Deliverable #1 - Develop specified simulation test scenarios and scripts for a specified route.
The major objective of this task is to prepare each team to get familiarized with LGSVL simulator and Baidu Apollo platform. Each team must select maps and vehicles provided by the LGSVL simulator, and generate six Python scenario scripts for selected six test sample scenarios listed in the following six categories. A simulation execution report (for scenario scripts) must be generated using the LGSVL simulator and submitted to the specified group fold in the given submission link.
Submission Requirements:
Scenarios and scripts
Simulation execution report (generated using the LGSVL simulator)
Scenario demo videos
Selected scenario trip/route and map information
Note: please include your group ID and your group information (group members, email addresses, and affilications) in the submission by modifying the "Group_info" file.
The six sample test scenarios will be selected from the following six categories.
- Perform lane change/low-speed merge
- Perform vehicle following
- Move out of travel lane/park
- Detect and respond to school buses
- Detect and respond to encroaching oncoming vehicles
- Detect and respond to pedestrians
Reference: “A Framework for Automated Driving System Testable Cases and Scenarios” The United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.