System to simulate and analyze the motion of finite number of colliding particles according to
the laws of elastic collision using event-driven simulation.
You can watch demo by cloning the repo and executing ./
- simulate the collision system (using openGL or on terminal)
- predict system state after a given a time
- calculate thermodynamic properties of system
- keep record of selected particles
- create a random collision system efficiently
- read system state from and save results to files
- draw trails of specific particles as they move
./mds -f filename limit calculateSP
./mds -r n limit calculateSP customEnable
- limit : system time for which we simulate (optional, default = 5000)
- filename : file to read input from (with -r flag)
- calculateSP : 1 for calculating properties (optional, default = 0)
- if custom is 1, we'll ask you for particle configuration
• Implement cell method to reduce computation
• Parallelization of the algorithm to make use of all available CPU cores
• Extend this 2D engine to n - dimensions. Analyze collisions of multi dimentional hyperplanes.
• Handle multi-particle collisions
A good reference to learn more about Event Driven Molecular Dynamics Simulations