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Spring Boot Microservices Configuration server Example

Configuration Server

Spring-Ms-Config-Server is an example project for Configuration Server

Configuration Client

Spring-Ms-Config-Client is an example project for Configuration Client

Steps followed to create configuration server

  1. Created Springboot app with Spring cloud config server starter
  2. Created git repository for Configuration files: DemoConfigRepo
  3. Added '@EnableConfigServer' on application class to enable configuration server nature on application
  4. Provided Configuration file repository URL in properties file

Steps followed to create configuration Client which uses configuration server to access properties

  1. Created Spring Boot app with Spring cloud config client starter
  2. Created a Rest controller to read and serve config properties
  3. Added Config Server URI in properties. Renamed properties file to

How to run the example

  1. Clone repository and import it as maven projects
  2. Start Congif server as Spring Boot application
  3. Start Config Client as Spring boot application
  4. To test config server directly, access following URLS:
  5. To test config client, access http://localhost:7777/greeting


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