Final year project for IFT 6390- Fundamentals of Machine learning
Team Members:
Kuruba Vijaya Lakshmi
Saadaoui Houda
Binulal Narayanan
In this project, we use different Data cleaning strategies, Imputation techniques and Machine Learning models to classify protein sequences as AMP or non-AMP.
- Exploratory data analysis
- Based on data analysis we found 2 challenges:
- Imbalanced dataset: No of non-AMPs are more way higher than AMP.
- the distribution of the sequence lengths varies a lot between the two classes.
- We have Tried 4 different options with dataset to address Imbalance in sequence lengths
Original dataset
Dataset 1: We reconstructed Non Amp sequences such that we ignored the samples whose sequence legths are not in AMP sequences.
Dataset 2: Dataset in which sequence lengths >125 is ignored, based on fact that 95 percentile of AMP sequence length is 125.
Dataset 3 : Considered only Amplify dataset since the samples and sequence lengths are balanced
- For Data samples imbalance , Tried Oversampling and Undersampling Techniques.
- Models :
- Random forest classifier + Oversampling + Dataset1
- Random forest classifier + Oversampling + Dataset2
- Random forest classifier + Undersampling + Dataset1
- SVM Classifier + No Sampling +Cost penalised+ Original dataset
- Neural networks + Dataset 3
- Results
This repositary has 2 colab files.
- IFT_6390_Final_Project_1_.ipynb - It contains Models option1 - option 5
- IFT_6390_Final_Project_1_supp.ipynb - It contains different data strategy (data split on different ratios) modelled with Random forest