259.9 C 240.57 261.08 241.79 262.03 243.29 262.03 L 266.63 262.03 C 268.14 262.03 269.35 261.08 269.35 259.9 L 269.35 255.84 C 269.35 254.66 268.14 253.71 266.63 253.71 Z M 182.7 249.46 L 269.94 249.46 C 271.99 249.46 273.48 250.93 273.48 252.72 L 273.48 262.93 C 273.48 264.71 271.99 266.19 269.94 266.19 L 182.7 266.19 C 180.66 266.19 179.17 264.71 179.17 262.93 L 179.17 252.72 C 179.17 250.93 180.66 249.46 182.7 249.46 Z M 182.7 245.65 C 178.72 245.65 175.36 248.78 175.36 252.72 L 175.36 262.93 C 175.36 266.87 178.72 270 182.7 270 L 269.94 270 C 273.93 270 277.29 266.87 277.29 262.93 L 277.29 252.72 C 277.29 248.78 273.93 245.65 269.94 245.65 Z M 187.26 182 L 265.34 182 L 265.34 229.43 L 187.26 229.43 Z M 185.39 178.19 C 185.39 178.19 184.34 178.51 184.33 178.51 C 184.33 178.51 184.12 178.67 184.04 178.75 C 183.96 178.83 183.91 178.9 183.86 178.96 C 183.67 179.21 183.63 179.36 183.58 179.47 C 183.5 179.69 183.49 179.79 183.48 179.88 C 183.45 180.07 183.45 180.2 183.45 180.35 L 183.45 231.08 C 183.45 231.23 183.45 231.36 183.48 231.55 C 183.49 231.65 183.5 231.74 183.58 231.97 C 183.63 232.08 183.67 232.22 183.86 232.47 C 183.91 232.54 183.96 232.61 184.04 232.68 C 184.12 232.76 184.33 232.93 184.33 232.93 C 184.34 232.93 185.39 233.24 185.39 233.24 L 267.2 233.24 C 267.2 233.24 268.25 232.93 268.25 232.93 C 268.26 232.93 268.47 232.76 268.55 232.68 C 268.63 232.61 268.69 232.54 268.73 232.47 C 268.92 232.22 268.97 232.08 269.01 231.97 C 269.09 231.74 269.1 231.65 269.11 231.55 C 269.14 231.36 269.15 231.23 269.15 231.08 L 269.15 180.35 C 269.15 180.2 269.14 180.07 269.11 179.88 C 269.1 179.79 269.09 179.69 269.01 179.47 C 268.97 179.36 268.92 179.21 268.73 178.96 C 268.69 178.9 268.63 178.83 268.55 178.75 C 268.47 178.67 268.26 178.51 268.25 178.51 C 268.25 178.51 267.2 178.19 267.2 178.19 Z M 180.88 173.81 L 271.76 173.81 C 272.71 173.81 273.58 174.65 273.58 175.93 L 273.58 235.39 C 273.58 236.68 272.71 237.52 271.76 237.52 L 180.88 237.52 C 179.92 237.52 179.06 236.68 179.06 235.39 L 179.06 175.93 C 179.06 174.65 179.92 173.81 180.88 173.81 Z M 180.88 170 C 177.71 170 175.25 172.76 175.25 175.93 L 175.25 235.39 C 175.25 238.57 177.71 241.32 180.88 241.32 L 271.76 241.32 C 274.92 241.32 277.38 238.57 277.38 235.39 L 277.38 175.93 C 277.38 172.76 274.92 170 271.76 170 Z" fill="#232f3e" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><ellipse cx="137.5" cy="220" rx="12.5" ry="12.5" fill="#0050ef" stroke="none" 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353.4 11.47 L 353.4 20.38 L 349.8 20.38 L 349.8 21.36 L 353.4 21.36 L 353.4 22.34 L 349.8 22.34 L 349.8 23.27 L 353.4 23.27 L 353.4 25.2 Z M 354.58 11.72 C 354.54 11.26 354.97 10.85 355.54 10.8 L 365.17 10.8 C 365.85 10.77 366.43 11.18 366.48 11.72 L 366.48 30.5 L 354.58 30.5 Z M 349.8 9.32 L 358.12 9.31 L 358.12 8.39 L 349.8 8.39 Z M 356.38 13.71 L 356.38 14.64 L 364.64 14.64 L 364.64 13.71 Z M 364.71 25.71 L 356.32 25.71 L 356.32 26.66 L 364.71 26.66 Z M 356.32 27.61 L 356.32 28.59 L 364.71 28.59 L 364.71 27.49 Z M 373 25.2 L 367.66 25.2 L 367.66 23.27 L 371.2 23.27 L 371.2 22.34 L 367.66 22.34 L 367.66 21.36 L 371.23 21.36 L 371.23 20.38 L 367.66 20.38 L 367.66 11.47 C 367.44 10.5 366.39 9.8 365.17 9.82 L 361.13 9.82 L 361.13 6.45 C 361.16 5.95 361.66 5.54 362.28 5.5 L 371.93 5.58 C 372.52 5.58 373 5.97 373 6.45 Z M 371.2 9.34 L 371.2 8.39 L 362.84 8.39 L 362.84 9.34 Z" fill="#00188d" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="345" y="0" width="456" height="440" fill="none" stroke="#000000" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="373" y="3" width="80" height="30" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><g transform="translate(-0.5 -0.5)"><switch><foreignObject style="overflow: visible; text-align: left;" pointer-events="none" width="100%" height="100%" requiredFeatures=""><div xmlns="" style="display: flex; align-items: unsafe flex-start; justify-content: unsafe center; width: 78px; height: 1px; padding-top: 10px; margin-left: 374px;"><div style="box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 0; text-align: center; "><div style="display: inline-block; font-size: 12px; font-family: Helvetica; color: #000000; line-height: 1.2; pointer-events: all; white-space: normal; word-wrap: normal; "><span style="color: rgb(35 , 47 , 62) ; font-family: &quot;helvetica&quot; ; font-size: 12px ; font-style: normal ; font-weight: normal ; letter-spacing: normal ; text-indent: 0px ; text-transform: none ; word-spacing: 0px ; background-color: rgb(248 , 249 , 250) ; text-decoration: 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265.64 507.27 264.99 Z M 498.33 254.17 C 502.77 253.3 507.35 253.3 511.79 254.17 C 512.21 252.12 512.41 250.04 512.4 247.96 L 497.72 247.96 C 497.66 250.04 497.87 252.13 498.33 254.17 Z M 485.06 247.96 C 485.3 251.07 486.26 254.09 487.87 256.77 C 490.07 255.74 492.41 255.03 494.81 254.67 C 494.27 252.47 494.04 250.22 494.11 247.96 Z M 494.11 244.15 C 494.01 241.68 494.28 239.22 494.91 236.83 C 492.68 236.46 490.52 235.78 488.48 234.83 C 486.5 237.58 485.26 240.79 484.86 244.15 Z M 512.3 244.15 C 512.39 241.93 512.19 239.7 511.69 237.54 C 507.27 238.28 502.75 238.28 498.33 237.54 C 497.83 239.7 497.63 241.93 497.72 244.15 Z M 503.15 226.91 C 501.19 228.89 499.86 231.4 499.33 234.13 C 503.13 234.75 507 234.75 510.79 234.13 C 510.09 231.46 508.78 229 506.97 226.91 C 505.89 225.85 504.23 225.85 503.15 226.91 Z M 495.71 233.43 C 496.27 231.25 497.11 229.16 498.23 227.21 C 495.49 228.34 492.97 229.93 490.79 231.92 C 492.37 232.61 494.02 233.11 495.71 233.43 Z Z Z Z Z M 519.03 231.92 C 516.96 230 514.58 228.45 511.99 227.31 C 513.06 229.24 513.88 231.29 514.41 233.43 C 515.99 233.08 517.54 232.57 519.03 231.92 Z M 525.06 244.15 C 524.64 240.84 523.43 237.68 521.54 234.93 C 519.53 235.87 517.4 236.55 515.21 236.93 C 515.74 239.33 515.98 241.79 515.91 244.25 Z M 514.51 258.18 C 513.94 260.57 513.03 262.86 511.79 264.99 C 514.86 263.93 517.61 262.14 519.83 259.78 C 518.14 259 516.35 258.46 514.51 258.18 Z M 515.91 248.06 C 515.96 250.28 515.76 252.49 515.31 254.67 C 517.63 255.11 519.89 255.81 522.05 256.77 C 523.7 254.1 524.73 251.08 525.06 247.96 Z M 453 269 L 453 174.81 C 453.1 172.23 455.14 170.15 457.72 170 L 496.42 170 C 499.12 170 501.33 172.12 501.44 174.81 L 501.44 218.6 C 488.11 220.45 477.96 231.45 477.22 244.85 L 460.24 244.85 L 460.24 249.76 L 477.42 249.76 C 477.63 251.4 478 253.01 478.53 254.57 L 460.24 254.57 L 460.24 259.38 L 480.54 259.38 C 482.58 263.31 485.63 266.63 489.38 269 Z M 460.49 189.22 L 494.28 189.34 L 494.16 184.71 L 460.49 184.46 Z" 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text-anchor="middle">6</text></switch></g><rect x="641.5" y="231" width="75" height="39" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><path d="M 644.36 270 C 642.76 269.92 641.5 268.57 641.5 266.94 L 641.5 253.56 C 641.5 251.93 642.76 250.58 644.36 250.5 L 713.63 250.5 C 715.24 250.58 716.49 251.93 716.49 253.56 L 716.49 266.94 C 716.49 268.57 715.24 269.92 713.63 270 Z M 652.64 264.11 C 653.7 264.26 654.78 263.95 655.6 263.25 C 656.42 262.55 656.9 261.53 656.94 260.44 C 657.02 259.29 656.58 258.16 655.74 257.37 C 654.91 256.59 653.77 256.22 652.64 256.39 C 650.59 256.55 649.05 258.36 649.18 260.44 C 649.25 262.38 650.74 263.96 652.64 264.11 Z M 669.96 264.11 C 671.01 264.24 672.06 263.92 672.86 263.22 C 673.67 262.52 674.14 261.51 674.18 260.44 C 674.25 259.3 673.82 258.19 673.01 257.41 C 672.19 256.62 671.08 256.25 669.96 256.39 C 667.91 256.55 666.37 258.36 666.5 260.44 C 666.57 262.38 668.06 263.96 669.96 264.11 Z M 687.66 264.11 C 689.71 264.16 691.41 262.52 691.49 260.44 C 691.56 259.37 691.18 258.33 690.45 257.56 C 689.72 256.79 688.71 256.36 687.66 256.39 C 686.6 256.36 685.59 256.79 684.86 257.56 C 684.13 258.33 683.75 259.37 683.82 260.44 C 683.9 262.52 685.6 264.16 687.66 264.11 Z M 705.35 264.11 C 707.25 263.96 708.74 262.38 708.81 260.44 C 708.94 258.36 707.4 256.55 705.35 256.39 C 704.23 256.25 703.12 256.62 702.3 257.41 C 701.49 258.19 701.06 259.3 701.13 260.44 C 701.17 261.51 701.64 262.52 702.45 263.22 C 703.25 263.92 704.3 264.24 705.35 264.11 Z M 716.34 244.61 L 641.65 244.61 L 655.35 231 L 702.56 231 Z" fill="#00188d" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/><rect x="635" y="165" width="110" height="110" fill="none" stroke="none" pointer-events="all"/></g><switch><g requiredFeatures=""/><a transform="translate(0,-5)" xlink:href="" target="_blank"><text text-anchor="middle" font-size="10px" x="50%" y="100%">Viewer does not support full SVG 1.1</text></a></switch></svg>

When user push/pull (1) changes Git LFS client make Batch API request (2) over HTTP(S) to batch endpoint. This endpoint return (3) transfer api endpoint for write/read access for each lfs object. After receiving the response client make a request (4) to transfer endpoint, that redirect write/read (5) request to external hard drive and response returned back (6) to a client.



The deployment of Git LFS is fully based on terraform templates. First of all you will need to install terraform client. To deploy Git LFS server you need go to infrastructure folder and invoke the appropriate commands for your infrastructure provider.


To get started with AWS you need to create an AWS account and configure AWS cli.

aws configure --profile default

After these steps you need create aws/vars/<name>.tfvars file with correct for you input variables. Now you ready to create necessary resources, please invoke following command.

make apply provider=aws environment=dev profile=default auto-approve=true

After successful deployment output property api_gateway_endpoint contains your Git LFS server endpoint URL.


To get started with Azure you need to create an Azure account and configure Azure CLI.

az login

After these steps you need create azure/vars/<name>.tfvars file with correct for you input variables. Now you ready to create necessary resources, please invoke following command.

make apply provider=azure environment=dev subscription_id=b4a47026-a2bd-11ea-bb37-0242ac130002 auto-approve=true

After successful deployment output property function_app_endpoint contains your Git LFS server endpoint URL.


To get started with Google Cloud Platform you need to create an GCP account, and configure Google Cloud SDK.

gcloud auth application-default login

After successfully login you should create gcp/vars/<name>.tfvars file with correct for you input variables. Now you ready to create necessary resources, please invoke following command.

make apply provider=gcp environment=dev project=invertible-vent-699209 auto-approve=true

After successful deployment output property function_endpoint contains your Git LFS server endpoint URL.


To get started with self-hosted you need to install Docker engine. After that you need create aws/vars/<name>.tfvars file with correct for you input variables. Now you ready to create necessary resources, please invoke following command.

make apply provider=self environment=dev auto-approve=true

After successful deployment output property endpoint contains your Git LFS server endpoint URL.


To use custom a Git LFS server you need perform steps described in a section deploy.

Create .lfsconfig file in the root of your project repository and replace the endpoint url with correct for you value (see terraform output of deploying infrastructure).

url = htts://

To associate a file type with Git LFS server, create .gitattributes in the root of your project repository and add your types as shown in the below example.

*.pdf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text

Commit .lfsconfig and .gitattributes files and push it to origin.

git add .lfsconfig .gitattributes
git commit -m 'Configure Git LFS server'
git push origin

Now you are ready to use Git LFS custom server. To test it, commit progit.pdf binary file.

git add progit.pdf
git commit -m 'Add book Pro Git [Scott Chacon, Ben Straub]'
git push origin

After a successful commit, clone project to another location or another computer to confirm you can read the files.

All steps described here available in example that located in the integration folder.


A set of modules for deploying custom Git LFS servers on different infrastructure providers







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